Chapter 379
"Princess, please forgive me. There are too many people in the palace today. The queen mother specially ordered that irrelevant personnel not to enter the palace. Look..."

Xiao Minzi looked at the kamikaze team behind her, the meaning was obvious.

"That won't work. There are too many monsters and ghosts in the palace. I am very scared. I don't have any guards around me, so I don't feel at ease."

Gu Nanyan straightened her back, and stared at him confidently, talking nonsense.

Everyone: "..."

Don't make trouble!

With you as a female evil star, which ghost and snake spirit dare to take the lead?
Xiao Minzi's eyelids twitched when he heard this.

"Princess is joking, the palace has its own guards from the Imperial Forest Army, and today's situation is special, the Empress Dowager asked Prince Jing to bring a small team of Northwest Army into the palace to assist..."

"Then I'm even more worried." Gu Nanyan interrupted him.

"A few days ago, Prince Jing was so beaten up by me that he couldn't get out of bed. What if he waits for an opportunity to retaliate?"

Minzi: "..."

Don't offend so many people for fear of revenge!

Every day, like a hedgehog, he stabs anyone he sees, and if he doesn't get retaliated against, it's unreasonable!
"But this is the order of the Empress Dowager herself..."

"I don't care, I won't go if I don't let you take someone with me."

As she spoke, she was about to turn the horse's head and walk back, Gu Yao also turned back with her when she saw this.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Minzi was startled, and hurriedly stopped him.

The Queen Mother asked him to come here just to ensure that Gu Nanyan entered the palace, if someone escaped, he would definitely not be able to eat him later!

"Princess, please stay!"

Regardless of the risk of being kicked by the horse, he hastily stood in front of the horse, looked up at Gu Nanyan, who was recuperating, and sighed tiredly.

"Although the Empress Dowager has decreed that people who have nothing to do with her are not allowed to enter the palace, but as a princess, you can still bring two servants to serve you." Xiao Minzi had to compromise.

After all, it's just bringing two people along, and it won't have a big impact on the situation. It's better than this one who doesn't enter the palace.

"That won't work." Gu Nanyan flatly refused.

Why can't it work again!

Xiao Minzi felt his head was going to explode.

Could it be that this guy still wants to bring everyone in?

His eyes darkened, if this is the case, then he can't be blamed, he can only let Vice General Zhu forcefully tie him in.

"Two are too few, I need to bring four."

As if not aware of the insidiousness in his eyes, Gu Nanyan pointed to Liu Zhenzhen who pretended to be a maidservant and followed Mrs. Gu, and the two sisters Yunchu and Yunxi.

Liu Zhenzhen must be with her.

As for Yunchu Yunxi.

Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo have no power to restrain them, and if there is a quarrel in the future, someone must protect them.

Xiao Minzi breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the three of them were all women, he quickly agreed to prevent Gu Nanyan from going back on his word and making another mess.

"Then there is another..." Xiao Minzi tentatively asked.

Gu Nanyan pouted at Ashlan, who walked up to him holding a wooden box nearly two meters long.

Seeing the size of the box, Xiao Minzi's eyes flashed.

"I don't know what's in it?"

I heard that this man has a two-meter-tall sword, which weighs a hundred catties and is extremely sharp. It can cut a person in half with a single cut!
Is it possible that it is packed in this box?
"Your Highness, weapons cannot be brought into the palace..."

"This is a birthday gift from the palace to your queen mother, not a weapon. You can open it and have a look."

Ashlan lifted the lid of the box cooperatively, and Xiao Minzi glanced over.

I saw that there was another wooden box in the wooden box, about six feet long and one foot wide, with intricate patterns carved on it, painted with gold lacquer.

There is a raised round iron piece embedded on the top of the box. The iron piece is divided into twelve large grids, and each grid is divided into ten small grids. There are two black iron needles in the middle, one long and one short.

Further down is an iron rod, with a disc hanging below it, which is swinging.

"This is an object designed by our princess to calculate the time. It is the only one of this size." Ashlan explained with a blank expression.

Xiao Minzi was stunned, remembering that he had indeed heard about this thing from the Queen Mother, and it seemed that the Emperor had one, which looked similar to this one, but smaller.

"What's this thing called?" Xiao Minzi asked curiously.

Ash Lan glanced at him quietly, her tone was calm.


Xiao Minzi nodded, and then carefully inspected one side to make sure that there were no weapons hidden inside, then he was relieved and smiled.

"The princess is interested. I think the empress dowager must like your birthday gift very much."

Gu Nanyan nodded approvingly, "I think so too."

All the officials and family members who were far away, heard that this thing is the most sought-after but hard-to-buy clock recently, they bravely gathered together and watched curiously.

Xiao Minzi was afraid that there would be troubles, so she hurriedly welcomed her and the people from the Gu family to the palace.

"Princess, please get off the horse. The Empress Dowager specially prepared a few sedan chairs for you, and they are waiting in front of you."

He looked at the wooden box in Ashlan's hand, and said kindly: "This thing looks quite heavy, why don't you hand it over to the servant and send it to the Empress Dowager's bedroom, and she will know your intentions after the palace banquet is over."

He had good intentions, thinking that such a big thing would be inconvenient, so it's better to give it to him directly.

Who would have thought that Gu Nanyan refused decisively.

"No, I have to hand over this birthday gift to that old... old man."

Just a joke, she came here just to make trouble for that old hag.

Carried directly to the bedroom, wouldn't it be impossible to see her wonderful expression?

Xiao Minzi smiled meaningfully upon hearing this.

He felt that she did this because she knew that she was doomed today, and she wanted to hold her feet temporarily to please the Queen Mother.

So she didn't stop her, and let Ashlan follow Gu Nanyan into the palace with the wooden box in her arms.

After all the people in the Gu Mansion disappeared, the officials and family members who were still waiting outside the palace gate began to whisper to each other.

Everyone felt sorry for Gu Nanyan.

This princess also seemed to be a pure and kind person. The queen mother clearly disliked her, but she actually came to deliver the bell to the queen mother herself.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were all amazed.

After a long while, the scene suddenly quieted down, and everyone's expressions froze.

and many more!

send bell...


Damn, they seem to have discovered something big!

Gu Nanyan is the eldest princess who was appointed by the emperor. Her status is higher than that of ordinary princes, so the seat in the birthday banquet was arranged at the front.

As for Gu Yao, he was arranged in a slightly back position, while Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo were in the women's seat behind him.

Below them is Su Xun's wife, Cui Yao's grandmother, Mrs. Xu.

Gu Yao and Su Xun are good friends, the relationship between the two families is good, and the two old ladies are naturally very close.

Seeing that the old sister's clothes today are different from the usual low-key, not only the expensive clothes, but also the expensive forehead, Mrs. Xu was amazed for a while.

"Old sister, why did you think about it today? I almost didn't recognize you by dressing like this."

She looked it up and down and said with a smile: "But don't say it, it's really pretty."

"Especially your forehead. The pattern on it is exquisitely embroidered, and the color of the sapphire is also rare. I'm afraid it cost a lot of silver."

"It's like old tree bark, what's so good about it."

Mrs. Gu was a little embarrassed, "It's just that my granddaughter is filial, she just took off her face and made this forehead wipe."

Speaking of her granddaughter, Mrs. Gu's face turned into a smile, and she added as if showing off: "I said I don't want it, but I have to wear it, but it cost tens of thousands of taels of silver, so I feel sorry for you."

He said he felt distressed, but the smile on his face never fell, and he reached out to help Na Mo's forehead.

It was rare for Mrs. Xu to see her show off, and she immediately burst into laughter, and asked curiously: "Is the old sister talking about your Nan girl?"

She looked in Gu Nanyan's direction, and saw her sitting in front of her with her head lowered, wondering what she was thinking.

"Anyone else but her." Mrs. Gu nodded and looked at her granddaughter.

In her heart, those two in the West Courtyard are not considered her granddaughters, her only granddaughter is Sister Nan!
Mrs. Xu knew in her heart that she was just asking casually.

"Your granddaughter is capable, even my grandson who is a demon king can control me, but it's a pity..."

It's a pity that she was too late to snatch such a good girl back to be her grandson's wife!

(End of this chapter)

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