Chapter 360
Yu Weisheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, learned that his daughter was taken to the Beijing Yamen, and that the person who reported to the officials was Gu Nanyan, so he immediately went to the palace to meet the Queen Mother.

After more than an hour, he hurried over with Yizhi.

What I saw was my daughter who was unconscious.

Yu Weisheng was startled, thinking that she had been murdered by Gu Nanyan.

After hearing from the doctor that she was fine, she was relieved.

Even if he wants his servants to take her away.

"You can leave if you want to. I'm afraid that Shangshu will have to trouble Shangshu to send the two sets of masks back to the silver building in person, so as not to worry King Xianyang."

The old god Gu Nanyan sat on a chair and sipped tea, pointing his finger at the table in the courtroom.

Yu Weisheng's face was extremely ugly, and he was about to say that he would be sent by his servants, but he changed the subject when he heard her mention King Xianyang.

"What does this matter have to do with the county prince?"

He was originally in the mansion discussing with his colleagues about the birthday banquet the next day, when he heard the servant's report, he hurried out of the mansion, not knowing that the owner of the silver building was Li Pinggui.

At this time, I learned that the expression on a rich face was unpredictable, and asked the servants to take over the two sets of heads, and took a deep look at Gu Nanyan.

"Don't forget, Yu Shangshu, that the 3 taels of fine silver must be paid in full before today."

Seeing that he endured without saying a word, Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows and spoke again.

"The things were taken away by people from your general's mansion, and the little girl is just an escort, why should I ask this officer to pay the money!"

Yu Weisheng couldn't hold it back, he took his foot out of the door back, and glared at Gu Nanyan angrily.

Zhuo had to obey the Queen Mother Shen's order not to entangle with Gu Nanyan, but he was repeatedly provoked, and he still couldn't hold back his rebuttal.

"Of course because Yu Jia is the mastermind, and the three adults have just made a judgment. The fine was paid by Jia and sister Gu Peiling together. Could it be that Yu Shangshu wants to renege on the debt?"

Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes and looked at him, as if if you dare to say yes, I will just talk to you.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in his heart, Yu Weisheng looked up at Song Yi with unkind eyes.

He cupped his hands and said, "Master Song, can we extend the fine for a few days? After the little girl wakes up, I will ask the matter clearly. If the matter is true, I will personally hand it over!"

3 taels of silver is not a big amount to him, but once it is handed over, it is tantamount to admitting the crime in disguise, and he does not want his daughter to bear such a stigma.

Song Yi opened his mouth, and before he could speak, he heard Guo Qingsong beside him say slowly: "No, this matter has already been sentenced, and the judgment cannot be changed at will."

Hearing that he refused so simply, Yu Weisheng's face became more and more ugly.

"I know that Mr. Guo has always enforced the law strictly, but we are both important ministers in the court, and my rank is even higher than yours. Can you sell me today..."

Hearing this, Guo Qingsong raised his eyelids and glanced at him expressionlessly.

"Yu Shangshu doesn't need to say much, since you know that this official is strict, you should also know that this old man never considers anyone's face when he decides a case."

"However, if you are really dissatisfied, you can immediately appeal to overturn the case. This officer will never shirk."

The meaning of what he said was obvious, he didn't want to save face, and if he wanted to continue entanglement, he could accompany him.

Yu Weisheng gritted his teeth.

It was a critical juncture at this time, and before he left the palace, the queen mother had instructed not to entangle too much, so as not to cause complications, and if he appealed, it would obviously go against the queen mother's intention.

With a gloomy expression, he raised the Yizhi in his hand.

"But the Empress Dowager has an order to order me to bring Jia'er into the palace immediately. I'm afraid I don't have time to raise money."

"That's your business." Song Yi said in a deep voice.

Seeing that the situation has reached such a level, the enmity between the two sides has been settled, and there is no possibility of reconciliation, so he no longer has the mentality of reducing big things to small ones.

"The laws of the Jianan Kingdom stipulate that once a judgment is made, it must be carried out to the end, unless the verdict can be overturned."

He said in an inexplicable tone: "The law is made by the emperor. If there is any disobedience, it is a disobedience. Whether Yu Shangshu should listen to the emperor or follow the empress dowager's order, there is always a choice."

"You!" Yu Weisheng raised his eyebrows when he heard him pressing himself with the emperor, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Stop talking nonsense." Since sitting next to Gu Nanyan, Li Yi, who had been silent all this time, frowned impatiently with the attitude of a "little man".

"I don't have time to listen to your ramblings. I'll give you half an hour to go back to the house to get the silver taels. If you don't see the silver after half an hour, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xu has been with Gu Nanyan for a long time, and his tone of voice has the taste of a bandit leader, which is a glance that won Gu Nanyan's appreciation.

"That's right, I'm waiting here with the prince, if you can't get the money after half an hour..."

Then I will go into battle in person!
Gu Nanyan looked at Yu Weisheng with burning eyes.

I heard that this guy, as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was in charge of the transfer of officials, and helped the former prime minister Fang Junhe do a lot of business in buying and selling official positions, so he must have a lot of money.

Gu Nanyan's eyes glowed green, and Yu Weisheng's cold breath rushed straight to the top of his head.

On the other hand, Li Yi curled his mouth and raised his chin proudly, apparently in a very happy mood.

It's such a good feeling to be a husband and wife!
Li Yi secretly glanced at Gu Nanyan, just in time to meet her eyes, his face became hot, he quickly cleared his throat, and held up the tea cup to cover it up.

The situation was stronger than others, so Yu Weisheng had to bow his head. With a gloomy complexion, he stared fiercely at Gu Peiling, who had hurt his daughter, and stared at her, his little face turned pale.

Without arguing with them about how much each of the two families should pay, Yu Weisheng let out a cold snort and walked away.

Before he transferred Gu Zhengkang to the Ministry of Officials, he asked someone to investigate him carefully.

Therefore, he is very clear about the situation of the third room of the general's mansion in Zhenbei.

Gu Zhengkang accumulated a lot of money during his tenure. Although the annual interest rate from Gu Yao's family property to Sanfang is not too much, it is more than enough to scrape together a mere 3 taels.

So after he returned to the mansion, he first invited the imperial doctor for Yu Jia, and then asked the housekeeper to go to the west courtyard of the general's mansion to explain the matter from beginning to end.

Of course, Yu Jia's role in this matter was briefly mentioned, and it was only said that she was dragged down by the two sisters Gu Peiling.

He also sent a message to Gu Zhengkang, if he didn't give him the money, he wouldn't take the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials!
The housekeeper of Shangshu Mansion visited from the main entrance and knew that he was looking for someone from the third room, so the gatekeeper led him to the west courtyard.

Gu Zhengkang, who was still recuperating on the bed, almost jumped up when he heard that there was another matter about Gu Nanyan, so he gritted his teeth and asked someone to invite Gu Yao.

The butler who was in charge of delivering the message lowered his eyes and stood straight at the door without entering the room, obviously not wanting to stay longer.

"Master Gu, our master said that the yamen only gave us half an hour. You may have missed the hour with all your tossing and turning."

From Jingya to Shangshufu, and then from Shangshufu to Jingya, the journey alone will take more than two quarters of an hour.

Not to mention the time to take out the money. When Gu Yao comes over, I don't know how long it will take.

Hearing this, Gu Zhengkang's eyes flickered and said: "Your official knows that time is running out, but 3 taels is not a small amount, and I can't afford the money for a while. Why don't I discuss it with my father when my father comes, maybe I can let Sister Nan Let go..."

The butler waved his hand impatiently to interrupt him before he finished speaking.

"What kind of person is the princess? Master Gu knows better than this old slave. Let alone whether you can persuade General Gu, how confident are you that you can persuade the princess even if General Gu goes out in person?"

There are not only the two important ministers Song Yi and Guo Qingsong on the Jingya side, but also the prince Sheng Wang.

Not to mention the most embarrassing princess.

These four people have the same talk, they are all counting the hours and waiting, if the fine is not paid in time, maybe it is in their hands!

Seeing Gu Zhengkang's hesitation, the butler sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

In his eyes, this Mr. Gu is just a grasshopper after autumn, so why should he care about a dying person.

(End of this chapter)

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