The farmer has a mall

Chapter 352 Li Yi's Heart Attack

Chapter 352 Li Yi's Heart Attack

Seeing Gu Nanyan's appearance of wanting to make matters worse, Li Pinggui was naturally not polite.

He has opened this bank for many years, and it is not that he has encountered bad debts, but this is the first time that he has so much money.

Relying on Gu Nanyan's backing, he was afraid that the matter would be too trivial at this time, and that the names of Gu Peiling and the two sisters would not be useful, so he directly raised Yu Jia.

The guy kneeling on the ground was shocked, and only then did he realize that he had caused a catastrophe.

The shopkeeper sighed, lifted his collar and went to the Beijing Yamen to file a complaint.

"What officer to report?" Gu Nanyan heard a familiar voice as soon as the shopkeeper walked to the door.

She looked up towards the door, and saw Li Yi striding forward with a smile on his face.

"Why are you here?" Gu Nanyan blinked in surprise.

"I heard from Long Yi that you came here, so I came to have a look." After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Pinggui who had a dark face.

"It's a coincidence that King Xianyang is here?"

Li Yi passed him with long legs, walked straight to Gu Nanyan, nodded to Mrs. Gu, with a very kind expression: "Grandmother is in good health recently."

"Okay, thanks to the prince, I can eat and sleep very well."

Mrs. Gu was still angry with the two sisters at first, but now she was overjoyed. Seeing him as a prince but lowering his status, he was very happy to greet him like an ordinary junior. It could be seen that he really cared about his granddaughter.

Li Pinggui, who was watching coldly, snorted softly, disdainful of Li Yi's pretentious appearance.

Although his voice was low, Li Yi's ears were so good that he couldn't hear it.

He didn't care about it, and sat on the chair opposite and asked Gu Nanyan with a smile: "I heard you say you want to report to the police just as you walked to the door, but who is not good at making you angry?"

After finishing the words, he looked in Li Pinggui's direction.

Li Pinggui was a timid person at first, and the snort just now was nothing more than a secret slander, now seeing him looking at him, he quickly put on a smile, and said with a flattering smile: "Prince Cheng, don't get me wrong, this matter has nothing to do with me."

He pointed to the guy who was standing stiffly at the door: "It's this kid, he's cooperating with outsiders to cheat Gu girl's money. I'm about to ask the shopkeeper to report to the authorities."

It is not too much to say "pit".

That guy couldn't possibly be ignorant of the quarrel between the two sides, otherwise he wouldn't have charged him ten taels of silver.

This is enough to cover half a year's wages for him.

At this moment, the guy's face was as white as paper.

He had heard about the gathering of nobles in the capital, but he never imagined that within a short time, there would be a princess and a prince gathered in this house, and even his own family was a county king.

He quietly raised his head to look at Gu Nanyan, who was expressionless, and then at Li Yi, who was looking at him with a straight face, his legs were shaking like chaff.

"Small, I don't know that you are a princess, how offending you are, if I knew earlier..."

"So what if I knew earlier?" Li Pinggui asked.

"The king of this county opened a silver building, not a den of bandits! Even an ordinary person, you can't just blame others!"

Seeing that he was angry, the shopkeeper hurriedly apologized for the guy: "Don't be angry, my boss, this kid really owes a lesson, I'll give him a good beating later."

He murmured: "It's just that if you report to the official and the lady of the Shangshu family, this matter will cause trouble, and I'm afraid it will affect the business of the silver house."

After all, he still couldn't bear to send this guy to the government.

The people have a saying that if you don't enter the officialdom, you won't go to hell if you die. He is just greedy for a while, if he is really locked up, his life will be ruined.

Seeing what he was thinking, Li Pinggui almost laughed out of breath.

"You are generous. If you don't report to the officials, you will fill in the hole of 3 taels of silver?!"

Really standing up and talking without pain in the back, he said how the business of the silver building is getting worse and worse. It turned out that he chose a "great kind man" to be the shopkeeper!

Impatiently waving his hands, Li Pinggui summoned Yuanbao, the servant, and asked him to take the clerk to the Beijing Yamen by himself, and lost his face towards the shopkeeper who was trying to intercede.

"When this matter is found out, if it has nothing to do with you, then pack up your things for the king of this county and get out!"

It's not like he's running a philanthropic hall, so there's no need for such a generous old man.

Hearing that he was so involved that he lost his job, the shopkeeper instantly regretted it.

He wanted to say something to make it up, but he saw that Li Pinggui had already put on a straight face, and asked Yuan Bao to coax them out.

The room fell silent in an instant, only the sound of Gu Nanyan drinking tea was left.

Li Yi said to Long Yi: "You go with me, and after reporting the case to the Beijing Yamen, go to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice to talk about the matter and let them see what to do."

Since Yan'er wanted to make things big, only one Beijing office might not be enough. The Minister of the Ministry of Officials was at least a member of the court and a supporter of the Empress Dowager, so the Beijing office couldn't suppress him.

But it would be different if they were sued to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple at the same time. If the three divisions were interrogated, even the Queen Mother would not be able to suppress it.

This matter is just a misunderstanding at a small level, and it is just a misunderstanding when it is at a high level. It is the incompetent management of the family by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Yu Weisheng, who allowed his family to bully the common people and occupy other people's property.

And it was the majestic King Xianyang who was oppressed.

Li Pinggui, who had no idea that he had been calculated, was curious about why Li Yi and Gu Nanyan would mess around together and make such a trivial matter a big deal, but he didn't stop him.

In any case, as long as his silver can be returned.

After this commotion, Mrs. Gu lost the interest to continue shopping, and sat in a private room with Gu Nanyan waiting for news.

At noon, Long Yi came back.

Although this matter is not a major case involving human life, it involves three members of the royal family, as well as the general's mansion and the official minister's mansion.

Song Yi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, and Guo Qingsong, Minister of Dali Temple, attached great importance to it.

These two were originally royalists, and Guo Qingsong was in-laws of the general's mansion, so they were even more concerned about this matter.

Hearing that sisters Gu Peiling and Yu Jia were taken away and sent to the Beijing Yamen, Mrs. Guo sighed.

"The sisters did it by themselves. I'm afraid their reputation will be completely ruined now."

Guo Qingsong is her father, he has always been a rigid character, and he will definitely handle this matter fairly.

And Song Yi is famous for his ability to solve cases like a god, he will not wrong the good people, and will not let the troublemakers go.

"I just don't know if it will drag our sister Nan and lose face." She worried.

If the bones and tendons are broken among the same clan, if the reputation of the sisters in the house is ruined, Gu Nanyan will not be spared.

"Ma'am, worry too much. No one in Beijing knows that the general's mansion is divided into east and west houses, and they have never had any contact with each other. What's more, Yan'er grew up beside her grandmother, so she is not the same as that concubine's house." Li Yi comforted softly. .

After these few words were finished, they immediately attracted the attention of several people.

Gu Nanyan gave him a strange look.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but I always feel that Li Yi today seems to be extraordinarily well-behaved.

That tone and demeanor...

It's like the big yellow dog Wangcai raised in her village, begging her for food.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Did someone wear this guy?

Li Pinggui's face was full of shock and he couldn't say a word.

Although he and Li Yi seldom met each other, in terms of age, he had watched him grow up.

In his impression, this fellow is a cold-hearted ice bump.

Anyone who gets close to him will be frostbitten.

Even his own brother didn't get much favor from him.

Originally, he thought that this kid was born with no feelings, that's why he was so cold-hearted.

But what is the situation right now?
Could it be that he is insane!
He moved his hips and moved closer to the door.

"Xiao Yi, has something unhappy happened recently?"

Get sick early.

I'm so scared of you.

"The king of Xianyang County is worried, and this king is very happy recently." Li Yi smiled and spoke warmly.

Are you unhappy? Although Yan'er did not directly agree to marry him, she no longer kept a distance from him, and that attitude was clearly acquiescing.

Coupled with the fact that she accepted his first dowry last time, his heart that had been hanging on him finally fell to the ground.

These days he walks with drifting.

If it wasn't for the emperor's brother who was still in a coma, it seemed a bit heartless to hold a wedding at this time, and he wished he could come to propose marriage immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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