The farmer has a mall

Chapter 381 Reserved

Chapter 381 Reserved
Unlike the others, the old god Gu Nanyan was sitting there, playing with the teacup with his eyes downcast, without any intention of getting up.

Seeing this, everyone exchanged glances and lowered their heads.

Empress Dowager Shen was silent for a few breaths, looked away as if she didn't see it, and let everyone sit down.

"It's Aijia's birthday today, and I'm so relieved to have all of you here to celebrate." She laughed.

"The Ai family didn't want to publicize it, but the emperor has been sick recently, and the imperial doctor can't cure him, so he thought of holding a birthday banquet to celebrate the bad luck in the palace. Come thousands of miles to offer gifts.”

Empress Dowager Shen sighed, she seemed very sad, her eye circles were slightly red.

Seeing this, Xiao Minzi on the side hurriedly handed over the handkerchief.

"The birthday banquet is a happy event. Don't be too sad for the empress dowager. Your love and love for the emperor has moved the hearts of the world. You will surely go up to the heavens and listen to the miracles."

Empress Dowager Shen nodded slightly, took the veil and wiped the corners of her eyes lightly.

Seeing this, the ministers got up again and asked her to take care of her health.

Gu Nanyan watched coldly, disdainful of her hypocritical appearance.

The relationship between Li Mi and her is well known, and this old witch can still cry like a mouse in this pretending cat, but she doesn't feel embarrassed at all, she really has a thicker skin than a city wall.

What is even more speechless is that these ministers also cooperated with her in this play.

After everyone was seated again, the Empress Dowager Shen let out a sigh of relief, "The Ai family held this birthday banquet because they had nothing to do."

She said sadly: "The emperor has been in a coma for dozens of days and has not recovered, and today he even vomited blood in his sleep. It is really shocking."

Hearing that Li Mi vomited blood, everyone in the banquet hall exclaimed.

"I don't know what the emperor's situation is at this time, what did the imperial physician say?" Yu Weisheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, asked with concern.

Since Fang Junhe fell from power, he has become the leader of their school of literati, and he has repeatedly asked his subordinates to jointly write letters, intending to sit on the position of prime minister.

It's just that they were all suppressed by Li Yi, so they are still one of the six ministers.

He asked a question that everyone cared about, and all the ministers looked at the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager Shen sighed pretentiously: "The imperial doctor said that the emperor has been in a coma for too long, causing damage to his heart and lungs, and vomiting blood today is just the beginning. If he continues to sleep, it may not be a month..."

The ministers were shocked when they heard the words, and whispered anxiously.

Li Mi's illness was sudden, and he had been alive and kicking without any symptoms.

He vomited blood again today, if he dies just like that and no one is in charge of the government, the court might be in chaos!

What's more, Li Mi's heirs are not abundant, and Li Xu, the only legitimate son, is still young, which is not enough to support a throne.

Don't they even have no successors?
The discussion gradually became louder, and this is what the Empress Dowager Shen wanted.

After they talked about it, they slowly opened their mouths: "The Ai family thought twice and felt that the most important thing now is not only to cure the emperor's illness, but also to establish a reserve to stabilize the court."

She glanced back, and saw a young court lady walking out with a child, it was Li Xu whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Today's Li Xu seemed to be in a bad mood, with his head down limply, letting someone lead him to sit beside the Empress Dowager Shen.

Empress Dowager Shen smiled lovingly, and reached out to touch his head, but Li Xu dodged him sideways.

She didn't mind either, still smiling gently.

"Xu'er is the eldest son of the middle palace and the eldest prince, so it is most suitable to be crowned prince."

She personally picked up a piece of chicken and put it on the plate in front of Li Xu, smiled at him in a comforting manner, then turned to the officials and asked, "What do you love?"

The establishment of the son of Zhonggong as the prince was in compliance with the rules and regulations, so naturally no one objected, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Empress Dowager Shen raised the corners of her mouth in satisfaction, and just wanted the Ministry of Rites to choose an auspicious day to book a grand ceremony.

Taifu Bai, who had been silent all this time, asked: "It is a big event to discuss the crown prince. I don't know where the empress is. Why is she not present on such an important day?"

Not only the queen, but even concubine Cui Gui was gone, and even the other princesses and princes never showed up.

The Empress Dowager Shen, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't see the slightest panic, and said in a gentle voice: "The queen has been staying up lately to take care of the emperor. The Ai family saw that she was tired and allowed her to go back to the palace to rest. If the grand master misses it, he can visit after the palace banquet."

"As for the establishment of the crown prince, I have discussed it with her in advance, and the queen has no objection."

These words are so impeccable that it is impossible to refute them.

Bai Taifu pondered for a moment, thinking that Li Xu is the emperor's blood, if it is true that there is no cure for medicine, it would be better for him to inherit the throne after the funeral than to lose the imperial power, so he did not say anything else.

Seeing that no one objected, and the matter was about to be settled like this, Gu Nanyan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out.

"Xu'er, come to Aunt Huang." She waved to Li Xu with a teacup.

Li Xu, who was originally sluggish, suddenly raised his head when he heard her voice, his dull eyes lit up.

He moved his small body, as if he wanted to stand up from the chair, but he didn't know what to think of, and looked cowardly at his nominal imperial grandmother.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes slightly, and glanced at Empress Dowager Shen unkindly.

Li Xu's appearance obviously seemed to be frightened, and his every move was trembling. It must be what the old hag did.

Although she didn't know what Gu Nanyan called Li Xu to do, but her appearance of getting into trouble at any time made Empress Dowager Shen very afraid.

Prime Minister Hong said that with regard to Gu Nanyan, he should mainly appease her. Don't provoke her into trouble. Afterwards, he will have his own way to persuade her to stand on his side.

For Hong Wei, an ally, the Empress Dowager Shen would not fully trust her.

But in the face of Gu Nanyan's thorn, she really has no better way at present.

So she smiled kindly at Li Xu, and nodded slightly in acquiescence.

Li Xu who got the permission was very happy, jumped off the chair and trotted all the way towards Gu Nanyan.

Sitting between Li Yi and Gu Nanyan, Li Xu held her arm tightly, as if he had found an adult at home, his eyes were red with grievance.

He sat there without eating, drinking or talking, just lowered his head and shed tears, and all the wives who watched couldn't bear it.

Empress Dowager Shen wanted to make him the crown prince, but she saw that he was young and easy to control. After the emperor passed away, she could indirectly control the government through him.

The people sitting here are all human beings, how can they not understand this truth.

Especially for those who have children who are about the same age as Li Xu, seeing his pitiful appearance, they are filled with a loving mother's heart, and they can't wait to step forward to hold the child in their arms to comfort him.

Of course, I am disgusted with the Queen Mother Shen who caused this tragic image.

Li Yi sighed secretly, and stroked his head comfortingly.

"Xu'er, don't be afraid, the emperor's uncle and your emperor's aunt are here, no one dares to bully you."

He automatically replaced "Aunt Huang" with "Aunt Huang", which left Li Xu in a daze for a long time, and even forgot to cry, trying desperately to remember when his uncle got married.

Everyone present knew who would dare to bully the prince Li Xu, and of course the Empress Dowager Shen also understood, her wrinkled face instantly became as black as ink.

She gritted her teeth, swallowed a breath of depression, and pulled the corners of her lips stiffly.

"Xu'er is pure filial piety, and has been worried about his father's body wiping tears all day long, and the Ai family can't do anything about him."

That sanctimonious appearance made Gu Nanyan, who couldn't tolerate the sand in his eyes, extremely irritable.

He wanted her to shut up, but he was afraid that his sudden movement would scare Li Xu, who was already walking on thin ice, so he held back for a long time before suppressing his anger.

But Empress Dowager Shen may be used to being superior, obviously she is not a person who knows how to judge people's faces.

She continued to chatter without knowing it, her tone full of pity.

She looked at Li Xu and said, "This child is also pitiful. First, he lived in the countryside and suffered a lot. After returning to the palace for a long time, he has to bear such a heavy burden, and even face the pain of bereavement..."

She said it without hesitation, without any fear.

It seemed that Li Mi would die.

(End of this chapter)

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