The farmer has a mall

Chapter 378 Little Red Has a Bad Temper

Chapter 378 Little Red Has a Bad Temper
The grandparents and grandchildren talked lively.

Li Pinggui sat down alone, his toes curled up in embarrassment.

Simply because Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo moved very quickly, and within half an hour, they came out with a brand new look.

Gu Nanyan looked at the two people who were dressed in luxurious clothes, and nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the energetic old wife who hadn't dressed properly for many years, Gu Yao stroked his beard happily.

He got up and went to personally help her out the door.

Madam Gu was a little embarrassed to be so intimate in front of the juniors.

But she didn't push her husband away, she pursed her lips and smiled embarrassingly, letting her wife who had been at each other for decades support her.

After more than a quarter of an hour, everyone set off.

It is rare for Gu Nanyan, who always likes to dodge, not to take a carriage. She is wearing a black court dress and sits on a tall maroon horse, with her back straightened out and slowly leading the way.

The kamikaze soldiers behind her were divided into two teams, guarding both sides with their heads held high.

That menacing posture really caused quite a stir.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, the place was already full of people, and the originally noisy environment was instantly silent when they arrived.

Gu Nanyan looked around, not paying attention to the strange and fearful eyes of these people, and drove to the other side with the Gu family.

As a princess, she naturally didn't have to wait in line, and was welcomed in quickly.

However, the kamikaze team was stopped outside the palace.

Those who guard the palace gate are not the palace guards, they are headed by a middle-aged man with a beard, and he is obviously a member of the Northwest Army.

This man was standing at the gate of the palace, looking straight at Gu Nanyan with a pair of tiger eyes.

"The empress dowager has orders. To ensure the safety of the envoys, everyone must put down their swords and don't bring any extra people into the palace."

Seeing that Gu Yao's saber was taken off, Gu Nanyan squeezed the horse's belly with narrowed eyes, and the steed under him stepped straight on the opponent.

The speed of the horse was not considered fast, the man turned his feet and dodged it.

"What's the meaning of the princess!" He glared at Gu Nanyan angrily, his black face flushed red.

"It's nothing interesting. This horse has a bad temper. I can't see others being more arrogant and domineering than it. I guess it's because you don't like it and wants to give you a kick."

She glanced at the man with a half-smile: "My horse has been on the battlefield, you have to be careful, don't accidentally get trampled on, it will be bad if its feet are dirty. "

Zhu Zhixiong has been by Prince Jing's side for many years, and he is his right-hand man. In the Northwest, one person is under one man and over ten thousand people. He has never been humiliated like this before, and he was furious for a while.

He glared at the leisurely and carefree Gu Nanyan, squinted his eyes and raised his hand to pat the horse's head.

Unexpectedly, the horse seemed to have a spirituality, and immediately stood up straight and let out a long hiss, and kicked over with the horse's hoof, hitting Zhu Zhixiong's chest.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, stood unsteadily and took a few steps back, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

Seeing his distressed appearance, Gu Nanyan patted the horse's neck with the corner of his mouth curled up, and took out a piece of candy from somewhere to feed it.

"Xiaohong is really amazing, next time someone of the opposite sex will kick him at his vitals with malicious intentions, do you understand?"

As she said this, she glanced at Zhu Zhixiong's lower body with malicious intentions.

Everyone: "..."

The wind blows the crotch and the balls are cool.

This female evil star has gone out of Beijing, and it seems to be even more vicious!

The people around stayed away, all staring at the horse named Xiaohong vigilantly.

Xiaohong, who was rewarded by her master, didn't know what everyone was thinking.

It affectionately rubbed Gu Nanyan's hanging hand.

After raising his head, he nodded his head up and down, as if responding to Gu Nanyan.

The two severed legs happily kicked a few steps, as if they would kick them out at any moment.

Everyone: "..."

This is a bit scary...

They took a few steps back again, and there was no one within three meters of Gu Nanyan's body.

Except for Li Pinggui who has been following the Gu family team.

He swallowed, clamped his legs and shrank back.

Sighing secretly, those who can follow Gu Nanyan are really not good.

Even a horse is so inhumane!
The palace banquet is about to begin, so it might affect the business, Xiao Minzi, who has been hiding in the dark, walked out quickly, and greeted Gu Nanyan with a smile.

"Vice General Zhu came to Beijing for the first time, and he doesn't understand the rules of the palace. Please forgive me for being rude."

After he finished speaking, he winked at Zhu Zhixiong, signaling him to apologize.

Zhu Zhixiong didn't think much of him as a eunuch, so he wouldn't listen to him.

He clutched his chest and let out a cold snort, turning his head away from looking at him, ignoring that he was someone next to the queen mother.

Xiao Minzi's youthful face darkened, and he reminded in a cold voice: "The queen mother's birthday banquet is about to begin, and all the envoys are already waiting in the palace. Could it be that Vice General Zhu wants to spoil the queen mother's good deeds because of a moment of anger!"

The queen mother had other arrangements for Gu Nanyan and the Gu family, and specifically asked them not to have conflicts with them outside the palace, and to ensure that they were brought safely into the palace.

Knowing that Gu Nanyan was not dealing with the Northwest Army, he was sent here specially.

It was because they were afraid that the two of them would have oral sex, causing Gu Nanyan to attack early.

Hearing the mention of Empress Dowager Shen, Zhu Zhixiong's face turned ugly.

After struggling for a while, he still stepped forward and cupped his hands at Gu Nanyan.

"This subordinate has been living in the northwest, and I really don't understand the rules here. If there is any offense, I ask the princess to forgive me!"

He said forgiveness in his mouth, but it was not the case on the surface.

After finishing a sentence, without waiting for Gu Nanyan's reaction, he was angrily supported by his subordinates and stood aside, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Gu Nanyan sat on the horseback leisurely, didn't mind his attitude at all, but stared at Xiao Minzi in front of him for a long time.

Everyone didn't understand what she meant, and no one dared to speak out.

However, Gu Nanyan is communicating with 888 in the space.

"Are you sure this person is related to the time and space predators?"

Could it be that the thing is on this person's master?
"Please don't doubt our company's products, I have scanned it many times!" 888 affirmed.

"The energy fluctuations in this person are more than that of the woman in the general's mansion. It should be because he often contacts the sojourner. You might as well start from him and find the predator."

That thing is a great tonic for him, if the energy in it is swallowed by it, its system can be upgraded to another level!
888 was gearing up excitedly, wishing he could find out its supplements in person.

Gu Nanyan didn't reply, until Xiao Minzi blushed from staring at Xiao Minzi, and then asked casually, "Which palace are you from?"

Xiao Minzi froze, and replied with an awkward smile: "Princess Qi, the servant is the servant of the Empress Dowager, and was ordered to meet the nobleman here."

The princess looked at herself eagerly for a while, not knowing what it meant.

Xiao Minzi touched his face subconsciously.

His appearance is considered to be the best among the eunuchs, could it be that she has taken a fancy to his skin?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Minzi's head drooped even lower.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Many handsome young eunuchs are favored by nobles, and they try their best to return them as playthings.

The more eccentric people are, the more interested they are in this kind of thing.

Although he has never been in contact with this princess, he heard that she has a bad temper. It is obvious that women don't like red makeup, and anyone who offends her will end up miserable.

If she said that she would take a fancy to herself...

This is not impossible.

Knowing that he belonged to the old hag, Gu Nanyan didn't say anything.

Anyway, when the palace banquet starts, she will always see the old hag, and then she will find a way to get closer and let 888 scan it. There is no need to waste time on this little eunuch.

"Since that's the case, why don't you get out of the way?" Sticking here like a stick, are you still letting people in?

If she is not allowed to enter, she will have to go back to catch up on sleep!

She looked away, and she became that impatient look again, and Xiao Hong under her body also became restless, snorting non-stop.

Seeing this, Xiao Minzi breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and smiled mischievously.

(End of this chapter)

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