Chapter 351
In addition to the two sets of heads and masks, among the few brocade boxes Li Pinggui brought was a stone as translucent as glazed glass.

Gu Nanyan held it in his hand and looked at it for a moment. It was a huge rough diamond, about the size of an adult man's fist. It was pure and transparent in color, with a light blue tinge.

She was upside down, and the weight was about one catty, which is three thousand carats!
Even in modern times, it is extremely rare.

Glancing at Li Pinggui with a half-smile, Gu Nanyan curled his lips and said, "You have a lot of good things in your house, I'm afraid they have been stored for many years."

As far as the things he brought, they almost caught up with Emperor Anyang's private collection.

Seeing his embarrassing expression, Gu Nanyan didn't ask any more questions, and put the rough stone in his hand back into the brocade box.

The two sets of head masks plus a rough diamond cost Gu Nanyan a total of 15 taels of silver, and the rough stone alone cost 5000 taels.

In her opinion, it was an extremely low price.

But it still made the corners of Li Ping Guile's mouth reach to the ears.

He was holding a stack of bank notes in a foolish manner, staring at Gu Nanyan with sparkling eyes.

"Gu girl is really straightforward. I still have some treasures in the storeroom at home. If you have time, why don't you go back home with me and see if there is anything else you can catch your eye?"

Seeing him staring at the banknote in his hand, his voice almost flowed down, Gu Nanyan twitched the corner of his mouth, and stuffed the banknote into his sleeve pocket.

"I don't have time today, let's talk about it another day."

Li Pinggui withdrew his gaze in disappointment, and said sadly: "Then do you remember, I will let you know someday, and I will let someone carry you through the door in a big sedan chair."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What kind of bullshit is this? Those who didn't know thought he was going to get married again!

Talking to him indifferently, Yun Xi came back half an hour later, leaned close to her and whispered a few words, then stood with Yun Chu in a proper manner.

Gu Nanyan squinted at Li Pinggui with a gloomy look.

Just when he was puzzled, there was a knock on the door of the private room, and the boy who brought them tea came in, and called the shopkeeper out anxiously.

The shopkeeper yelled in a low voice outside the door, and then the door was opened again.

His face was a little ugly, and he walked over to Li Pinggui and muttered a few words.

Li Pinggui frowned, turned his head and said to Gu Nanyan: "Someone in your mansion took two sets of hair masks from the counter, worth 3 taels in total, and said it was recorded in the account of your general's mansion, is there such a thing?"

Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea with her head down, and then said slowly: "It's nothing, I stayed in the private room with my grandmother and my aunt and never went out."

"But the guy downstairs said that the girl is indeed the granddaughter of Old General Gu, and that the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials came with her..."

Li Pinggui frowned even more when he said this: "Old General Gu is only a direct granddaughter, where did he come from..."

As if he remembered something, his voice paused, and he turned his head to look at Gu Nanyan before asking the shopkeeper again: "Did she say that it is from the east courtyard or the west courtyard of the general's mansion?"

The shopkeeper's expression was a little embarrassed: "I didn't say that, but..."

He took a cautious look at Gu Nanyan: "I've met that girl before, she is indeed a good person from the General's Mansion, but it's just the lady from the West Courtyard..."

"So you let her take the things away?" Gu Nanyan said lightly.

"Since that's the case, whoever takes the things can go to whoever gets them. What are you talking about to me?" She glanced at the shopkeeper, her eyes a little condensed.

The shopkeeper's face was flushed red: "But the girl said that the money will come from the East Courtyard of the General's Mansion..."

"How are you doing things!" Before Gu Nanyan could speak, Li Pinggui lost his temper.

"The accounts of the Gu family's East and West courtyards have always been calculated separately. You have been the shopkeeper here for so many years, and you can't even remember this?"

He glanced at Gu Nanyan and saw that she was not surprised, so he knew that she had discovered it early in the morning, but he just didn't say anything.

Afraid of offending the big benefactor, Li Pinggui glared at the shopkeeper in dissatisfaction.

"You did this?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly shook his head: "It was a new guy downstairs who didn't know the inside story, and that's why someone took the things away."

"Since he didn't know the inside story, he dared to sell such a valuable thing on credit, didn't he have any brains in doing things!"

Li Pinggui was even more angry, that was 3 taels of silver, and the net profit of his silver house in a year was not so much!
"It's not the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who is the guarantor..."

The shopkeeper became even more embarrassing, and called the guy in while talking. Seeing that Gu Nanyan had no smile on his face, he quietly wiped off his cold sweat.

The clerk stood at the door with an aggrieved expression on his face, and complained without waiting for anyone to ask: "The young one just came back from the general's mansion, the housekeeper not only refused to give the money, but also beat the young one out, saying that the young one is a liar."

He rubbed his bruised arm, and said dissatisfiedly: "The dignified general's mansion actually did such a thing as repudiating debts, how is it different from a robber..."


The shopkeeper didn't expect that he even dared to make arrangements for the General's Mansion, his face turned pale in an instant, and he kicked him in the hollow of the knee.

The guy lost his balance instantly and fell to the ground with a plop.

"This kid is my distant nephew. He is used to living in the countryside and doesn't know the rules. Princess, don't take offense."

He was said to be a nephew, but in fact he was only the son of a fellow villager. He was kind to him when he was about to starve to death, so he was brought to the capital at the repeated request of his fellow villager.

The shopkeeper glanced at the unconvinced buddy who was kneeling on the ground, feeling extremely regretful.

After listening for a while, Guo finally understood what happened.

"But Sister Gu Peiling?" Her face was extremely ugly, and her eyes started to burn.

"I've hosted Zhongfu for many years and I'm still not willing to buy such expensive jewelry, they are so generous!"

Feelings are not spent on your own money!
Mrs. Gu also frowned: "How could those two girls be so bold, they dared to buy such a precious thing without money. If it got out, it might ruin the reputation of the house."

She already knew about Aunt Qiu's poisoning.

Although her husband said to let her deal with her as she wished, she didn't want to intervene in this matter. After all, if this matter got out, it would also affect the reputation of the innocent sisters Gu Peiling.

But at this moment, it seems that there are no fuel-efficient lamps in the entire west courtyard!
Madam Gu's face was ashen.

Gu Nanyan was not as angry as they were, but instead looked at the guy, seeing that his neck was still stuck, and the corners of his mouth curled up mockingly.

"It's fine if he's just ignorant. I'm afraid he has received a lot of benefits from his appearance."

From the conversation between him and Gu Peiling, it can be heard that this person is definitely a follower of power, how could he do such obviously problematic things without any benefit.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the guy turned pale, and unconsciously covered the purse at his waist with his right hand.

Seeing this, Yunchu drew out the soft sword from his waist, and swung it across. The pouch fell to the ground, and a silver ingot rolled out of it, which seemed to be as much as twelve taels.

The shopkeeper was shocked and picked up the silver ingot before the guy.

"Where did this come from!" he asked angrily.

He has just been in the store for less than a month, and the monthly silver has not been distributed yet, how could there be so much silver.

The guy shrank his neck, "It's a reward from a guest."

His eyes were flickering, and it seemed that he was guilty, and it was self-evident who received the reward.

The shopkeeper felt dizzy when he heard the words, wished he could slap himself, and regretted that he had softened his heart for a moment and arranged this wicked thing to work in the store.

Li Pinggui, who had been silent all this time, had already darkened his face, and he glanced at Gu Nanyan who was still at ease.

"What are you going to do." The tone obviously meant that he would cooperate with whatever she did.

The old god Gu Nanyan said: "What can I do if I lose valuables in the store? Naturally, I should report to the officials."

Since the west courtyard is shameless, and all the money is cheated on her, then don't blame her for being merciless.

"Okay, just do as you say."

Li Pinggui did not hesitate at all, and said to the shopkeeper: "You go to the Beijing Yamen yourself and say that the king has lost valuables. As for the thief..."

He squinted his eyes, and said with a serious face: "Naturally, she is the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials!"

(End of this chapter)

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