The farmer has a mall

Chapter 356 Li. Chaste and Martyr. Yi

Chapter 356 Li. Chaste and Martyr. Yi

Seeing King Sheng looking at her, Yu Jia put on a pitiful look and turned to Gu Nanyan.

"Jiajia offended the princess, why did you slander her?"

The tone was coquettish and timid, as if someone had bullied her.

Gu Nanyan squinted at her, looking around her body.

"Don't worry too much, you can stand here with healthy hands and feet, you shouldn't have offended me."

Otherwise, with such slender arms and legs, she can poke a few knots with just one finger.

Yu Jia choked, obviously didn't expect her to speak so impolitely, and felt even more aggrieved.

She was taught by her mother since she was a child, and she has the demeanor of an official lady in every word and deed. No matter in appearance or knowledge, she believes that she is not inferior to any woman.

But King Cheng didn't know if his eyesight was bad, but he just fell in love with Gu Nanyan, who was like a reckless man, and protected her everywhere.

Now it is even more aboveboard to go out with her, without any shyness.

Yu Jia almost gritted her back molars, and secretly scolded Gu Nanyan for being shameless.

It was determined that she had resorted to shady tricks, which made King Sheng's fans dizzy.

She lowered her head, her lowered eyes flashed, and when she raised her head, a look of fear flashed across her face.

"How can the princess say such threatening words, you scared Jiajia."

She looked at Li Yi and said aggrievedly: "Jia Jia has been familiar with boudoir training since she was a child, and she seldom goes out and walks around in the boudoir, unlike those country women who show their faces all day long."

She glanced at Gu Nanyan meaningfully.

"I don't know much about folk affairs. Maybe I accidentally did something wrong and offended the princess, which made her target me like this."

"I also ask King Sheng to say a few words for Jia Jia for the sake of our marriage proposal."

Her eyes were red, and she moved slowly towards Li Yi's direction.

Country woman Gu Nanyan: "..."

Darling, this is the first time I've seen someone say "home" and "ignorance" so freshly and refinedly. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she would have given her a thumbs up and gave this woman a thumbs up.

At this time, Yu Jia had already walked to Li Yi's side, looking at his handsome face with blurred eyes, her heart was beating wildly, and she felt her face was burning hot.

She had never been so close to Li Yi before.

I've only seen him a few times from a distance before, and his cool demeanor and stalwart figure are deeply imprinted in my heart.

Now the person he likes is close at hand, but his eyes are always fixed on other women.

This made her even more jealous of Gu Nanyan.

She felt that if King Sheng had been with her before and felt that she was good, he would definitely like her and would not choose that vulgar woman.

So she blushed, summoned up the courage to stretch out her right hand, and yanked her slender fingers towards his sleeve.

"My lord..." she called coquettishly.

Seeing that she was acting vigorously by herself, Gu Nanyan didn't intend to interrupt her, but at this moment, she just cast a sideways glance at the two of them.

Li Yi's attention was always on Gu Nanyan, and he was disgusted by being pulled by his sleeve suddenly, and just as he was about to pull away, he felt her gaze.

There was a chill down his spine, for some reason the alarm bells rang in his head, his muscles tensed instantly, his hand movements changed into twitching, Yu Jia staggered, and sat down on the ground, stunned for a long while unable to recover.

With a cold face, he drew out his saber, and chopped off the sleeve that she had grabbed, Li Yi felt cold all over his body.

"Presumptuous, who let you get close to this king!"

Let Yan'er misunderstand what to do!
His reaction was too great. When he drew the sword, there was a piercing sound of metal rubbing. Song Yi, who was in charge of the case, was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and stood up abruptly.

I thought he was going to kill Yu Jia.

Seeing that he just cut off a part of his sleeve, he was relieved, the corners of his mouth twitched and he sat back.

Ge Laozi, he thought that blood would be splashed in the court today!
There is probably something serious wrong with this King Sheng.

The little girl had just touched the corner of his clothes, and as for such a big reaction, if she didn't know, she would think that he was being raped!
Gu Nanyan was also speechless, she never knew that Li Yi had a cleanliness habit?

Touching her chin, Gu Nanyan thought about it for a moment.

It is inevitable that the two of them will touch each other in the process of getting along, and I haven't found out that he has this problem!

Yu Jia, who was thrown on the ground, stared at her beautiful eyes in disbelief, her red face was already pale as paper.

Li Yi's handsome face was tense as if he didn't see it.

"Who allowed you to touch this king!" He said angrily.

"Stay away from this king in the future, and next time this king will cut off your hand!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Gu Nanyan quietly at the end of his eyes, and saw that she was looking at him with raised eyebrows, and she didn't mean to be angry, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was a little disappointed.

"Also, before Yan'er, this king has never discussed marriage with others, and there will never be any in the future. You are talking nonsense to damage this king's reputation, and this matter will definitely not be left alone."

He squinted his eyes, since Yu Weisheng couldn't even teach his daughter well, then don't be an official minister!
This posture of a chaste and strong woman really surprised the people present, and they stared at him blankly with their mouths open, as if they didn't know who this person was.

Gu Nanyan's eyelids twitched, and she grinned with toothache.

"Is your reaction a little too much?"

This guy is really abnormal today, maybe he is too stressed and crazy.

"This king doesn't think it's too much." Li Yi said with a serious face.

"Although I haven't formally proposed marriage to you, but I like you, how can I get too close to other women, not to mention the kind of intimate behavior just now, which is even more unbearable. Naturally, we must draw a clear line. "

"Otherwise, after the two of us get married, if there is a misunderstanding due to this kind of thing and affects the relationship between husband and wife, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?"

After all, he asked Gu Nanyan, "Yan'er, is this king right?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."


I underestimated you!

I didn't expect that you, as an ancient man and a powerful prince, would have such a high level of awareness.

With Gu Nanyan's affirmation, Li Yi was relieved.

He turned around and sat down, glanced at Yu Jia who was still lying on the ground in a daze, thought of something, got up again and asked someone to move his seat to Gu Nanyan's side, and then told Song Yi contentedly: "Sir Song We can continue."

Song Yi: "..."

What to continue?
What case were they trying just now?

Song Yi only felt that his three views were shattered, and the gavel was held in his hand without moving for a long time.

Guo Qingsong, who kept his eyes down from the beginning to the end without showing any emotion, raised his eyelids, took the gavel from his hand, and slapped it on the table.

The sound was so loud that Song Yi on the side of the shock trembled.

Ignoring his gaze, Guo Qingsong said in a deep voice, "The criminal Yu Jia, kneel before the hall."

Song Yi:? ? ?
Is this a crime?
Convicted before trial?
After squinting at the expressionless Guo Qingsong, Song Yi scratched the back of his head, feeling that the old man was acting strange today.

Could it be that I made a mistake and called it wrong?

Although he and Guo Qingsong belong to two departments, the Criminal Department and Dali Temple often have cases that need to be handed over, so there is some friendship.

So Song Yi reminded in a low voice: "Old Guo, your name is wrong."

Guo Qingsong's hand stroking his beard paused, and after a while, he suddenly realized that he nodded gratefully to him.

"Thank you for the reminder, the old man is getting old, and his memory is a bit poor."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and patted the gavel again, and shouted in a deep voice: "Sinister Yu Jia, kneel before the hall!"

This woman is not yet married, so it is really inappropriate to call her a criminal.

Song Yi: →_→

I didn't see it, the old man is quite humorous...

The yamen servants headed by the two sides obeyed the order and stepped forward, set up Yu Jia who was too ashamed and indignant after regaining consciousness, and just wanted to find a hole in the ground, dragged her to Gu Peilan's side regardless of her struggle, and knelt down on her shoulder mercilessly Down.

For these yamen servants, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is too great and too far away from them, so it is better to focus on the immediate.

Therefore, he didn't have the slightest scruples about Yu Jia, a lady from the official family, and he did not attack lightly.

Yu Jia has been spoiled since she was a child, her skin is very delicate, how can she withstand such rough pushing and pushing, the skin under her clothes instantly became red and swollen.

She rubbed her painful shoulder, and stared at Gu Nanyan with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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