The farmer has a mall

Chapter 354 5 Poisons

Chapter 354
Guo Qingsong looked at her vaguely from the corner of his eye, but Gu Nanyan didn't notice it, and glanced around the hall, but Yu Jia was nowhere to be seen.

She frowned: "Where's Yu Jia?"

If she remembers correctly, it was Yu Jia who was sued, why there are only two sisters in the west courtyard here.

Song Yi hesitated and said: "The people involved are Gu Peiling and Gu Peilan, Miss Yu didn't participate in it, nor did she benefit from it, so I asked her to wait in the back hall, and I will send her to ask questions if necessary. "

It's not that he is partial, Yu Jia is at most a witness, and there is really no need to stay in court to watch the trial.

"But as far as I know, when sister Gu Peiling stole, Yu Jia was always by her side, and the ten taels of silver that bribed the buddy was also paid by her. Is this also called non-participation?"

Gu Nanyan sneered: "Besides, I heard with my own ears that Yu Jia instigated Gu Peiling to pretend to be the name of our East Court to commit theft."

She squinted her eyes and asked, "Master Song still thinks that this matter has nothing to do with her?"

Song Yi choked, he had good intentions and didn't want to intensify the conflict between the two sides, so he picked Yu Jia out.

But this one obviously doesn't think so.

He looked over to Li Yi, hoping that he could help persuade him.

"See what this king is doing." Li Yi squinted at him, and immediately lowered his eyes with a calm expression.

"Since the princess said that it is related, it must be related. I also ask Mr. Song to deal with it fairly and bring the suspect to court. Don't favor one person over another."

A little daughter of Shangshu dares to trip Yan'er, she is beyond her capabilities, today he let her understand how much she weighs!
After Li Yi's words fell, Gu Peilan, who was kneeling below, quit before Song Yi could dissuade him.

"What does this matter have to do with Ms. Yu? She just can't bear seeing my sister and I being bullied in the General's Mansion, so she just complains about the injustice for our two sisters. Gu Nanyan, don't talk nonsense!" She said angrily.

Ever since she made a fool of herself in the palace, she deliberately avoided Gu Nanyan.

In addition, it had been more than half a year since she left, and the two of them never ran into each other.

Seeing him at this moment, it was like the envy of an enemy.

She bit her lower lip tightly, and said aggrievedly: "Besides, what do you mean we stole the title of the East Courtyard? We are all the ladies of the General's Mansion. Why can you buy some things, but we can't?"

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, seeing the almost identical expressions of the two sisters, she was almost amused.

"Why did I say that you can't buy it?" She asked with the corners of her lips curled up.

Then you report to the officer!
Gu Peilan's face was flushed with anger, and there was accusation in her eyes.

"I just said you can't steal." She changed the subject and put on a serious face.

"As the concubine of the general's mansion, under such circumstances, it is necessary to teach you concubines the principles of life."

Gu Nanyan cleared her throat: "Do you know what 'buy' means?"

"Bartering money or bartering is called buying. You just take people's things away, but refuse to pay money, and the whole process is carried out secretly without the consent of the shopkeeper or shopkeeper."

"It's not just stealing, it's cheating, and it can also be counted as robbery."

She pointed her light white index finger at the two of them, and clicked twice.

"Tell me about you, as members of the General's Mansion, you have been deceived, kidnapped, and robbed of all five poisons, you are impoverished with respect, righteousness, integrity, shame and trust, and you are only immoral in intelligence, body, beauty, and labor. You have the nerve to put on the identity of the General's Mansion in the courtroom. Where do you have the face?"

The leather of Gu Nan's cigarette holder was poisonous, and coupled with the disdain on his face, the sisters Gu Peiling, who had smashed their heads and faces, turned pale.

"You're talking nonsense!" Gu Peilan hastily argued, "My sister and I never said we wouldn't give money. It's just that we don't have enough money with us, and we're just temporarily on credit. Before we left, we asked the staff in the silver building to go to the general's mansion to get the money..."

"Then you will." Gu Nanyan interrupted her.

"Let someone pick it up now. As long as you hand in the money today, I will treat it as never happened. How about withdrawing the lawsuit?"

Gu Peilan's eyes flashed. Although they lived a relaxed life in the west courtyard recently, they didn't have enough money to spend so much money to buy two sets of jewelry.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the opportunity to put the blame on the East Court.

Gu Peilan was speechless for a moment, her forehead was covered with sweat.

Gu Peiling was calmer than her.

"Sister Nanyan is right, it is indeed our fault." She sighed faintly, her eyes flushed.

"Today, I ran into grandmother and eldest aunt accompanying you to buy the dowry. My sister and I wanted to be together, but I was afraid of disturbing your interest." She said with a disappointed face.

"Later, I heard that my grandmother was going to buy a set of heads worth 5 to [-] taels as a dowry for my younger sister. Thinking that she is always fair and would definitely buy a head face of the same value for our sisters, I was really terrified."

"I thought about getting two cheaper ones first, so as to save my grandma too much money, but we were overwhelmed..." She choked up when she said this, and tears began to fall down.

Seeing her sister crying, Gu Peilan squeezed a few tears.

Song Yi remained silent, although he knew that these words were just sophistry, but if he really said it, they were all from the same mansion, even if there was a difference between the concubine and concubines, such a big gap was indeed inappropriate.

"Princess is going to get married?" Guo Qingsong asked suddenly, with surprise on his old face.

As soon as this question, which had nothing to do with the case, came up, the hall fell silent for an instant.

"This..." Song Yi looked at Li Yi, not knowing how to answer.

Many people knew that King Sheng was about to go to the General's Mansion to propose a marriage, but he hadn't mentioned it after all...

He was slandering Guo Qingsong for being talkative, but he heard Li Yi's voice happily responding.

"That's right, the king will come to propose marriage soon, and part of the dowry has already been paid in advance, and the rest will only be delivered when the emperor wakes up."

Mentioning this matter, Li Yi was full of energy.

Guo Qingsong suddenly realized: "It turned out to be the marriage between the prince and the princess. If this is the case, the dowry of tens of thousands of taels is not worth it."

When a princess gets married, and a prince marries a concubine, they are all married by the royal family. They already need red makeup, not to mention the status of the two of them.

After finishing speaking, he stroked his beard and looked in the direction of Gu Peiling: "I just don't know what kind of big shots your sisters are marrying, and they can compare the dowry with the majestic eldest princess."

The eldest princess is not the same as the princess. The specifications of marriage can be compared with that of the queen, but it is not as cumbersome as setting up a queen.

His question was neither salty nor light, but it happened to hit the two of them seven inches apart.

Gu Nanyan blinked and glanced at the old man sitting behind the desk who seemed purely curious.

Sensing her gaze, Guo Qingsong didn't look back at her, but still stared straight ahead.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows, leaned forward slightly, and showed a puzzled expression very cooperatively.

"Brother, the princes are not yet old enough to get married, so they shouldn't be them. The elder brothers of this king have also married wives and had children. It stands to reason that no one can exceed the standard of this king..."

He paused, as if he remembered something, and looked at Gu Peiling in surprise: "Could it be that this king is old, but he spends all day in the flowers, Uncle Wang Xiaoyao Wang? He wants to stop his wife and marry another?"

Speaking of him as Uncle Wang, that is really a great contribution.

Since he was a child, he loved to get into the crowd of women, but at the age of twelve or thirteen, he had a bed warming maid.

At the age of marriage, before the main wife is married, the concubines will take in room by room. They are notoriously romantic, and there are so many women in the backyard that they can't accommodate them.

Later, I don't know if it was due to retribution, so I married a fierce wife after thousands of choices.

Both of them have violent tempers, and his princess is also a master who will strike at the slightest disagreement.

The two had been arguing non-stop since they were married, and then they simply started fighting.

When they hit hard, they could fight all the way from the dormitory to the front hall, and then from the front hall to the back garden.

Can make outsiders read a lot of jokes.

(End of this chapter)

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