Chapter 362
The silver was sent by the son of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Yu Weisheng's son-in-law and Yu Jia's brother.

He was wearing a white robe embroidered with patterns of the same color, with black boots under his feet, and his black hair was tied neatly on top of his head, with a hosta on it.

There is a piece of warm white jade hanging around his waist, just like a nobleman's attire.

Seeing Gu Nanyan and King Sheng walking in hand in hand, he greeted him with a smile on his face and cupped his hands.

"My lord, Yu Ci, has met Princess Sheng."

Gu Nanyan, who originally didn't want to talk to him, paused, and looked at him without a word.

"Fishbone? Real name?"

Are you serious?

Just hearing the name makes people feel uncomfortable like a stick in the throat.

Gu Nanyan asked seriously, but Yu Ci was silent.

"...The princess was joking. The name was given by my father, so it is naturally true."

Not long after he was born, his father was transferred to the Ministry of Officials, and then won Fang Junhe's favor and promoted him to be a minister.

So his father named him Yuci, which means this is a gift from God, and he has high hopes for him.

Although he has no fame and no official position, he is a top-notch existence in the academy.

The Beijing Central Gambling House set a bet that next year's imperial examination will be the most promising candidate, and he will be ranked second.

As for the number one, it was Gu Nanyan's second brother, Gu Yunze, who didn't go to the academy often, but still took the first place every time.

Thinking of Gu Yunze, Yu Ci's eyes darkened.

Since he was born, no matter what he does, he is the most outstanding among his peers, and he has always been the pride in his father's eyes.Praise anyone you see.

Until he met Gu Yunge, whether it was the daily homework or the ten-day exam, he was firmly under the pressure, and he became the second child of ten thousand years.

However, the time Gu Yunze went to the academy was less than ten days a month, but he was not as flattering as a person who went to class every day according to the rules and studied hard.

Yu Ci hated secretly in his heart, but it didn't show on his face, he was still smiling.

"Speaking of which, I have been classmates with Brother Ling for many years, but this is the first time I have met Sister Gu's."

The kindness of his name and the gentleness of his smile made Gu Nanyan, who was still slandering Yu Weisheng so displeased with his son, who gave him such a name, stopped again and looked at him curiously. he.

Li Yi on the side turned dark instantly, and Yu Ci immediately fell into the category of mad bees, waves and butterflies, and he was about to block Gu Nanyan in the blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, Gu Nanyan didn't even look at him, and stretched out his hand to pull him away.

Li Yi: "..."

The king seems to have a rival in love!

He stared at Yu Ci with gloomy eyes, his fox eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Secretly decided in his heart, after his wife left, he would let Long Yi tie up this boy and throw him into the deep mountains and old forests!

Yu Ci naturally felt the unkindness of King Sheng. Although his heart trembled a little, he was still courageous, and the corner of his mouth pulled out a curve that he thought was beautiful.

Li Yi: Well done, you are dead!

The largest mountain in the outskirts of Beijing seems to be infested with tigers. If the tiger goes down the mountain and bites the people, why not throw him near the tiger's cave and fill his stomach first!

Gu Nanyan didn't know what Li Yi was thinking, she was just curious.

This was the first time she heard Gu Yunze's lonely name from someone else.

Thinking of Gu Yunze's lonely figure walking around all day long, as a qualified younger sister, Gu Nanyan decided to help him maintain the friendship between his classmates.

So she turned around and grinned at Yu Ci, showing a grin that she thought was kind.

"So it's my second brother's classmate."

She stretched out her small hand and patted Yu Ci's shoulder.

"Not bad, not bad, it really looks like a talent."

After finishing speaking, he nodded appreciatively, and Lao Huai continued comfortingly: "That stinky boy of our family has caused you a lot of trouble in the academy. I thank you for him. If you have time, I will let you sit in the mansion. The steward prepared food and drink as a thank you."

With that kind appearance, he looks like a little old man with a beard attached.

Yu Ci: "..."

What is the feeling of meeting the parents of classmates by chance?

"Princess, you're being polite..." He twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly, and suddenly didn't know how to speak to her.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Gu Nanyan, who never gave up halfway, made persistent efforts.

"By the way, my second brother is playing truant at home all day long, and he doesn't know what his grades are. I heard from Gu Peiling that you are very hardworking and studious. If you have time, you should tutor him more. I will send you two good inkstones..."

"I still have important matters to attend to, so I will stay shortly. Please forgive me and leave!"

Crazy, Gu Yunze's grades are much higher than his, why should he tutor?
How can counseling be worse in the exam?
Yu Ci gritted his teeth, feeling that Gu Nanyan was deliberately embarrassing him.

Before Gu Nanyan finished speaking, Yu Ci bid farewell in a hurry, and left with a dark face, shaking his sleeves, and disappeared in an instant.

Gu Nanyan, who raised his arm and was about to pat him on the shoulder:? ? ?
She was dazed, her almond eyes were wide open, and she looked at Li Yi inexplicably.

"I haven't finished talking yet, why is he running?"

"Perhaps I cherish my broom and don't want to teach your second brother."

Li Yi raised his thin lips in a refreshed manner.

"The competition among students is also very fierce. Although his attitude is petty and disregards his classmates, selfish and ruthless, it is understandable."

Without any guilt, he poured several buckets of dirty water on his body.

Li Yi saw that her expression was getting more and more contemptuous, and while his heart was jumping with joy, there was comfort on his face, and he showed courtesy every time there was a need.

"Yan'er don't have to worry about your second brother's schoolwork. There are still a few months before the imperial examination next year. When I go back to study a letter from Yu Bai Taifu, I will bring your second brother to visit in person tomorrow and ask him to accept your second brother as a teacher." Disciple, personally tutor him in his studies."

Taifu Bai is the two emperors and Li Yi's teacher at the same time. Students who want to worship him as their teacher are like crucian carp crossing the river.

It's a pity that due to old age, students have long been closed.

If he could agree to accept Gu Yunze, not to mention the great benefits in terms of schoolwork, just that connection would make his official career smooth, and he would be promoted step by step, and his future would be limitless.

Even though Gu Nanyan was with him, Gu Yunze wouldn't be in any trouble.

But besides knowledge, reputation is also very important for scholars.

Becoming a student of the emperor's teacher will definitely make him famous.

He analyzed these carefully and told Gu Nanyan.

To strike while the iron is hot, he must seize the opportunity to perform well.

Comparing all those mad bees, waves and butterflies with malicious intentions, Yan'er will know who treats her best!
Gu Nanyan quite agreed upon hearing the words, and immediately decided to go with them to see Mrs. Bai tomorrow.

The two went to Baojie to meet Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo, and then went back home.

Seeing that her own father was also there, Guo Shi was stunned, remembering that Li Yi asked someone to go to Dali Temple to report the crime, so she was not surprised, and welcomed Guo Qingsong into the general's mansion happily.

At that time, Old General Gu was playing chess with Emperor Anyang in his study.

Emperor Anyang is a stinky chess player, and he is also a stinky chess player who likes to play chess with others, but doesn't know what it means to play chess without regret.

Although Gu Yao is not proficient in chess, he never plays tricks.

Facing the remorseful and tireless Emperor Anyang, Gu Yao was completely overwhelmed, but as the master, it was not easy to drive him out of the study.

When Gu Nanyan returned home, he was only one step away from lifting the table.

However, Emperor Anyang, who was sitting across from him, still looked disgusted, complaining that he couldn't play chess, and that he lost a game, which gave him no sense of accomplishment.

Gu Yao can't help but feel aggrieved.

Seeing that he was about to pull Li Yi to play chess again, Gu Nanyan gave him a sideways glance, and grabbed Gu Yao and Li Yi's sleeves one by one to the front hall.

Only Emperor Anyang was left alone sitting there blowing his beard and staring, calling Gu Nanyan unfilial and depriving him of the joy of life.

Standing behind him, Eunuch Xu, who was pretending to be deaf and dumb, kept his eyes on his nose, his nose, his nose, and his heart, and resolutely refused to respond to his words.

When he was angry enough, he thought of Gu Nanyan saying that there were guests in the mansion today, and he even asked that girl Yunchu to go to her yard to fetch some jars of good wine.

Emperor Anyang swallowed his saliva, forgot about playing chess, and followed him up.

(End of this chapter)

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