The farmer has a mall

Chapter 374 Gu Qing's Difficulty

Chapter 374 Gu Qing's Difficulty

"You two, send her back to the west courtyard." Gu Yao ordered the maid in the house.

"Remember, she accidentally fell like this." He warned the two in a deep voice.

The two little girls responded in trepidation, and left while supporting Gu Peiling.

"Wait a moment."

Thinking of something, Gu Yao called out to them and walked to them.

Gu Peiling raised her head and looked at the fearsome general in front of her who was full of murderous aura. The afterglow of winter sprinkled on his body, making the aura around him even colder.

"I admit that your uncle has made no achievements in the Ministry of War for many years, and he is indeed not an official."

"I can also tell you that the emperor really intends to let him take over the Ministry of Industry, and has already drafted an imperial decree, which will be issued when your uncle returns to Beijing to return to his command."

"I don't need to say much about the reason, it's because of Sister Nan!"

The Ministry of Industry is in charge of national engineering, and there are countless craftsmen under it, including the manufacture of utensils.

As for the production at Gu Nanyan's factory, it is within the scope of the Ministry of Industry's responsibility.

This is why the emperor wanted to assign Gu Qing to the Ministry of Industry.

Those factories were Gu Nanyan's private property, and the Ministry of Industry had no right and dared not intervene, so it could only settle for the second best and sign a purchase contract with them.

And put forward a request, want to send a few people to learn technology.

Of course, what I learned was ordinary things like mechanical fans and clocks.

They dare not even mention the production of city defense artillery.

Gu Nanyan is not against teaching techniques.

In short, the principle of this kind of thing is not complicated, and it will be researched sooner or later.

As long as she keeps innovating and making her name known, no matter how many competitors there will be in the future, she will still be the industry leader and the biggest winner!

Teachers can be taught, but the problem is that Gu Nanyan doesn't believe them.

The factory is her painstaking effort, and it is also a piece of fat in the eyes of everyone. There are wolves around, and everyone wants to come up and take a bite at the right time.

Why did Li Mi pretend to be sick before she left Beijing?
It's not that someone in the court is coveting this piece of fat and wants to put it in his own bowl!

And at that time, the people who shouted the most were the people from the Ministry of Industry!

Gu Nanyan thought that she was not one to repay grievances with virtue, so she happily signed the procurement contract from the Ministry of Industry.

Money, whoever earns it is not earning it?

But when they proposed to let people go to the factory to learn technology, Gu Nanyan resolutely refused, the reason was simple and rude.

I just don't like you guys!
No matter how many times the Ministry of Industry came to find her and how many people it sent to make peace, if it doesn't work, it won't work, there is no room for negotiation!
Facing Gu Nanyan's tough bones, everyone was at a loss.

The people in the Ministry of Industry naturally understood why she resisted so much, so they became increasingly dissatisfied with the Secretary of the Ministry of Industry who made his own claims at the time and kept saying that he was thinking of the Ministry of Industry, but in fact wanted to benefit himself.

So someone approached Gu Nanyan quietly, and tentatively asked her if she would consider their request if the Secretary of the Ministry of Industry was replaced.

Gu Nanyan was a little embarrassed, and said that her uncle is in charge of everything in the factory now, and it depends on whether he nods or not.

Almost everyone knew that Gu Nanyan was a thorn in the side.

She doesn't even buy the emperor's account, so how can she not be the owner of her own property?
After the person looking for her went back, he pondered what she said.

Thinking of the meaningful look in her eyes when she mentioned Gu Qing, she immediately understood what the problem was.

After discussing with colleagues, for the future of the Ministry of Industry, the two servants of the Ministry of Industry learned from the painful experience.

Early the next morning, he and several subordinate officials wrote a letter, requesting Gu Qing to take over the position of Minister.

And very savvy, he compiled the current chief's crimes of accepting bribes, withholding project funds, and deceiving the upper and lower to cover up the disaster situation into a book.

Neatly placed on the emperor's case.

Li Mi, who had known the inside story for a long time, pretended to check the criminal evidence.

Take the tone and beat the case.

In the end, he promised them in a serious manner that he would find out the truth of the matter, and if it was true, he would be severely punished.

After the few people left thankfully, Li Mi threw the evidence into the wastebasket in a good mood.

Studying ink and picking up a pen, he immediately wrote down the imperial decree to seal Gu Qing as Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

It's just that he stopped cooking before the imperial decree was promulgated...

When Gu Peiling heard that Gu Qing was selected as the next minister because of Gu Nanyan, she showed disdain on her face.

It really looks like this.

It's a pity that she forgot what virtue she is now.

That face can be said to be distorted, and the expression made is also very ferocious.

Even Gu Yao, a tough guy who has been fighting for many years, couldn't hold back his back when he saw it.

He tried his best not to look at the strange expression on the granddaughter's face, and set his eyes on the top of her head, the feeling of shuddering was lessened.

"Although your uncle has indeed benefited from Sister Nan, you have never seen the suffering he endured."

Gu Peiling wanted to ridicule Gu Qing for being cheap and being obedient, but she opened her mouth and pulled the wound on her face, grinning again in pain.

How could Gu Yao not understand what she was thinking, and couldn't help being even more disappointed with her.

"He is the same as your second uncle. I taught him personally. He is more talented than your second uncle in the military general journey."

"I was supposed to follow me into the army, but during an expedition, the strength of the army was greatly reduced due to the lack of military supplies, so I resolutely joined the Ministry of War to take up a civilian job, in order to ensure the stability of the rear of our Zhenbei Army."

Gu Yao's eyes fell on her red and swollen face again, staring at her fixedly.

"Your uncle was originally an impulsive person, and he was somewhat similar to Sister Nan, so he couldn't sit still, but now he has become such a calm and down-to-earth character. Do you know the hardships involved?"

There is also Nanjieer's smelter, the emperor sent him there just to help manage it.

But he knew the importance of steel to the army, and he was afraid that even if there was a problem with one furnace, he personally went to the battle to supervise it.

As the eldest son of the general's mansion, he shuttled around the boiler all day in disgrace, even eating and sleeping in it, roasted like a coal ball.

When it was hot, he had passed out several times, and even he could not bear the hard work.

But Gu Qing never complained, and still stood there without complaint.

From Gu Yao's point of view, apart from Gu Nanyan's blessing, his hard work is also indispensable to win the position of Minister.

Otherwise, if it was someone like Gu Zhengkang, he wouldn't be able to keep the throne even if he was given the throne!
Gu Yao is persuasive and persuasive, trying in vain to guide Gu Peiling back on the right path.

But I found that what I did was all useless.

Gu Peiling didn't take it to heart at all, although her face was red and swollen and no expression could be seen, the disdain in her eyes was very obvious.

Knowing that it would be useless to continue, Gu Yao finally sighed wearily, without saying a word, waved in disappointment for the maid to send her back.

In an instant, there were only two masters left in the room, Gu Nanyan and Gu Yao.

Unrecognizable Gu Peiling was carried down.

Seeing that she couldn't ask anything like that, Gu Nanyan didn't stop her.

She continued to walk around the house. 888 said when scanning just now, the thing with energy fluctuations left Gu Peiling's body in less than two quarters of an hour.

And when she came in, she had obviously been there for a while.

In other words, the thing left Gu Peiling's body after she arrived.

After a quarter of an hour, every corner of the front hall has been checked, and there is nothing abnormal, and 888 has not scanned anything emitting energy.

Gu Nanyan couldn't help frowning.

After pondering for a moment, she looked at Gu Yao who looked tired.

Thinking of the forehead wipe that Gu Peiling gave Mrs. Gu, she couldn't help asking: "Grandfather, did Gu Peiling give you anything?"

Since it was a gift, she would never just give it to Mrs. Gu, but instead forget about her own grandfather. This is obviously not in line with her character.

Unexpectedly, his granddaughter would ask himself this question, Gu Yao was taken aback for a moment, rubbing the hand between his brows and pausing for a while.

"She gave me a hair crown and a fur, and I sent someone to the bedroom... What do you ask for?"

Seeing that her serious expression didn't seem like she was chatting, Gu Yao was very puzzled.

"I'll take a look with my grandfather, there is something to confirm."

(End of this chapter)

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