The farmer has a mall

Chapter 368 Arithmetic Problem

Chapter 368 Arithmetic Problem

Driven by curiosity, Gu Nanyan poked his head out of the thick purple fox fur and looked at the paper.

In ancient times when there were no Arabic numerals, all numerals were written in Chinese characters, densely packed together, which made her dizzy for a while.

Gu Nanyan: ...I am really not suitable for studying.

She tried her best to stop her eyes from glancing away involuntarily, and with a serious face, she quickly went through the topic.

This is a question about a woman washing dishes.

The original text is about a woman who drank cups on the river, and a neighbor asked, "Why are there so many cups?"
The woman said: There are guests at home.

The neighbor said: How many guests?

The woman said: Two people share a meal, three people share soup, four people share meat, and all use cups 65.

Ask unknown customer geometry?

The general meaning of this question is that a peasant woman was washing dishes by the river. The neighbor asked her how many guests came to her house, and she needed to use so many bowls. She said that every two guests shared a rice bowl, and every three guests shared a soup bowl. Bowls, every four shared a dish bowl, a total of 65 bowls were washed.

Finally, she asked her how many guests had come to the house.

A very simple question can be easily solved with a linear equation in one variable.

Assuming that the number of guests is x, you can use the relationship that the total number of bowls is equal to the total number of bowls to solve the equation.

So a total of sixty guests came to her house, and Gu Nanyan immediately had the answer in her mind.

She looked at Gu Yunze, only to see that the latter dipped his pen in the ink, frowned and pondered for a moment.

First make a draft on another piece of paper, and then write the answer on the test paper after checking that it is correct.

The answer Gu Yunze gave was also sixty, and his solution to the problem is attached below.

"Put 65 cups, multiply by 780, you get [-], divide by [-], and you get it."

Gu Nanyan nodded. Although this solution is a bit complicated, it is not bad to be able to solve it in such a short time.

Li Yi, who was sitting beside her, curled his lips, lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "It seems that this king is troubled, your second brother is very capable, even if you don't have this king's recommendation, you will definitely be able to belong to him." Under the Taifu's family."

His breath was soft, with a warm scent of saponins, blowing the fox fur around Gu Nanyan's ears, making her shrink her neck involuntarily.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing his ears, Gu Nanyan glanced at him speechlessly.

Can you speak well?

Seeing that Li Yi turned around and picked up the teacup as if nothing had happened, Gu Nanyan didn't care too much.

Heartbroken, he withdrew his hand and moved the chair to the other side.

Li Yi, who was drinking tea with his eyes lowered, noticed her actions, and his thin lips curved slightly in joy, and soon disappeared.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yunze could give the answer so quickly, Taifu Bai took the question paper in surprise.

After reading it, my eyes brightened, as if I had discovered a treasure.

"Not bad." He praised.

After pondering for a moment, he took up his pen and wrote the next question again.

This time it is a question about three women returning home.

The original question is that there are three daughters today, the eldest daughter returns once every five days, the middle daughter returns once every four days, and the young girl returns once every three days.

Ask the three girls when they will meet.

This question is similar to the one just now. According to Gu Yunze's algorithm, the least common multiple must also be calculated.

He solved it again in a very short time, and the answer was also sixty.

Taifu Bai clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Very good, very good, I didn't expect you to be so proficient in arithmetic, I really surprised this old man."

Arithmetic is what he loves all his life, and he likes to solve some difficult problems when he has nothing to do.

Old Madam Bai had heard of Gu Yunze, a student who was very famous in the capital, and he was Gu Yao's grandson, so he paid more attention to him.

Yesterday before going to bed, he received a letter from Li Yi, asking him to take Gu Yunze as a student, and he was already moved.

Today's test was just out of interest.

You must know that these two questions are not easy for people who are not good at arithmetic.

In addition, Jianan Kingdom does not pay much attention to arithmetic, and has never asked such difficult questions in previous years' scientific examinations.

This question will be included in the test paper of the palace examination this year, and he forced it.

Unexpectedly, this year would be an eventful year, with wars and rebellion by King Ning, the imperial examination was cancelled, so he was useless for this question, and it happened to be used to test Gu Yunze today.

Originally, regardless of whether he could solve the problem on the spot, he would accept this student.

Who knew that Gu Yunze was so unexpected that he solved two difficult problems in just two quarters of an hour!
Taifu Bai was relieved but also puzzled. After all, these two questions came from an isolated ancient book in his collection, and he only slightly modified it.

If you have never read that book, it is basically impossible to unravel it in such a short period of time.

"You, an old student, accept it!" Mrs. Bai said with satisfaction.

"But you have to tell the old man, have you seen similar questions anywhere?"

When Gu Yunze heard that he personally agreed to accept him, he was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

Hearing his question again, I hurriedly suppressed the joy in my heart, and replied respectfully: "Mr. is very clever, the students have indeed seen similar questions before."

Mr. Bai didn't care about his behavior of climbing up the pole and addressing himself as Mr. before he was a teacher.

His current thoughts are all on the source of that question.

So he sat up straight and asked, "Where did you see it? But which math book? Can you show me?"

He asked three times in a row, obviously very concerned about this matter.

After all, what he was most curious about was the book that wrote the questions.

Since his ancient book was a single copy, there was no way there would be a second one, so he felt that what Gu Yunze saw might be another math book.

Bai Taifu was full of anticipation, while Gu Yunze looked at Gu Nanyan in embarrassment.

"Sir, I misunderstood. The reason why students can solve these two questions is because someone has used similar questions to test students, not from what they saw in the book..."

Of course he would not refuse if the husband asked for it.

But the question was asked by his sister, and he didn't know where it came from.

And according to his newly released husband, the book written by my sister should be very precious.

Without her consent, it was difficult for Gu Yunze to tell the truth.

So as not to cause trouble for her.

It's just that Taifu Bai has been in the officialdom all his life, so how could he not see that he deliberately concealed it?

Seeing his eyes unconsciously glanced in the direction of Gu Nanyan, he suddenly understood.

He stroked his gray beard and looked at Gu Nanyan who was tightly wrapped.

He didn't have much contact with Gu Nanyan, but from her deeds, we can know that this girl is not an easy talker.

Sensing his gaze, Gu Nanyan blinked, pretending not to see, shrank his head back into the fox fur, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Seeing that she was pretending to be stupid, Grand Tutor Bai didn't mind, so he chuckled a few times, and instead turned his attention to Li Yi who was at the side.

"I heard that King Sheng intends to propose marriage to the General's Mansion?" He glanced at Gu Nanyan meaningfully.

Li Yi nodded: "It is true."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to refill Gu Nanyan's cup of hot water, put the back of his finger on the cup to test the temperature, and felt that it could be eaten, so he raised his hand to the mouth of Gu Nanyan's cigarette.

"Speaking of which, this king is planning to ask Mr. Taifu to be a matchmaker between me and Yan'er."

Asking the emperor to marry him is also a good choice, but for the sake of solemnity, it is still necessary to invite a matchmaker to come to the door in advance.

Taifu Bai hummed twice when he heard the words, and muttered softly: "This old man is not a matchmaker..."

He glanced at Gu Nanyan, seeing that the other party still lowered his eyes and pretended not to hear, a pair of cloudy eyes flashed a cunning that didn't match his age.

"It's not impossible."

With a look of hesitation, he murmured: "It's just that although you haven't been a teacher, the old man has taught you for a while, so you are half a gentleman."

"Now that you are getting married and it is the first time you bring a girl to meet this old man, you should give this old man a gift."

He meant something, staring at Gu Nanyan with burning eyes, smiling calmly.

Gu Nanyan almost rolled her eyes at him.

I have only heard of elders giving greetings to juniors, but I have never seen a gentleman asking for greetings from his own students!

She looked at the calm Taifu Bai with contempt.

Isn't the old man's purpose too obvious?
(End of this chapter)

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