Chapter 367

Gu Yunze usually has a personable demeanor, and he has stunned many little girls.

Speaking of Mrs. Bai at this time, he was full of obsession, and expressed his incomparable longing for his book collection, and he almost didn't let it go!

Gu Nanyan couldn't bear to look directly at it.

She grinned, and asked inexplicably: "So the reason why you are so excited is not because of Mrs. Bai?"

But staring at other people's books?

This is a little trickier.

Gu Nanyan touched his chin.

A rare copy is very precious at first glance, and I don't know what price they paid to borrow it.

The two chatted all the way, Gu Yunze was the one talking most of the time, and Gu Nanyan was listening.

When they arrived at Prince Sheng's Mansion, Li Yi was already waiting at the door.

He didn't wait for the two to get out of the carriage, he opened the curtain and got in.

Looking up, he saw Gu Nanyan curled up like a ball, huddled in the corner of the carriage with flushed cheeks, and couldn't help frowning.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Li Yi asked, then reached out and touched her forehead.

"It's a little hot."

He scowled in dissatisfaction, "What are you doing out here when you're sick? What if it's serious?"

Gu Nanyan said awkwardly: "I have already taken the medicine, it will be fine later."

This little cold was nothing to her.

Not to mention that she can heal herself, as far as her physical fitness is concerned, she can heal on her own even without taking medicine.

But Li Yi didn't like her, and stuffed the specially prepared hot hand stove into her arms, and replaced the one in her hand that was no longer warm.

"Stop running around like this, I'll take you back first."

His tone could not be refused, and after he finished speaking, he lifted the curtain of the car and told the coachman to turn around and go back to the general's mansion.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan quickly reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

"It's really not necessary."

"It's just that I drank some wine and blew the wind last night, and it's just a little headache."

With her movements, the quilt on her body spread out, and the cold wind from the surroundings instantly penetrated into the skirt of her clothes.

Gu Nanyan trembled, but still didn't take back her hand, she persistently grabbed Li Yi's sleeve and looked at him.

Seeing her shivering from the cold, Li Yi had no choice but to close the car curtain and pull her hands off her sleeves.

It was cold at the beginning, Li Yi's face became more serious, he pressed his thin lips together and rubbed her hands in the palm of his hand.

Then he wrapped her in a quilt and asked someone to replace her with a larger charcoal basin.

Xu Shi was ill and lacked energy, but Gu Nanyan didn't resist, and let him play around honestly.

"You don't need to come forward for this matter. I personally ask him not to disrespect me, and he will definitely accept your second brother as a student."

Thinking that she was worried that the trip would not achieve its purpose, Li Yi assured him.

Gu Nanyan shook her head: "It's not all because of the second brother, I'm a little worried about Li Mi's situation, so I just went to ask."

As the queen's natal family, it is impossible for Taifu's mansion to not receive any news.

Even though 888 has repeatedly assured that Li Mi will not have any problems for a while, he still has to ask before he can rest assured.

Li Yi had nothing to do with her. After making sure that she was really all right, he let the groom go.

On the way, he touched her forehead with the back of his hand from time to time to make sure that Gu Nanyan didn't burn more.

Gu Yunze, who was watching the whole process: "..."

Is he a bit redundant?
Although he was very grateful to Li Yi for recommending the old matriarch to him, it was too much for him to deal with his younger sister in front of his future brother-in-law.

Gu Yunze quietly moved between the two, intending to separate them.

Li Yi didn't seem to notice the vigilance in his eyes, and put one hand over him to press the corner of Gu Nanyan's back, so as not to get wind in it.

Gu Yunze: "..."

It feels more redundant...

The three of them stared at each other, speechless all the way.

When even Long Yi who was sitting outside the carriage felt embarrassed for them, the carriage finally stopped.

Li Yi often came to Taifu's residence to visit, and the purpose of this trip was to apprentice Gu Yunze, so Bai Taifu did not go out to greet him according to the etiquette of a monarch.

Only the butler was waiting outside the gate, and when he saw their carriage, he hurried up to meet them.

Gu Yunze got out of the car first, just about to take off the fur on his body and wrap it around Gu Nanyan.

Li Yi took off his purple fox cloak one step ahead of him and put it on her.

Then he carefully helped her out of the car.

Gu Nanyan, who was regarded as a delicate flower: "..."

At once……

I'm not used to it.

After getting off the carriage, she withdrew her hand awkwardly, cleared her throat and thanked Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't say anything, just glanced at her with the corners of his lips curled up in a half-smile, and followed the butler into the Grand Tutor's residence.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What look?

Did this guy forget to take his medicine before going out?

Grand Tutor Bai's status in Jianan Kingdom is detached, but the mansion is not luxurious, it is very elegantly furnished.

It doesn't look like a residence, but a garden.

A path paved with stones, with scattered bamboos on both sides, you can hear the sound of running water as soon as you enter the door.

Gu Nanyan looked over in surprise.

In such a cold day, it is reasonable to say that the water surface has frozen, but the man-made creek in this courtyard is still flowing and even steaming.

She moved her nose and smelled a faint smell of sulfur.

It turned out to be hot spring water!

Gu Nanyan was stunned.

This was the first hot spring place she had seen after coming here.

It's just that it would be too wasteful to use hot spring water for landscaping.

Gu Nanyan smacked her back molars, thinking secretly, how could she drink two barrels when she left, so that she could take a beauty bath when she returned.

The butler led them around, and finally arrived at a yard.

This courtyard is not the main hall, Taifu Bai is sitting in the middle of the room, behind him there are rows of bookshelves full of books.

"It's early this time." He said to Li Yi teasingly.

Then his eyes fell on Gu Nanyan, his wise eyes lit up, and he nodded towards her.

"The old minister has seen the princess. It's been a long time. Is the princess well?"

On weekdays, Gu Nanyan doesn't follow the rules very much, but she still knows how to respect the old and love the young.

Besides, she didn't feel bad for this old man, so she also nodded to him.

"Teacher is polite, just call me by my name."

Taifu Bai smiled and nodded in response, calling them to sit down at the tea table beside him, and then focused on today's protagonist - Gu Yunze.

"You are Gu Yao's second grandson?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Second grandson...

It sounds like you're swearing.

Gu Yunze didn't realize it, and hurriedly stood up and slapped him, his previously vigorous face showed some nervousness.

"It's the students."

Taifu Bai nodded in satisfaction: "I've heard of your name before, and it is said that you are very talented in reading, which is unmatched by the younger generation in Beijing."

He looked up and down for a long time, stroked his beard and smiled: "Yes, his eyes are bright and energetic, his hands are long and flexible, he is intelligent, and he is born to read."

Hearing a generation of great scholars praise him, Gu Yunze was very embarrassed, his cheeks were flushed, and he looked very excited.

Gu Nanyan grinned, and had nowhere to complain about his appearance as if he saw the woman he liked.

I really don't understand, just seeing a Chinese teacher, how can I make him so excited?

"My lord Tai Tuo praised me, the students just have a better memory than the average person, so they can't be considered smart." Gu Yunze said modestly.

"I heard that Master Taifu read ten lines at a glance when he was young, and he could memorize the Analects of Confucius backwards in half a month. The students are really inferior."

This is true, although he is a fast reader, he is not yet able to recite the Analects of Confucius in half a month, which shows how talented the Taifu is.

"That's all exaggerated by the world, so it can't be true." Bai Taifu laughed.

"Actually, when it comes to talent, I'm not as good as you."


He glanced at Li Yi: "No matter how talented you are, and you have King Cheng lobbying for you, it's not that easy to be my student. You still have to pass the old man's test."

Gu Yunze was taken aback, and hurriedly bent down to salute: "What the Master Taifu said is that the students are willing to accept the test. If they fail to pass, it can only be said that the students are not knowledgeable enough, and it will not be difficult for them to leave voluntarily."

Seeing his humble attitude, completely lacking the arrogance of a young man, Bai Taifu was satisfied.

"You don't have to be so nervous."

As he spoke, he got up and took a piece of paper from the desk, with a few lines written densely on it.

"Here is a math problem, the difficulty of which is almost the same as that of previous palace exams. If you can solve it, the old man will accept you. How about it?"

math problem?
Gu Nanyan glanced at him suspiciously.

Isn't this old man a Chinese teacher? Why is he still teaching mathematics?

(End of this chapter)

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