Chapter 373

"Eldest Uncle has stayed in the position of servant for so many years. If he had the real ability, he would have been promoted a long time ago. Now he only got the chance by serving Gu Nanyan on the saddle."

"And your eldest son, but he almost lost his life in the last battle, and it was his sister who saved his life."

"Your second son is even more useless. He knows the meaning of holding a book all day long. If he doesn't make any contribution, he will only waste money to buy a bunch of broken books. What shame do you have to say about us!"

Gu Peiling mocked, pointed at Guo Shi's nose and shouted without hesitation.

Seeing her treat the elders so unruly, Mrs. Gu was so angry that she covered her heart with one hand.

"You, you unruly..."

"Why do I have no rules?" Gu Peiling interrupted her with a stiff neck.

"It's just telling the truth. You East Court thinks you are superior and arrogant, but in fact, you are full of bad habits and selfishness. You think I have no rules, and I think you are dirty...Ah!"

There was a crisp snap, and Gu Peiling's words were interrupted by exclamations.

Everyone looked up, and saw her covering her left face and her eyes widened in horror, and standing in front of her was Gu Nanyan, who was dressed in black.

Gu Nanyan's small face was as cold as ice, killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he poked his right hand into his sleeve.

"You, what do you want to do!" Sensing her unkindness, Gu Peiling took two steps back, her voice trembling with fright.

Gu Nanyan sneered: "What are you doing? Naturally, I told you to shut up."

If you are born human but can't speak human words, then you should never speak.

She doesn't care about any grievances between the east and west courtyards, and she doesn't care who is right and who is wrong.

Just for the remaining energy fluctuations in her body, it is worth her taking action to teach this ignorant woman a lesson.

What's more, this stupid chatter for a long time just now really annoys me.

Gu Peiling is not stupid, she also understands that she was impulsive just now and made Gu Nanyan angry.

With her appearance like this, she obviously won't give herself good fruit to eat.

She searched around in a panic, and her eyes fell on Gu Yao with a cold face, and her eyes lit up.

"Grandfather save me!"

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Gu Peiling walked away from Gu Nanyan and ran towards Gu Yao.

Unexpectedly, he was grabbed by the back collar and thrown backwards.

"Sister Nan!" Gu Yao suddenly said, with a very serious tone.

"Come here, grandfather has his own points for this matter, and you don't need to do it."

Seeing Gu Nanyan turning his head to look at him coolly, Gu Yao's condensed expression eased.

"You and her are sisters, it's bad for your reputation to spread the word."

With so many servants around watching, no matter how disappointed he is with Gu Peiling, he can't let his granddaughter do it and ruin his reputation.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was motionless, and seemed to be holding something in his hand, he coaxed in a soft tone: "Be good, listen to your grandfather, and hand her over to him."

For disrespecting her elders and stirring up disputes, and harboring such deep hatred for the East Courtyard, this granddaughter can no longer stay in the mansion.

Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes and looked at Gu Peiling, who was lying on the ground, knowing that Gu Yao was doing it for her own good, so she took the needle back after hesitating for a while.

Seeing this, Gu Peiling breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling proud.

No matter how powerful Gu Nanyan is, it's because she is afraid of her reputation and dare not touch her.

Waiting for tomorrow...

Her eyes flashed, and a look of sternness appeared on her face. Thinking of the things the man gave her, her gloomy mood brightened instantly.

As long as you endure it for another day, everyone in this room will be in a state of doom, except for her...

Gu Peiling lowered her head and got up slowly, and straightened her clothes slowly. Just as she was about to turn around and go out, she heard Guo's exclamation.


When she turned her head, she saw Mrs. Gu, who had not spoken for a while, clutching her chest and falling backwards unable to support her body.

Guo also didn't care to be angry with Gu Peiling, and hurried forward to support her.

Gu Nanyan was also shocked, and stepped over a few steps, seeing Mrs. Gu's face was pale, she took out a porcelain bottle with a solemn expression, and poured out a pill for her to feed.

Then he rested his fingers on her pulse, pursed his lips and did not speak.

Seeing that his old wife's face was turning blue, Gu Yao became impatient and didn't dare to disturb Gu Nanyan to get her pulse, so she looked at her with trembling lips.

"How about your grandmother?" After Gu Nanyan put down his hand, he asked hastily.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes, her face was very ugly.

"The rush to attack the heart caused a heart attack. I just gave my grandmother a medicine to protect the heart. There is no danger for the time being."

Mrs. Gu was already in poor health due to being ill for many years, and in addition to being old, it is normal to have heart disease.

It's just that since Gu Nanyan came back, her life went smoothly and she had no troubles, so it never happened.

Today, he fell ill because of Gu Peiling's incident.

Heart disease is such a thing, once committed, there will be a second time.

Gu Nanyan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

He picked up Mrs. Gu and walked through the small door on one side to the inside, and slowly placed her on the couch.

Then he took out a pen and paper to write down the prescription, and asked someone to go to Gu's Pharmacy to get the medicine.

Hearing that she was fine for the time being, Gu Yao and Guo Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when I wanted to ask Gu Nanyan if there was anything else I needed to pay attention to, I saw her blowing away like a gust of wind.

Gu Yao's heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that it was not good.

After instructing Mrs. Guo to be optimistic about the old wife, she hurriedly chased her out.

When I returned to the front hall, I just saw a slender figure flying in from outside.

Gu Peiling, who knew something bad was going to happen and was about to run away, was thrown back.

With the light behind her back, Gu Nanyan couldn't see the expression clearly on her face, and slowly walked in front of Gu Peiling, who was paralyzed from fright.

Without waiting for everyone to react, Gu Nanyan picked her up with one hand, slowly raised the other hand, and hit her on the face with a slap.

The fair face instantly became red and swollen, and everyone felt a streak of blood fly out and land at the foot of the table not far away.

Gu Yao took a closer look, and it turned out to be a tooth!
He sternly scanned the servants in the room, and just wanted them to retreat, but before he could speak, he heard another slap.

Immediately afterwards, another tooth flew out, flying directly in front of him.

Gu Yao: "..."

At this time, Gu Peiling's cheeks were red and swollen, and blood flowed from her mouth, winding down with saliva.

She was terrified and struggled with all her strength, but it was all in vain.

"Gu Nanyan, you can't do this..." To me.

Before she could finish her sentence, Gu Nanyan slapped her third slap with a cold face, not knowing what pity was.

"What did you say?" she asked calmly.

Gu Peiling's snot and tears covered her face in pain, and she whimpered.

"If you dare to hit me, you won't be afraid of breaking..." Fame.

After the fourth slap fell, Gu Nanyan's expression still showed no joy or anger.

"I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?" She asked in a softer tone.

Perhaps she was overly frightened, but Gu Peiling didn't know where she got the courage to stare at her viciously with red and swollen eyes from crying, and uttered malicious words.

"This bitch in Li, I'm going to kill Li Qiandao..."


"Speak up and say it again."

"Wait for Re, I won't let you go..."


"Go on, I'm listening."

"Father Pig, save the nest..."


"Woooo, woooooo..."

"Clap clap clap..."


Gu Yao: "..."

Who can stop this?
The servants: "..."

Wife is cruel!
With more than a dozen slaps in succession, Gu Peiling's face was swollen beyond human appearance, and the teeth in her mouth were also slapped to pieces, most of which fell out.

Gu Nanyan let go of her hand and threw her on the ground until she was sure she couldn't say a word, and stared at her condescendingly.

"Give grandpa a face today, only small punishments and big warnings. If you continue to speak out in the future, I promise to knock out all the teeth in your mouth, so that you can't eat a dry mouthful!"

After she finished speaking, she ignored Gu Peiling who fell on the ground sobbing, and looked up.

"Have you all seen it?" Gu Nanyan asked in a deep tone.

Her original intention was to say that if she saw someone disrespecting people in the East Courtyard in the future, she would directly beat them up like her, and she would bear the consequences.

Unexpectedly, all the servants misunderstood what she meant, and before she finished speaking, all of them turned pale and trembled, and all shook their heads.

"No, we didn't see anything!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."


How can I continue to make bold statements?

(End of this chapter)

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