Chapter 389

Gu Yao has guarded the territory for decades and holds 10,000+ Zhenbei Army in his hands. If it is true that the remnants of the previous dynasty have turned back, how can we wait until today?
"I don't mean that by being a concubine." Xue said with a sigh.

"Old General Gu has made outstanding achievements and worked hard, so how could the Gu family have anything to do with the remnants of the previous dynasty?"

"It's just that the pair of cranes holding the longevity has long been annihilated with the previous court, and has not appeared again for so many years. How could it suddenly appear on Mrs. Gu?"

Xue made a worried gesture.

"I am afraid that the Gu family will be used by someone with a heart. After all, the 10,000+ soldiers of the Zhenbei Army are loyal to the Gu family. If..."

When she said this, she smiled embarrassingly. Although she didn't finish her sentence, the meaning was self-evident.

"What do you mean by that!" Mrs. Gu was furious, "The Zhenbei army is loyal to the emperor, and our master is only in charge of it. What you said is too irresponsible!"

Seeing how she hesitated to speak, Mrs. Gu still doesn't understand.

This woman of feelings is implying that their Gu family has something to do with the previous dynasty!
Fearing that her mother-in-law would be irritated, Guo Shi, who had been supporting her all the time, also said angrily, "It's just a few stitches of embroidery. Double cranes are not such a rare pattern. How rare is it to coincidentally meet the same pattern."

She curled her lips and said sarcastically: "I heard that Mrs. Yu Shangshu's female celebrity is very poor. She has never been able to hold a needle and thread. It is indeed true when I saw it today."

"The crane has aura and is auspicious, which means auspiciousness. It is often used by the younger generation in embroidery to present to the elders. If you say that the double cranes embroidered are related to the previous dynasty, then isn't it true that most of the women in Jianan Kingdom Is it the remnants of the previous dynasty?"

Xue was speechless after being bullied, and her face was blue and red after being exposed, which is really exciting.

However, Mrs. Guo didn't finish speaking, she raised her head and pointed at Mrs. Xue, pressing her every step of the way.

"Also, have you forgotten that the person who embroidered this pattern is a member of the Xianyang County King? Don't tell your husband who has nothing to do all day and knows how to play tricks to bring him here for interrogation. We are innocently implicated, what is the reason for this!"

She finished speaking in one breath, took a few deep breaths, rolled her eyes and concluded, "If you're so indistinguishable from right from wrong, I think you're not only a bad girl, but you're also not very smart!"

I don't know if she was influenced by Gu Nanyan, but she didn't feel afraid at all, she just felt that these people were outrageous, and she wanted to wrong their family with just one pattern?
Think beautiful!
Guo Shi put on a posture to meet the enemy at any time, and glared at Xue Shi angrily.

Xue: "..."

well said!
Gu Nanyan looked back at her appreciatively.

I really didn't see that she, a cheap aunt, is quite powerful in combat.

Even Mrs. Gu was so shocked that she forgot to be angry for a moment.

This daughter-in-law has been married to the Gu family for 20 years, and she has always been kind and gentle. She has never been so angry with servants who have made mistakes.

This was the first time I saw her speak so mercilessly.

Gu Yao also walked forward slowly at this time, and patted the old wife's hand comfortingly, signaling her to be calm and calm.

"The old minister really doesn't know about the picture of the double crane holding the birthday, but since this lady is so sure that it was used by the former royal family, she must be able to produce real evidence."

Gu Yao squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to wear such a big hat, and I would definitely return it in full!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes sharpened, and he glared fiercely at Yu Weisheng.

Yu Weisheng was shocked, but he still asked Xue Shi calmly: "Is there any evidence for what Madam said, if there is something, it's better to say it, so that people will be convinced."

Today's event was already prepared, as long as the charge of colluding with the remnants of the previous dynasty is charged, Gu Yao, who has been against him everywhere, will be hard to stand up again.

Thinking of this, Yu Weisheng couldn't help showing a smile that was bound to win.

Mrs. Xue hurriedly replied: "I just read the biography in general, and I don't remember the details clearly, but the picture of the double crane holding the birthday was embroidered by Princess Heyang, and the word 'Heyang' is implied in it."

"Whether it's a coincidence or not, just remove it and give it to the concubine to see."

Gu Nanyan frowned when she heard this. Wiping her forehead was like a hairpin headdress worn by a young woman. It would be a very shameful thing to take it off in public.

And this Mrs. Xue asked Mrs. Gu to remove the forehead and hand it over to her, clearly stepping on her face.

She said quietly: "Madam's words are unreasonable, would you take off your clothes in full view?"

"It's just wiping the forehead, how can it be compared with undressing and undressing." Xue said shamefully and angrily.

"And this is to prove the Gu family's innocence. Could it be that Mrs. Gu can't even make such a sacrifice?" She looked straight at Mrs. Gu with provocation in her eyes.

Gu Nanyan was about to say something, but before she could speak, she was stopped by Mrs. Gu.

"What Mrs. Shangshu said is true." She nodded slightly.

"Although the old man is over half a hundred years old, he is not an uncivilized person. For the sake of the innocence of my general's mansion, it is nothing more than picking off his forehead."

After finishing speaking, she patted her granddaughter's hand comfortingly, her tone was very calm.

"It's just that Mrs. Shangshu needs to be aware that the face of an old man is small, but the reputation of the entire General's Mansion is a big deal."

"If it proves that there is no problem with the smearing of the forehead, you are willing to apologize to the Zhenbei General's Mansion on behalf of the Ministry of Officials in front of all civil and military officials!" Mrs. Gu said solemnly with a serious face.

"This..." Xue was taken aback.

If something goes wrong, it's okay for her to apologize to the other party alone. After all, she is just a housewife, and an apology doesn't have much impact.

But it would be different if it represented the entire Shangshu Mansion, it would be that the Shangshu Mansion bowed its head to the General's Mansion, not to mention that their master lost face, even her son who was waiting for the exam would be dragged down by his reputation.

She hesitated for a while, looked at Yu Weisheng, saw him nodded almost invisible, and then agreed.

Mrs. Gu's forehead was wiped off by Mrs. Guo, and handed it to Mrs. Xue with a dark face.

"Be careful, the one on it is a sapphire. Our sister Nan found it with great difficulty. You won't be able to afford it if you mess it up!"

"That's right." Gu Nanyan nodded approvingly and agreed.

"You really can't afford it."

Xue disdained: "Although the sapphire is precious, it is only a mere tens of thousands of taels of silver. How can you not afford it?"

At the end of the speech, she heard a low warning cough beside her, Xue Shi froze and closed her mouth, holding the forehead to examine carefully.

Gu Nanyan glanced at Yu Weisheng with a half-smile: "Mrs. Shangshu is very arrogant, just tens of thousands of taels of silver?"

Yu Weisheng's annual payment is only a little over a thousand taels. Although his family has a monthly income, it may take several years to save tens of thousands of taels.

Xue's rich and powerful tone is really intriguing.

"It seems that Yu Shangshu is very good at making money."

Gu Nanyan clicked his tongue twice, which did not mean that Wei Sheng was sophistrying, so he continued: "However, such things as compensation, naturally cannot be calculated at the original price, and I will not let it go without adding ten times."

Xue's fingers trembled, and she almost threw her forehead to the ground, she couldn't help being startled.

"Ten times!" she exclaimed.

"Why don't you go grab it!"

Gu Nanyan smiled: "Thank you for the reminder, I will."

This woman's words completely exposed the financial situation of the Shangshu Mansion. Judging from the character of this family, the money they earned must have been from ill-gotten sources.

Gu Nanyan felt that, as a party of justice, he had the responsibility to snatch all the people's fat and people's anointing they had seized.

People from harm!

Startled by a burst of strong energy fluctuations, 888, who quietly checked through Gu Nanyan's consciousness, felt her thoughts, and was instantly speechless.

888: You are really shameless.

At the same time, Li Mi, who was supposed to be in the emperor's bedroom, was lying in the Yufu Palace with his eyes closed, obviously still in a coma.

The Queen's gaze was withdrawn from the densely packed guards outside the door.

"Concubine Rou, do you know what you are doing?" She said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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