Chapter 359

It was the first time I saw someone flaunting their wealth so boldly and unabashedly that everyone in the room was speechless.

I really want to ask her how much money she has to make her so proud.

Yu Jia, who hadn't made a sound for a while, sarcastically said: "Since you have enough money, why don't you give the head to your sister? After all, you are talented in business and it's easy to earn money. You just earn it back after you spend it. Why is that so?" Go to war."

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are the most humble. She said this obviously to mock Gu Nanyan.

Glancing at Song Yi, Yu Jia snorted, "Even Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment have been alarmed, causing such a big trouble, I have thought about how it will end!"

After saying these words, even Guo Qingsong, who has always been calm, looked up at her in surprise.

It seemed that she didn't understand how she had the nerve to say such shameless words.

"As expected of Yu Weisheng's daughter, she really looks like her!" Even the thickness of their skins was exactly the same.

Song Yi touched his chin.

His words attracted Guo Qingsong's approval.

He sighed, and seemed to be very emotional: "The young come out of the blue, the younger generation is awesome!"

That tone was full of appreciation.

Song Yi:? ? ?
Are you always praising or scolding?

An old man and a young man were staring at each other, when they suddenly heard a crackling sound, obviously the sound of flesh touching, let's listen to that sound——

The strength is not small!
Song Yi swallowed, and slowly turned around——

He saw Gu Nanyan standing in front of Yu Jia at some point.

At this time, Yu Jia was covering her rapidly red and swollen cheeks, lying on the ground in shock.

Song Yi: ⊙▽⊙!

The culprit is doing well, and beat another one!
"Gu Nanyan!"

Yu Jiagao yelled, and accidentally pulled his swollen cheek, grinning in pain.

"Do you still have the king's law in your eyes? You have repeatedly attacked me in the courtroom, even my lady!" Yu Jia gritted her teeth, wishing to eat her flesh and drink her blood alive.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan raised his hand again, as if he wanted to slap her, Yu Jia turned his head fiercely, staring at Song Yi and Guo Qingsong: "Are the two adults just watching, come here and help!"

Song Yi froze, really embarrassed to say, he was afraid that Gu Nanyan would beat him up too, so he opened his mouth for a long time, not knowing how to quibble.

Guo Qingsong frowned, lowered his eyelids, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, he shook his head at Yu Jia with a serious face and refused.

"Although the king told the ministers to die, the ministers had to die, but I am already old. Even if the princess orders me, I will not be able to help you with this task."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Gu Nanyan again, and made a gesture of please.

"Princess, you should come by yourself."

Yu Jia:! ! !
I want you to help pull this crazy woman away!

Who told you to beat someone up for her!

Song Yi almost fell off the chair, staring at Guo Qingsong who was sitting upright, with a thousand words stuck in his throat, and he didn't know where to start to complain.

He figured it out, although he didn't know why, but the old man was obviously making jokes, protecting Gu Nanyan!

Song Yi sighed, it turns out that Guo Tiemian, who is the most impartial and selfless, also sometimes favors others!

Gu Nanyan blinked and looked at Guo Qingsong in surprise.

Every time she went to Guo's mansion, the old man just showed his face symbolically and left, so she only knew that he was Guo's real father, and her impression of him was nothing but rigid and serious.

But when I saw him today, he was actually an interesting old man.

She hooked the corners of her lips, nodded slightly at him and said: "Master Guo is too worried. To deal with this kind of weak chicken, one hand of my palace is enough."

Although he didn't know what weak chicken meant, Guo Qingsong responded with a nod.

Yu Jia almost gasped for breath!
Seeing that they were like dogs and no one could save him, his mouth turned white with fright.

She sat on the ground and slipped back a few times, shouting in horror: "Gu Nanyan, if you hit me again, I will ask my father to report you to the Queen Mother, and let her be fair for me!"

Gu Nanyan turned a deaf ear, rolled his eyes and curled his mouth: "Look at what you said, it's not so serious, I have plenty of strength, so it's okay to slap you, after all, you deserve to be beaten, so why bother to go to war, and alarm the empress dowager?" old hag."

These words were very similar to her tone when she said that Gu Nanyan had plenty of money, and Yu Jia immediately understood what she meant.

"How is this..."

Seeing that the slap was about to fall, she covered her face with her hands, and she didn't know how to refute in a moment of desperation.


Suddenly remembering Gu Nanyan's address to the Queen Mother, Yu Jia raised her head in shock, not bothering to cover her face, and pointed at Gu Nanyan with trembling fingers.

"What did you just say, how dare you speak disrespectfully to the Queen Mother!"

This bitch is also too courageous, insulting the queen mother in public, is it a long life?

Could it be that he got used to it in private and made a slip of the tongue?

It seemed that she had grabbed the other person's sore foot, Yu Jia was so excited that she almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Well, Gu Nanyan, Miss Ben will tell my father the truth about what happened today, and you just wait for the empress dowager to punish you!"

Gu Nanyan squinted at her: "What did I do?"

It's not up to the old hag to punish her for anything.

Thinking that she was going to deny what she had said, Yu Jia proudly raised her chin and said, "Don't deny it, so many people have heard it, you just said that the queen mother is, yes..."

She wasn't that bold, she hesitated for a while and didn't dare to say those three words, Gu Nanyan panicked for her,
"Old witch?" she simply added for her.

Hearing what she said again, Yu Jia excitedly said to Song Yi: "Master Song heard that Gu Nanyan insulted the Empress Dowager with bold words, please excuse me later, and go to the palace with Jiajia to file a complaint!"

Yu Jia couldn't wait to get up, without the slightest fear of being beaten, and blessed Song Yi.

Asking for others, her tone softened a lot, and her posture was obviously lowered.

Song Yi, who was looking at Guo Qingsong with squinted eyes: "..."

Why is there another official matter, can you settle your personal grievances yourself so that you don't drag the innocent?

He cleared his throat and looked at Guo Qingsong tentatively: "Old Guo, what do you think?"

As a witness, he would naturally not testify. He would ask the old man for his opinion, just to see what else he could do.

Unexpectedly, after he asked several times, Guo Qingsong ignored him. If his eyes were not half open, he would have thought he was asleep!
How could Song Yi let him dodge so easily, stood up directly, lay his upper body on the desk, and put his head in front of him.

He raised his voice and asked, "Old Guo, what do you think?"

Guo Qingsong: "..."

He was silent for a moment, and the corners of his mouth moved.

Just when Song Yi thought he was going to answer him, he saw him put his hand behind his ear in an arc, put his ear close, and shouted in a louder voice than himself: "What did you say? The old man can't hear..."

Song Yi: "..."

He almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

It's hard to believe that the old man in front of him is the unsmiling, straight-talking minister of Dali Temple.

Seeing his mouth trembling and his face turning blue, Guo Qingsong sighed.

"Hey, nephew, don't blame me, the old man is getting old, and his ears are useless, so I can't hear what you say."

He pulled out a blank piece of paper from the side: "Why don't you write it down?"

Song Yi: "...No need."

I'm afraid that your eyes are also deaf!

He sat back in his seat with a blank face, seeing that Yu Jia was still looking at him, rubbing his temples with a bald head.

"The criminal department has a lot of cases recently. I haven't rested for a few days. I accidentally fell asleep just now."

He put on a wry smile and said, "Before I fell asleep, I vaguely remembered that Miss Yu wanted me to help the princess beat you. This is not acceptable."

He shook his head with a straight face: "I can't agree!"

Yu Jia:! ! !
When did she ask him to help her beat herself?
How could she get someone to help her beat herself!
She is not crazy!

Yu Jia couldn't get up in one breath, and fell straight backwards.

Just before falling to the ground, Gu Nanyan's figure flashed and he hid far away.

So with the sound of the back of his head hitting the ground with a bang, Yu Jiali passed out beautifully.

Listening to the sound should not knock lightly.

Gu Nanyan grinned empathetically.

How painful the floor must be.

Fortunately, she hid quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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