Chapter 390
Concubine Rou, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, holding a pearl hairpin to make a show, rolled her eyes and didn't want to answer her.

In her heart, no matter whether it is the queen or the emperor, they will eventually be reduced to a prisoner and die without anyone noticing.

And she will be named the mother of a country, enjoy all the glory in the world, and be looked up to by all people, so naturally she doesn't want to spend too much time talking with the queen, a "dying person".

The queen saw that she was silent, and continued: "I don't know what benefits the queen mother has promised you, but you'd better not believe it."

According to the empress dowager's ruthless temperament, after she has no use value, she may die sooner than anyone else.

"The Empress told me not to trust the Empress Dowager, so who should I trust, you?" Concubine Rou said sarcastically.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, the queen continued to persuade her with good words: "You have not been in the palace for a long time, and you don't know how the queen mother is. Although this palace has selfish intentions, it is for your own good."

"Why don't you help me rescue the emperor, and when the queen mother is executed, I will definitely persuade the emperor to forgive your sin..."

"Heh." Concubine Rou sneered disdainfully upon hearing this.

"The empress is now in danger of protecting herself, and she still wants to drag the concubines into the water, isn't it a little whimsical?"

She put down the golden hairpin in her hand, got up and walked to Li Mi's side, with inexplicable emotions in her eyes.

"The emperor has reached the current state, even if the concubine saves him, what's the point? It's just a few days to live."

Although she did the poison, she didn't have an antidote in her hand, and in her mind that person would never save him.

"Besides, this is the general trend. The courtiers and concubines are just pushing the boat along."

The trend of history is like this, even if she wants to help the emperor, she can't change anything.

Concubine Rou stroked Li Mi's cheek with a complex expression, and sighed in her heart.

Speaking of which, the emperor's appearance is much better than that person's. If she could choose, she would naturally want to favor the emperor.

It's a pity that the other party couldn't give her what she wanted.

Concubine Rou looked at the queen, her eyes flickered, and a look of determination flashed across her abnormally white, tender and translucent face.

"What's the situation in the front palace, can the Queen Mother take down the Gu family?" She asked in her heart.

The looter who had just withdrawn his consciousness from the palace banquet said in a deep voice, "Not yet, it seems that something happened."

If Prime Minister Liang hadn't suddenly opened his mouth to intercede for the woman of the Gu family, maybe the matter would have been settled.

"What accident?" Concubine Rou frowned, feeling a little apprehensive.

Recently, many things that did not match her memory happened, especially those related to Gu Nanyan.

Although she knew the ending long ago and knew that the emperor would not escape this time, she was still very worried, as if something had changed in the dark.

"It's not a big deal, it shouldn't have much impact." The predator said uncertainly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the moment it left the hall, it seemed to feel a sense of the same kind.

Shaking its head, it laughed at itself for being too sensitive.

The higher-ups have already investigated, and there is no trace of outsiders intervening in this world.

Especially the people in that organization.

That's why it was sent.

If there are other energy bodies appearing, it is impossible for them to send them to death.

Concubine Rou was still not at ease when she heard the words: "Go and see how things are going, I'm always a little uneasy."

She put all her bets on the queen mother, if the matter failed, it would be over, and she might not even be able to save her life.

The predator seemed a little speechless: "The banquet hall is too far away from here, and it would take a lot of energy to check it once. You can use it as a telescope and just look at it."


"Don't worry about it." The predator was a little impatient, "Just do your own thing well, and I will notify you if there are other situations."

Hearing that its tone was not good, Concubine Rou didn't dare to say more, but her heart became more and more uneasy as time went by.


In the banquet hall, Mrs. Xue stood there anxiously, cold sweat broke out from her palms, soaking the forehead in her hands.

The Empress Dowager's expression was also very ugly: "Have you looked carefully, are you sure there is no word 'Heyang' in that picture?"

She gave Gu Nanyan a gloomy look, thinking she had discovered something, so she made a move in advance.

Seeing her raising her eyebrows, she also looked surprised.

Of course Gu Nanyan was surprised.

Li Pinggui deliberately sent the wiped forehead to the general's mansion before the birthday banquet, and kept urging her grandmother to wear it to attend the birthday banquet, she felt it was a fraud.

It's just that I was really curious about what the hell he was doing so I didn't stop him.

Just now when Mrs. Xue told about the origin of the picture of double cranes holding a birthday, she thought that Li Pinggui was in collusion with the queen mother and wanted to frame the general's mansion.

But why was the result different from what she had imagined?
Gu Nanyan looked in Li Pinggui's direction suspiciously.

But he saw that the person who was standing in front shrank back again, bent over and hid behind the crowd, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

Xu Shi felt Gu Nanyan's gaze, he raised his head and looked at her, and quickly showed a flattering smile, then lowered his head to pretend to be a quail, and at the same time shortened his body again, as if he wanted to get into the ground.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Speaking of which, she has never been convinced by anyone, and this Xianyang County King is probably the only one!
It is unprecedented for the magistrate of the majestic county to be so timid and afraid of things like this.

Xue Shi replied in a low voice: "I have read it carefully, there are indeed no words on it."

Seeing the Queen Mother staring at him sharply, Xue broke out in a cold sweat.

Empress Dowager Shen didn't believe in evil, so she grabbed it and checked it again, but she was very disappointed in the result.

"I don't know if the empress dowager has seen it clearly. If there is no problem, can you return the forehead to the old man." Mrs. Gu said with downcast eyes.

It was a gift from her good grandson, she only wore it once, and she wanted to wear it to some old sisters to show off to show off, what if it was broken?
Madam Gu, with a relaxed face, said that she was not afraid from the beginning to the end!

If there is really a problem with wiping the forehead, how can it escape the eyes of their sister Nan and take the risk of letting her bring it to the palace banquet?

Mrs. Gu, who is full of confidence in her granddaughter, never thought that her precious granddaughter would ask her to wear it out of curiosity about the other party's purpose when she guessed that there was a problem with wiping her forehead.

Empress Dowager Shen's face became even worse, she snorted coldly and threw the forehead into Xiao Minzi's arms, and looked at Li Pinggui with a gloomy face.

However... I didn't see where the others were.

Empress Dowager Shen: "..."

"So my general's mansion has been freed from suspicion?" Gu Yao asked calmly.

"Should the empress dowager give my Gu family an explanation on this matter?"

He, Gu Yao, was loyal to the emperor and patriotic, so he didn't dare to mention how much credit he had made, but he was not someone who would slander him whenever he wanted.

Especially his old wife and granddaughter were also involved during the period.

"What do you want to explain?" Queen Mother Shen snorted coldly.

"Aijia is just a reasonable suspicion, and even if the picture on the forehead is not exactly the same as the previous dynasty, it still cannot get rid of the suspicion of the General's Mansion."

This is very unreasonable. It is obvious that he wants to pin the crime on the Gu family.

Taifu Bai couldn't stand it anymore, frowned and said: "If the Empress Dowager can't produce evidence, don't talk nonsense."

It is hard to imagine that such irresponsible words came from the mouth of a queen mother of a country.

"Gu Yao has guarded the Jianan Kingdom for many years, and his achievements are obvious to all. How could it be related to the previous dynasty?"

If Gu Yao had something to do with the previous dynasty, it would be good if there were no chaos, but why would he help Jianan Kingdom repel foreign enemies many times?

No matter if it is Daliang country or Anyang country, as long as he has the heart to do it and join forces with one of them, the sky will change a long time ago.

"Gu Yao is indeed not necessarily related to the previous dynasty." Empress Dowager Shen unexpectedly did not refute, and looked at Gu Nanyan with a cold snort.

"But don't forget, Gu Nanyan is from Anyang Wei's family!"

Back then, Princess Heyang married the ancestor of the Wei family. As a descendant of the Wei family, Gu Nanyan undoubtedly had the blood of the previous dynasty.

After her reminder, everyone suddenly realized.

Just now Mrs. Xue did say that Princess Heyang married into Anyang Wei's family and gave birth to a son for him.

The Wei Yang army has always been inherited by the direct line, so Gu Nanyan is indeed very likely to be the descendant of Princess Heyang.

(End of this chapter)

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