The farmer has a mall

Chapter 358 1 Kick Over

Chapter 358

"Originally, I didn't want to mention the nasty things about your west courtyard here, but since you insist on being shameless, let's talk about it."

The light in front of her eyes suddenly dimmed, Gu Peiling raised her head, and saw Gu Nanyan standing in front of her with a cold face, looking down at her.

"Whether those two sets of hair masks were gifted by grandmother, you only need to ask Mr. Song to send someone to ask, and I won't tell you about it."

The two sisters dared to take away the two sets of masks because they thought that Mrs. Gu must have a bowl of water, and Gu Nanyan had her sisters as well.

Relying on Mrs. Gu's open-mindedness, but also scruples about the reputation of the General's Mansion, she could only accept this account in the end.

Otherwise, once it is spread out, there will be a charge of harsh treatment of the concubine.

But they never thought that the set of gems was not bought by Mrs. Gu for Gu Nanyan, but given to Mrs. Gu by Gu Nanyan's own money.

But in her opinion, besides the ten fingers are different in length, even if Mrs. Gu prefers her own children and grandchildren, it is human nature.

"Do you know why Qiu Shi was imprisoned?"

Gu Peiling's eyes flashed, she bit her lips and said, "Isn't it because I offended your East Court."

"That's right, she did offend our East Court." Gu Nanyan said in a deep voice, her eyes instantly sharp.

"Qiu Shi poisoned her grandmother's medicine and food, causing her to almost die. I haven't settled with you yet, but you are so brave!"

She squinted her eyes and raised her foot to kick Gu Peiling's shoulder.

"How dare you come to seek bad luck from our East Courtyard!"

She endured Mrs. Gu's matter for a long time, and now she finally found a breakthrough. She kicked Gu Peiling with a lot of strength and rolled Gu Peiling a few times.

Her movements were quick, and no one present thought she would do it as soon as she said she would, and they didn't recover until the woman's wailing sounded.

If you fight in the courtroom, you will be punished. Song Yi instinctively grabbed the gavel and was about to shoot it down. Fortunately, Guo Qingsong stopped him.

He grabbed Song Yi's arm and squinted at him with lowered eyelids.

"Nephew, think twice."

If you dare to continue filming, I'm afraid you will be accompanied by Gu Peiling.

Song Yi: "..."


He forgot that it was Gu Nanyan who hit someone!

Not to mention her identity, even if she is a princess, Song Yi will enforce the law impartially and will never tolerate it.

But there is an old saying in the folks, soft people are afraid of hard people, hard people are afraid of violent people, violent people are afraid of evil people, and evil people are afraid of deadly people.

Facing someone like Gu Nanyan who is tough, tyrannical, vicious and desperate, Song Yi said——

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

He is afraid of shame!
As for why it would be embarrassing?

Just look at Gu Peiling, whose clothes are disheveled, her hair is messy, her nose is covered with tears, and her throat is slashed!
He slowly put down the gavel in his hand, for fear of making a sound, he broke into a cold sweat for himself.

At the same time, he cast a grateful glance at Guo Qingsong, lowered his voice and said, "Thank you, Mr. Guo, for saving your life. I'll treat you to a drink later."

Wasn't it a life-saving grace? Judging from the strength and angle of that girl's kick, and his years of experience in solving cases, it seemed that she was a master!

And he is a proficient master!
There must be a lot of beatings on weekdays...

Guo Qingsong nodded invisibly when he heard the words, then turned his head expressionlessly, staring straight ahead.

That focused look, no matter how you look at it, it looks like - watching the excitement?

Song Yi's eyes twitched.

Guo Qingsong is an old-fashioned old man. If someone disturbs the order of the court during his trial, it's fine if he doesn't get angry. How can he watch it as a scene?
He shook his head vigorously, secretly thinking to himself.

She was kicked on the shoulder, and Gu Peiling, who had never suffered such pain, burst into tears, she didn't dare to move, her almond eyes were full of fear.

She knew that Gu Nanyan had killed people on the battlefield, but she didn't know that she dared to do something to her own sisters, and she was still in court.

Seeing her looking straight at her, Gu Peiling flinched, and looked at the three adults above for help with tears in her eyes.

But he saw Guo Qingsong was drooping his eyes, wondering if he was asleep, and didn't move.

Seeing her looking over, Song Yi hurriedly lowered his head to look at the file, pretending to be very busy, lowering his head lower and lower.

Not to mention the other adult, who didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and was currently taking a nap with his chin propped up!

Gu Peiling: "..."

Seeing that there was nowhere to ask for help, she couldn't help feeling sad.

Why Aunt Qiu was imprisoned, she didn't know nothing, she just pretended not to know.

After all, this is not a good thing, if it gets out, as Aunt Qiu's granddaughter, her and her younger sister's reputation will be ruined, and the marriage with Shang Shufu will also fall through.

But today, he was poked out by Gu Nanyan, and it was still in front of so many adults.

Coupled with the ten or twenty yamen servants present, I am afraid that there will be rumors in the streets and alleys tomorrow morning!
Gu Peiling stared at her with teary eyes: "Gu Nanyan, you are clearly a sister from the same family, why are you so hard on me!"

"I just want a dowry that can be obtained, so that I can gain a firm foothold in my husband's family when I get married in the future, so what's wrong!"

She is obviously the granddaughter of her grandfather, so Gu Nanyan can have whatever she wants, her status and reputation are perfect, and she has won the favor of King Sheng.

But she had to think hard to plan for herself, but in the end she was bullied by Gu Nanyan!
"The mistake is that you have a high eye and a low hand, and your swollen face is pretending to be fat, and you expect things you shouldn't get!" Gu Nanyan said with a cold face.

"If you want a rich dowry, you can buy it yourself, or ask your parents to buy it for you, instead of asking the East Court. Do you know how long it will take for the General's Mansion to save 3 taels of silver!"

Not only the general's mansion, but as long as it is not the corrupt officials who are corrupt and pervert the law, 3 taels of silver must be kept for at least one year, excluding expenses.

Even for a daughter of a high-ranking official like Yu Jia, the total dowry may not be 3 taels.

Hearing Gu Nanyan's words, Gu Peiling became even more angry, her whole face contorted.

"What is something I shouldn't have? Although my father is a concubine, but I am the daughter of the third wife, why should I be lower than you!"

She looked directly at Gu Nanyan and sneered.

"It's like saying how noble you are, so strong, don't want that sapphire head if you have the ability!"

With a provocative and mocking look on her face, she was sure that Gu Nanyan would not be that stupid, and pushed out the benefits of what she got.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "It was bought with real gold and silver by the palace. It is not stolen, robbed or cheated, why not?"

Gu Peiling laughed even more sarcasticly: "Didn't you say that the General's Mansion needs to be saved for a long time to save enough 3 taels of silver, and the face that grandma gave you is more expensive."

She curled her lips: "In the end, I'm still reluctant..."

"Who told you that it was given to me by my grandmother?" Before she could finish speaking, Gu Nanyan said quietly.

"I bought it for my grandmother with my own money. What face do you have to compare yourself here?"

"What's more, it doesn't matter how much money I spend to buy something in the east courtyard. Your father's monthly income and the income of your three bedrooms have been kept by you. You can buy what you want by yourself, and secretly ask people to go to the east courtyard to ask for money. You're still so righteous, don't be so embarrassing, right?"

When the East and West courtyards were separated, Gu Yao gave Aunt Qiu two shops and one Zhuangzi to take care of them.

It was agreed in advance that all the expenses of the West Court, including the wages of the servants, the monthly bill of the master, and clothes for the four seasons, would all be paid by him. In short, some of the East Court and the West Court had them, but the income did not need to be handed over to the public office, and was at his own disposal.

This is also Gu Yao's compensation to Aunt Qiu.

Of course Aunt Qiu is happy to be able to make decisions for herself, not to mention that people take care of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and they basically don't need their own income.

Mrs. Gu never cared about it, including Gu Zhengkang's dowry when he got married, there was nothing less that should be given.

When sisters Gu Peiling gets married, they will also prepare money like other families.

However, she complained that Mrs. Gu did not buy her a valuable dowry, and she really complied with the sentence that she was not greedy enough.

Hearing Gu Nanyan say that she bought that hoodie as a gift to Mrs. Gu, Gu Peiling was stunned.


She knew that Gu Nanyan had some money-making business, but how could she be willing to pay four to fifty thousand taels of silver!

As if seeing her thoughts, Gu Nanyan raised her head and proudly flaunted: "How can it be impossible, I have money!"

(End of this chapter)

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