The farmer has a mall

Chapter 350 Gu Nanyan's Dowry

Chapter 350 Gu Nanyan's Dowry
In the private room on the second floor, Li Ping huddled in the corner, bearing Gu Nanyan's contemptuous gaze.

"This set of masks has already been deposited in the bank account, so it is really not good to give it to you." He sniffed aggrievedly, and pointed to another brocade box.

"However, if you can buy it, there is also a set of gem head masks here, which can be given to you as a gift."

Although the price of this set of hair masks is still high, who would call him cheap? He must be courteous to a fool like Gu Nanyan!
Gu Nanyan looked in the direction of his fingers, and sure enough, he saw a set of exquisitely crafted heads. Although the green gemstones embedded on it were not as big as the sapphires, they were still rare.

She hummed, and put the tiara with a sapphire the size of a pigeon egg back into the brocade box.

"I remember downstairs there was a brocade wrapped in gold on the forehead. You asked someone to remove the gemstone from this crown and put it on the forehead for me."

Afterwards, she ordered two more step shakers: "And this one, make two hairpins without tassels, and change the earrings into studs, and send them to the general's mansion."

She paused and added: "Make it in a style my grandmother can wear."

Li Pinggui was taken aback for a moment, and quickly realized who he bought it for, and couldn't help but look at the exquisitely crafted crown with pity.

"Is it too wasteful..."

Although gemstones are valuable, this golden crown is equally precious. It is said that it took a year to build it by a famous craftsman from the previous dynasty.

The water-like patterns on it are all made of gold wire thinner than a hair. The production process needs to be very careful. If it is accidentally torn off, it must be completely dismantled and started again.

Gu Nanyan glanced at the golden crown and waved his hands indifferently.

"Then make it into gold lumps and make it into a bracelet."

With the head and face, the only thing missing is a bracelet, and this gold crown is also suitable.

Li Pinggui was silent when he heard the words, and he raised his head after a while, and stretched out his thumb to Gu Nanyan.

"You still have an idea." He said against his will.

"However, it is too much trouble to form golden lumps. I think this color is not bad. It has the implication of wealth and glory with clear water, clouds and sky." Li Pinggui said nonsense in a serious manner.

"How about making a bracelet with this pattern and inlaying it with broken gemstones?"

Gu Nanyan was about to express her opinion, but was stopped by Mrs. Gu who came back to her senses.

"No way!" She waved her hands again and again.

"Grandma is so old, why wear such a valuable thing, don't spoil such a good thing."

She shook her head at Gu Nanyan, "You might as well keep it for yourself, and put it in the dowry as a facade when you get married."

"Yes." Guo Shi also persuaded.

"It's best to keep such good things as dowry. If you want to be filial to your grandmother, you can just buy something else."

Gu Nanyan glanced at the two of them inexplicably.

"What do you put this in the dowry? I don't wear it."

Guo said helplessly: "The dowry is your face. It is related to whether you can stand in your husband's house in the future and not be bullied by others. It has nothing to do with whether you use it or not."

After she finished speaking, she pulled Gu Nanyan to count down the cases where her husband's family looked down on her because the dowry was too shabby.

"Take the daughter-in-law Qiong from the restaurant at the end of the street as an example. Her family is also a wealthy family in the east. When they got married, they only brought a box of cotton covers to fool everyone. Her natal family didn't even have a silver bracelet, so they were full of joy. married and thought they could live a good life."

"In the end, this matter somehow got out, and everyone around knew about it."

"The husband's family felt ashamed. They wanted to divorce her but were afraid of her confession, so they kept hanging on her casually, and refused to consummate the house with her, but carried two concubines one after another." Guo tsk-tsk twice and sighed endlessly.

Mrs. Qiong's father was originally just a peddler who went around the streets. Her mother gave birth to seven daughters one after another. It wasn't until the youngest son was born that she made a fortune and became one of the richest people in the area.

This man was already rare for his son, but now he felt that his son was his lucky star, and he wished he could be spoiled by the heavens, and he would give him whatever he wanted.

On the contrary, the seven daughters who had been poor and suffered with him became losers, beating and scolding all day long, and finally married them off without a decent dowry.

Mrs. Qiong originally thought that she would not have to look at people's faces to live after she got married, but who would have imagined that she would have a rift with her husband's family because of the dowry.

"Even so, what can she do as a weak girl, why not serve her in-laws in humiliation, and by the way, confess to the two concubines together."

As a woman too, Mrs. Guo sighed endlessly at what happened to her, and even more spurned Mrs. Qiong's father.

She and Gu Qing didn't know how much they cherished their daughters, but they only gave birth to two brats, all because of her disappointment!
Mrs. Guo took Gu Nanyan's hand and sighed.

When Gu Nanyan heard this, she fell into deep thought, frowning tightly.

It turns out that in ancient times there were such things as cold and violent marriages, if Li Yi treated her like this...

She pursed her lips, finally realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Seeing that she seems to have listened, Mrs. Guo continued to insist: "There is also a young general named Cha in your grandfather's army. He just got married last year, and he married a girl who had been betrothed since childhood."

"The girl's family has undergone great changes, and her parents have died and she is the only one left. Young General Zha's father is a big promise, and he asked his son to marry her into the family according to the agreement."

"But that girl has nothing on her body. The most valuable thing on her body is the wedding dress her mother sewed for her before she died!"

"Just like that, she entered the Zha family's gate empty-handed in that wedding gown, and it was considered a happy couple at first."

"After a long period of time, the young general Cha began to show his true colors. He beat his wife with fists and kicks, and I heard that he lost a child because of it!"

Guo Shi mentioned this with obvious disdain on his face.

Although this kind of man is not worth it, but as long as that girl has a good dowry, that dog man will give her up for money.

After all, the dowry is the only property that belongs to the woman. If the man dares to rob it by force, he will be sued by the government for punishment!

Gu Nanyan's face became more and more solemn, staring at the sapphire face without blinking.

"Auntie is right. The dowry must not be sloppy. It must be able to shock everyone in the husband's family!"

Seeing that she had figured it out, Mrs. Guo smiled at her mother-in-law. Just as she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she heard her good niece with an unusual brain say in surprise: "I have decided, so I will bring the kamikaze team over as a dowry. Believe it or not, there are people who are not afraid!"

Although if she really married Li Yi, the kamikaze team would follow.

But since Guo Shi said that the dowry is used to frighten her husband's family, then she thinks nothing is more appropriate than the kamikaze team.

As for the gem face and the like, Gu Nanyan sneered disdainfully.

If she and Li Yi really got into a fight, this thing could be thrown like a stone. Even if she was strong, at most it would break one of Li Yi's ribs, which is not as practical as her kamikaze team.

If that guy Li Yi dares to make a fool of himself, she will have people surround him with guns!
Make sure he doesn't dare to move!
Gu Nanyan was very proud of her idea, but she didn't realize that Guo Shi's face was darkened at all.

Li Pinggui, on the other hand, continued to hide in the corner and tremble, while lighting the wax for King Sheng Li Yi in his heart.

And Li Yi, who had just returned to the palace from the outside, felt a gust of wind blowing before he stepped into the gate of the palace, which made the back of his neck feel cold, and he sneezed several times in a sudden.

"It's been cold these few days, the lord should add more clothes." Tao Butler looked at his thin clothes and said helplessly.

Li Yi's physical fitness is very good, and he always dressed like this in previous years, so he rubbed his nose inexplicably, and asked Long Yi who was behind him after a while: "What is Miss Gu doing?"

Could it be that the little girl missed him?
Thinking of this possibility, Li Yi felt elated.

"My lord, Miss Gu left the house early this morning, and at this moment she is picking out jewelry in a silver house with Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Gu."

Long Yi said respectfully, he raised his head and glanced at Li Yi: "The owner of that silver house is Prince Xianyang."

(End of this chapter)

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