The farmer has a mall

Chapter 355 Yu Jia's Thoughts

Chapter 355 Yu Jia's Thoughts

Later, I don't know if I was tired from the fight or felt ashamed, so the two made an agreement in private.

After playing and playing, there can be no more concubines.

Xiaoyao Wang can play whatever he wants outside, but he can no longer put people in the mansion.

As long as he can do this, Princess Xiaoyao agrees to give him some face in front of others and never fight him again.

He will also take good care of the palace for him.

Xiaoyao Wang didn't lose even if he thought about it, at most he bought a few more houses outside.

Anyway, he was not short of money, so he agreed.

From then on, the two got along very happily, especially after Princess Xiaoyao had a child, she never blushed.

It's just that Xiaoyao Wang still lingers in the flowers, and he can't take off his romantic hat. If any woman from a good family has anything to do with him, his reputation will definitely be ruined.

Not knowing whether to be ashamed or angry, Gu Peiling's face flushed red.

"My little girl has already engaged to the son of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, please don't talk nonsense to ruin my reputation."

Who is that Xiaoyao Wang?

To put it bluntly, it's called Merry, but to put it bluntly, he's an old rascal!
Once Li Yi's words got out, the marriage she had so easily obtained would be ruined!

"This king is just analyzing it according to common sense. Just like Mr. Guo said, he is just a son of a minister with no official position. How can he compare with this king?"

Li Yi made a mocking face, and looked her up and down in disgust: "Or do you think that a woman like you, who is plain, shameless, and inferior to Yan'er in terms of ability and status, can compete with me, Princess Jianan?" compared to?"

He raised the corners of his eyes, making his already monstrous face even more charming.

"My lord advises you to ask an imperial doctor to have a look, I'm afraid you may be suffering from hysteria."

What he said did not match his face, and every sentence was vicious.

Seeing Gu Peiling's small face turn from red to white, he paused holding the teacup, and pinched the lid of the cup with his slender fingers with well-defined bones.

"Oh, I forgot that you are an ordinary girl, and your father is only a servant, so he is not qualified to hire an imperial doctor."

The room was quiet for a moment, but Gu Nanyan was fine, he knew that Li Yi was not the one who would let women go.

Once he dislikes anyone, he will attack regardless of gender!
But others have never seen his "bitter and mean" appearance.

Especially Song Yi, because of his high official position, he can often get in touch with him, and he has already petrified at this time.

Gu Peiling, who was so humiliated, wished she could faint.

And she did.

Seeing that she couldn't get off the stage, but there was no one in the hall to help her, she leaned on her forehead with a pale face and was precarious.

At the same time, he was counting the time in his heart, and only hoped that the Minister of the Ministry of Officials would soon know about Yu Jia being taken to the government office, so that he could save them.

At that time, as his future daughter-in-law, and this matter was brought up by Yu Jia, it would be difficult for him to leave her alone.

Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground in the next moment, Gu Nanyan said coolly, "You'd better not get dizzy, otherwise people will blame you for all the crimes in a while, and you don't have a Shangshu father to decide for you. "

Gu Zhengkang is just a wine bag and a rice bag. The old hag Shen wanted to use him to give him the position of the right servant. It was just a decoration at best.

But now that he was seriously injured, he could do nothing while lying on the bed, and there was no guarantee that he would not be thrown away as an abandoned child.

What's more, the day after tomorrow is the birthday banquet, and the other party definitely doesn't want to make troubles at such a time.

But the three of them had nothing to do and found trouble for Gu Nanyan, and she turned it into a trivial matter and made a big fuss in court.

If it reaches the ears of old hag Shen who is very jealous of her, one can imagine how angry she will be.

And the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Yu Weisheng, was treacherous and cunning, and he was not comparable to Gu Zhengkang. In order to prevent being angered, he would definitely choose to abandon his pawns and save the car, and Yu Jia would get rid of this matter.

It's just that Gu Peiling doesn't understand these things.

All she knew was that if she didn't faint, she would lose all face!

Gu Peiling, who thought she had a good relationship with Yu Jia, only thought that Gu Nanyan was deliberately scaring her, rolled her eyes and lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

"elder sister!"

Gu Peilan was taken aback, and hurried to help her, but her strength was too weak, she couldn't lift her up even after pulling her for a while, and even messed up her clothes.

She looked up at Gu Nanyan asking for help, wanting her to help.

Who knew that before she could open her mouth, she heard her whisper: "Your sister is in a hurry, so lie down on the ground to cool off, so as not to burst your blood vessels."

Xiao Mian, with this acting skill, I'm ashamed to play tricks in front of her, if that's the case, let's lie on the ground and see how long she can pretend.

Gu Nanyan looked down at the doubtful Gu Peilan.

I have no interest in teasing this woman who loves vanity and only wants to take advantage from the beginning to the end, but has no brains at all.

"Master Song, what are you waiting for?" Li Yi asked at this moment.

"If you haven't brought the suspect Yu Jia to court, do you want me to teach you how to judge the case?"

Song Yi had no choice but to let the yamen servants bring them over seeing the two insisting.

There's no way, the two culprits are here, he can't do it even if he wants to make a big deal smaller!
Yu Jia, who was enjoying refreshments in the back hall, was brought here for no reason. She was dissatisfied at first, but her eyes lit up when she saw Li Yi.

"Jia Jia sees His Royal Highness Prince Sheng." She bowed her knees and saluted with a soft tone.

"I don't know what the lord's order is for calling Jiajia here?" She looked at Li Yi timidly with her beautiful eyes, and felt her heart beating wildly.

As a prince, Li Yi is not only extremely handsome, but also a top-notch existence in both literature and martial arts. He is a typical child of other people's family, so he naturally became the object of admiration for women in Beijing.

Of course Yu Jia is no exception.

At the beginning, her father thought of betrotting her to King Cheng as his concubine, and he had sniffed out his words, but he rejected it coldly.

Yu Jia was so shocked at that time that she hid in her boudoir and cried for several days, neither eating nor drinking nor going out.

He didn't stop until his father promised that he would ask the Queen Mother to marry them at the right time.

She was looking forward to that day day by day, but the appearance of Gu Nanyan broke all her fantasies.

Seeing her unpredictable expression, Li Yi frowned and put down the teacup in his hand.

"This is a court, so I called you here to ask questions."

He looked in Song Yi's direction, and the latter hurriedly took a picture of the gavel and said: "Miss Yu, the princess said that she once heard you instigating the Gu sisters to defraud property. Is this true?"

Hearing this, Yu Jia looked at Gu Nanyan, who was sitting leisurely by the side, with hatred flashing in his eyes.

"Master Song clearly learned that Jiajia has never done it before."

She didn't make much excuses, she just shook her head and denied it.

"Besides, although my brother is engaged to Ms. Gu, I am not familiar with the two sisters of the Gu family. It is just a coincidence that they will appear in the silver building together today. How could they listen to me like this?"

This is not true.

Yu Jia and Gu Peiling only met once on the day they saw each other, and the words they said during that time could be counted on both hands, and they never met in private after that.

It's not that Gu Peiling doesn't want to, she also wants to have a good relationship with her in-laws before entering the door.

Especially the sister-in-law Yu Jia, who was said to be very favored in the mansion.

It's a pity that what she didn't know was that the Minister of the Ministry of Officials agreed to this marriage for the purpose of wooing Gu Zhengkang, and didn't really treat her as a daughter-in-law.

His attitude is there, how can other people in the Shangshu Mansion not see it.

Not to mention Yu Jia, she didn't bother to deal with this so-called future sister-in-law.

He typed back all the posts that Gu Peiling had handed over.

We ran into each other in the street today, and she originally wanted to find an excuse to avoid it.

But it was rare for Gu Peiling to meet her, so how could she let go of this great opportunity to be courteous and stalk her, so the three of them walked together together.

Of course, at this time Yu Jia was very fortunate that she didn't get rid of her.

Otherwise, how could she see His Royal Highness King Sheng who rarely showed up, let alone talk to him at such a close distance.

(End of this chapter)

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