Chapter 363
The two have been officials in the same dynasty for many years and are in-laws, so they are very familiar with each other.

Gu Yao didn't do the trick of separating tables between men and women.

Gu Shen and Gu Yunge disguised themselves early this morning, sneaked out of the city, and returned to the Zhenbei Army.

Not to mention, Gu Qing was still managing those factories for Gu Nanyan in Mingshan City.

Therefore, the eldest and second householders are full of calculations, and there are only Gu Nanyan, Guo Shi and Gu Yunze.

In addition, Mrs. Gu walked a lot today, so she didn't attend. Including Emperor Anyang who was drinking, the round table was mostly empty.

"I don't know who this is..." Guo Qingsong asked curiously when he saw Emperor Anyang sitting at the head seat.

"This is Mr. Fu, sister Nan' elder."

Gu Yao couldn't tell the identity of Emperor Anyang directly, so he had to say in a cryptic manner.

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Guo Qingsong nodded politely, and didn't ask further questions.

"I would like to thank Guo Xiandi for today's matter. My two granddaughters caused such trouble, but you are making a joke." Gu Yao sighed.

He also only found out about an hour ago that Gu Peiling's two sisters were brought to court by Sister Nan.

Gu Zhengkang felt angry after paying the money, and asked his servants to bring him to the West Courtyard to file a complaint. Only then did he know what happened, and his face turned black immediately with anger.

Seeing that this son didn't know how to reflect on himself, and he didn't want to educate the two cheated daughters, instead he kept saying that Gu Nanyan was wrong, and that Gu Yao's seven orifices gave birth to smoke.

If it wasn't for the servants to stop him, I'm afraid his legs would be broken again.

"Brother Gu is serious, I just dealt with it impartially, I didn't help much, but your granddaughter..."

He looked at Gu Nanyan, not as serious as he was in the courtroom, but his rigid face was soft.

"Courageous and resourceful, not inferior to the general when he was young." He praised sincerely.

It's just that his temperament is more like a bandit than talking, and he doesn't know who he looks like.

Gu Yao was naturally happy to hear someone praise his granddaughter. After all, his colleague and in-laws are notoriously old-fashioned, and he rarely heard him praise others.

Even Guo Shi was surprised.

Sister Nan's character and way of dealing with things are out of line even as a woman, even if she is placed in public by a man.

It's natural for their own family to think whatever they want, but her father's temper...

This was the first time she heard him praise someone so bluntly.

"That's it, I don't know whose species it is." Emperor Anyang muttered triumphantly, attracting Gu Nanyan's warning glance, and shut his mouth embarrassingly.

Guo Qingsong's eyes flashed, looking at the somewhat similar faces of Emperor Anyang and Gu Nanyan, he couldn't help guessing, but he didn't make a sound.

But in my heart I was shocked.

It is such a big deal for the emperor of a country to travel, but this one appeared in Jianan country quietly, and it seems that he has lived in the general's mansion for some time.

He is the Minister of Dali Temple, and he has solved many unsolved cases for more than ten years. Even Gu Yao has to admire him, so naturally he didn't think he could hide it from him.

"Master Fu couldn't bear to part with the daughter he just recognized, so he came over to have a look."

This was an acknowledgment of his identity in disguise, and Guo Qingsong felt relieved after hearing this.

Since this man dared to show up at the General's Mansion and did not conceal his identity, he should have no other purpose.

Just like what General Gu said, is it just that she simply doesn't want to part with her daughter?

Guo Qingsong looked diagonally across.

Gu Nanyan was holding a salt-baked chicken leg, her cheeks were puffy, and she was chewing on it.

She watched Emperor Anyang's paw reaching for the other chicken leg with cold eyes, and quickly snatched it away, not forgetting to roll her eyes triumphantly at him.

Then he got up and put the chicken leg into Gu Yao's bowl.

Seeing such a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety, Guo Qingsong smiled knowingly.

With such a filial child, it's no wonder that the one who chased after him traveled thousands of miles regardless of his status.

There were no outsiders at the table, and the general's mansion was heavily guarded, so they didn't shy away from it. After drinking for three rounds, they talked about the birthday banquet the next day.

"I had someone check it out. Empress Dowager Shen has had frequent exchanges with Daliang's envoys recently, especially Prime Minister Hong Wei. Although his legs and feet are inconvenient, he is carried into the palace every day, saying that he is discussing the two countries with the empress dowager. Marriage thing."

Li Yi's expression turned ugly.

With his ability, it is not difficult to find out who the other party intends to marry.

And this time with Hong Cheng, besides the prince, there is also a fifth prince.

It's Sima Zhao's heart that everyone knows!
"It's just a marriage. Why do you need to discuss it? Wouldn't it be better to directly submit the credential and write this matter on it?"

Gu Yao frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

"Old General Gu was right as he expected. The king's people sent back news that there seems to be another group of people in Beijing recently."

He looked at Gu Yao, and said cryptically, "It should be related to the previous dynasty."

When Gu Nanyan asked him to investigate Aunt Qiu, when it was found out that she was a descendant of a general from the previous dynasty, he felt that there was something wrong with it.

Then let Long Yi continue to dig deep along this line.

Because of the secrecy he investigated, and Aunt Qiu didn't know that her identity had been revealed at the time, Li Yi's people easily found out their whereabouts when the group was unprepared.

Hearing him talk about the previous dynasty, Gu Yao's face became quite ugly.

Naturally, it was also heard from his tone that these people might have something to do with Aunt Qiu.

This matter is not big or small.

Although Aunt Qiu is from the General's Mansion, she lives in the West Courtyard all year round, and he will not go there when he is free, so as not to misunderstand the old wife.

Besides, from the outside world's point of view, the East and West courtyards have always been at odds. This is something that the whole capital knows. Even if he himself cannot get rid of the suspicion, with his granddaughter around, the first and second households should be fine.

Not to mention, there is still King Sheng around.

Since he didn't come to ask questions immediately, and didn't even intervene in Aunt Qiu's affairs, it seems that he believed in himself.

Or it should be said that he believed in his granddaughter.

It's just that although the first family and the second family are safe, it's hard to say that the third family, who is the direct blood of the Qiu family, is hard to say, after all, they have the blood of the previous dynasty in their bodies.

I just hope that the Qiu family will not play a big role in this matter, otherwise let alone Sanfang's life will be lost, it will be difficult for the entire General's Mansion to gain a foothold in Beijing.

"The family is unlucky." Gu Yao took a sip of wine with his head raised, and Gu Yao closed his eyes, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

He deliberately distanced himself from the west courtyard, but Gu Zhengkang's blood was his after all.

May I ask which father can watch his son step by step on the road to death without heartache?

If her mother hadn't threatened her with her life back then, or if he insisted not to take concubines, the current situation wouldn't exist.

He had a sad face, looking as if he was a few years older, Gu Nanyan frowned.

"Don't worry, if Sanfang is really related to those people, I will go to Li Mi to intercede in person, and I should be able to save their lives."

This is just the worst situation, but from her point of view, neither Gu Zhengkang nor the two sisters in the third room are very smart masters.

The previous dynasty has been destroyed for so long, and there are still remnants hidden deep, so they must be very cautious in their daily actions.

Even if Sanfang wanted to get involved with those people, they might be afraid that they would ruin a big event.

Li Yi also comforted him: "General Gu, don't worry, my people didn't find out that the third room of the general's mansion had any connection with those people, and they haven't done anything earth-shattering in recent years, so I guess they didn't get any useful information from you." news."

This is true. The remnants of the previous dynasty have been silent for many years. Caution is one aspect, and it is true that there is no way to start.

After all, only a few hundred of them escaped with their soldiers back then, and it was not easy to grow stronger again.

When Gu Yao heard Li Yi's words, he was relieved a lot.

Emperor Anyang didn't know about Aunt Qiu's affairs, so after listening for a while, he finally understood.

He clicked his tongue twice, patted Gu Yao's shoulder, and asked gloatingly, "Is that old concubine of yours a remnant of the previous dynasty? The taste is strong enough!"

When Gu Yao heard his voice, his face darkened again.

Resisting the urge to throw the hands on the shoulders away, he took a deep breath and said, "That's better than you. I heard that your concubine joined forces with his son to murder you. Is this true?"

Emperor Anyang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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