Chapter 380
Thinking of this, Mrs. Xu beat her chest and stamped her feet, scolding her careless son-in-law from head to toe in her heart.

If she had known earlier that Yao'er and Nan Yatou got along so well, they would not be able to stop doing business together, and would have made the cynical grandson who had suffered so much from his father's bamboo shoot stewed meat a thing of the past.

She will definitely act before King Sheng and abduct her back to her home.

But my elm-headed son-in-law keeps saying that his son's status is not worthy of others, and he doesn't have the life of Princess Shang!
Mrs. Xu wished she could spit all over his face.

If you want her to say, whether he is worthy or not, you have to try first.

Could it be that this girl has a bad look, so she took Yao'er away?
Besides, their Su family has such a good relationship with the Gu family, if the old man of her family came to the door to propose marriage in person, it might not be impossible.

Mrs. Xu lamented again and again, the more she looked at Gu Nanyan, the more she felt pity.

How could Mrs. Gu not understand what she meant.

It's just that she can't be the master of this matter.

King Sheng had already made it clear that he wanted to marry him, and he only waited for the emperor to come to propose marriage when he had nothing to do.

And she also likes Prince Sheng's child.

There is no princely airs at all, the key is to be good to their sister Nan.

Mrs. Gu took her hand and patted it, comfortingly said: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. I think Cui Yao's child is very good, and he will definitely marry you a grandson-in-law who suits you."

Although there is no such excellent girl as her sister Nan in the world, but with Cui Yao's character and family background, it is more than enough to marry a second-class one.

Madam Gu thought with pride.

Mrs. Xu nodded with a sigh, she stopped talking about this topic, and started talking about today's birthday banquet.

"When my master and I entered the palace, the gatekeepers didn't look like palace guards."

She looked around, saw that no one was paying attention and lowered her voice, "It looks like someone in the army, acting very arrogantly, opening the curtain of the female relative's car to check without even saying hello, there is no law at all."

When Mrs. Gu heard this, the smile on her face faded a lot.

"It was the same when we entered the palace. The young gatekeeper stopped us from entering and wanted to fight with Sister Nan..."

With lingering fear in her heart, she said: "Fortunately, the horse under her has a bad temper, kicked the man so that he vomited blood, so there was no conflict."

If it made sister Nan unhappy, she might turn her back on her back.

"I heard what Sister Nan said. Those people are all under Prince Jing's men, and they came from the Northwest Army."

The imperial city is not allowed to enter the garrison, let alone enter the palace.

Prince Jing's army has already set up defenses in the palace, and today's birthday banquet may not be a good one.

Mrs. Gu said this to remind the old sister that she was afraid that she would be injured by unpreparedness when a disturbance broke out.

She worriedly said: "Today's birthday banquet may not be easy, don't leave my side if you have nothing to do, remember?"

Sister Nan had just given her the two talented maidservants.

In addition, her old man is also capable of fighting, so he should be able to protect their husband and wife.

Mrs. Xu's complexion changed drastically when she heard the words, she immediately understood what was going on, she nodded hastily, and clasped her hand gratefully.


Gu Nanyan sat in the first place bored, waiting for a long time but the old hag didn't show up, his patience was exhausted little by little.

She was thinking about whether to go out for a walk, and strolled to Li Mi's bedroom to check on his situation, when she looked up, she saw Li Yihei walking in with a serious face.

He glanced forward first, as if he was looking for someone.

After seeing the first Gu Nanyan, he calmed down, walked towards her with big strides, and sat down beside her.

Gu Nanyan blinked, but did not remind him that he was sitting in the wrong seat.

"What happened?" He looked like the whole world owed him money, and anyone who saw him knew that he was in a bad mood at the moment.

Li Yi was silent for a moment, then said in a gloomy tone, "I haven't seen Brother Huang."

In the past, when he entered the palace to visit the emperor's brother, although the Empress Dowager Shen was not happy, she did not stop him.

But today, he was stopped by the Northwest Army guarding outside the hall, and forced his way in helplessly, but he didn't see the emperor's brother in the sleeping hall.

Gu Nanyan frowned and comforted, "Perhaps I was afraid that we would take him away and move him to another palace."

She looked at Li Yi, who was exuding a gloomy aura, bowed his head and said nothing: "Don't be so nervous, Li Mi is still useful, and the old witch won't do anything to him."

Her words seemed to have magical powers, and Li Yi's mood instantly improved a lot. His expression relaxed, and he slowly turned his head to look at Gu Nanyan.

Then he was stunned, his eyes full of surprise.

When he came in just now, he only took a look at her from a distance, although he felt that there was something different about her today, he didn't pay much attention under the distraction.

Now that she took a closer look, she was actually wearing makeup!
Seeing him staring blankly, Gu Nanyan was very pleased with herself. She blinked her big eyes and wanted to tease him, asking him if he looked good, when he frowned tightly.

"What do you do with paint and makeup? It's not suitable for you at all!" He had his eyes glued to her face, and he said dubiously with his lips pursed.

Then he took out a piece of handkerchief from his bosom, turned his head and glanced around, saw a searching look from the opposite side, and stared back viciously.

When the man withdrew his gaze, he turned around to block Gu Nanyan.

"Wipe it off quickly."

Without waiting for Gu Nanyan's reaction, Li Yi put the tea-stained handkerchief on her face.

Gu Nanyan turned her head away and touched her face inexplicably.

"It doesn't look good?"

No, Mrs. Guo praised her for her craftsmanship, could it be that she was lying to her?
How could it not look good.

It's so beautiful and breathtaking, didn't you hear his heart beat a lot faster?

Suppressing the wild beating in his heart, Li Yi didn't say anything, just looked at her seriously, and said solemnly: "It's not a question of whether it looks good or not. These things are made of lead powder, which is not good for your health."

"My makeup powder is different from other ones. Not only does it not have lead powder, but it also has the effect of skin care." Gu Nanyan explained.

No matter what she said, Li Yicai still stuck to her face with the handkerchief in his hand.

"It's better to wipe it, it's too eye-catching..."

Have you ever seen that wild man who doesn't know where he came from, keep looking at you?

He gritted his teeth secretly, that pretty boy seemed to be the young master of Honglu Temple Qing's family, let's see if he doesn't poke his dog's eyes when the palace banquet is over!

Gu Nanyan gave him a sideways look, grabbed the handkerchief that had been pasted up again, and threw it on the table.

"Don't like it?" she asked again.

I like it, but so do others...

Li Yi pursed his lips and did not speak.

"Not good-looking?" Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows and sneered.

It's beautiful, but others like it too...

Li Yi protested silently with a straight face.

"Then just don't wear makeup when I meet you from now on." Gu Nanyan said coolly.

Li Yi: "..."

If you don't change it, you don't change it. What do you mean you don't wear makeup when you meet him?
Is it possible that I still want to draw like this to meet others!

Li Yi's whole body is not well, his face is black as hell.

"I did not mean that……"

Seeing that Gu Nanyan ignored him, Li Yi didn't know how to explain for a while, so he simply kept silent, peeking at her from time to time, not feeling angry, so he let go of his hanging heart.

The banquet started soon, and the protagonist of the birthday banquet arrived late, and Xiao Minzi assisted him to sit in the main seat.

The Empress Dowager Shen, who has been wearing commoner clothes and hairpins all year round, is uncharacteristically dressed in a maroon red jacket and skirt, which is very gorgeous.

A phoenix spreading its wings was embroidered with gold thread on each of the two skirts, and in the middle was a row of pearl buttons the size of lotus seeds.

The black and white hair was smoothed with pomade, and there was no trace of mess, making the whole person look much more energetic.

The originally noisy banquet hall was instantly quiet due to her arrival, and all the officials stood up and saluted, wishing the queen mother her birthday.

Empress Dowager Shen nodded with a smile, and just as she raised her hand to ask them to excuse her, her eyes fell on Gu Nanyan.

(End of this chapter)

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