Chapter 391
"Even so, this matter has not been verified, so it cannot be said that it was compiled by someone." Bai Taifu pondered.

"Besides, even if it is true, Sister Nan not only subdued Xihu for our country, but also repelled the Weiyang Army and saved the people of the border towns from fire and water. It is really hard to understand if she is said to be in collusion with the remnants of the rebel party."

It makes sense.

All the ministers nodded.

"What's difficult to understand." Yu Weisheng said with lowered eyelids.

"It's just buying people's hearts. When she gains the trust of the people and the emperor, wouldn't it be easier to do something?"

That's right.

A group of people couldn't help but look at the person involved, Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan, who was being followed, snorted.

If she wants to rebel, she doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Straight into the palace and killed Li Mina, who can do anything to her?
She didn't speak, and everyone didn't know who to believe for a while, so they couldn't help talking.

At this moment, Prince Jing, who had been guarding outside all the time, walked in with his head held high.

After walking in front of the Queen Mother, he bowed his head and said, "Report to the Queen Mother, someone outside the palace asked for an interview, saying that they found evidence of the collusion between the Gu family and the previous court, so I came here to present it."

After he said this, it immediately caused an uproar, and the courtiers turned to look at Gu Yao in surprise.

Gu Yao stood still, nothing could be seen on the surface, but he knew it in his heart, knowing that this must be arranged by the Queen Mother.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that as soon as they suspected that their Gu family had colluded with the previous dynasty, the evidence was automatically delivered to the door.

Just don't know who that person is.

Hearing the Queen Mother calling for an audience, he looked up at the door, but froze instantly when he saw the figure being carried in.

"Gu Zhengkang!" These three words were almost squeezed out from between Gu Yao's teeth.

Hearing his father calling him, Gu Zhengkang didn't even lift his eyelids, and let the two eunuchs carry him to the empress dowager and kneel on the ground.

"Gu Zhengkang, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, pays a visit to the Empress Dowager." Due to his inconvenient movement, he could not move his legs, and he was almost prostrate on the ground.

Empress Dowager Shen raised her hand to let him excuse herself, and the end of her eyes playfully glanced at the frozen Gu Yao.

"Why is it you?" She asked knowingly, "Prince Jing said that you have evidence that Gu Yao colluded with the previous court, but is it true?"

Gu Zhengkang lowered his eyelids: "It's true."

The discussion in the hall became louder, and those who didn't know the truth all looked at Gu Yao with complicated eyes.

Gu Yao, who had already reacted, had a livid face, and his molars creaked.


He scolded angrily, pointed at Gu Zhengkang and asked, "Do you know what you are doing!"

He only thought that this son was a bit ambitious, not to mention being compared with Da Fang in every way, and because of a little advantage, he stood on the opposite side of the General's Mansion, and was willing to be used by others.

So he personally broke his leg, so that he could only stay in the mansion to recuperate, so as not to cause trouble.

Although the strike is a bit harsh, it is better than losing your life because you don't know the depth.

Gu Yao also blamed himself, thinking that he had not taught his son well that caused him to lose his temper, and thought that after this period of time, he would teach him well and bring him back to the right path.

But I didn't expect this beast to be so dizzy!
"My son is not filial." Gu Zhengkang said with his head down and his voice choked up.

"I know this is against my father's will, but since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. The son really doesn't want his father to continue to make mistakes, so he made up his mind to kill his relatives righteously!"

"I also hope that my father will forgive my son for being sincere to the country, and not to go with you against your conscience."

He raised his hand and wiped his face, as if wiping tears.

Then he lay down on the ground again, and kowtowed three times to Gu Yao, making a humming sound, and his body was trembling slightly.

seems very excited.

Everyone sighed when they saw this, they didn't know whether to lament Gu Zhengkang's loyalty, or lament that Gu Yao gave birth to an unfilial son.

The veins on Gu Yao's forehead burst out, but Gu Nanyan grabbed his sleeve when he wanted to say something.

Gu Nanyan raised his chin to Gu Zhengkang: "Let it go."

Gu Zhengkang was stunned: "What?"

Gu Nanyan: "Fart."

Gu Zhengkang blushed: "How can you be so vulgar as a girl? I am an official ordered by the imperial court, so how could you do such a thing in public?"

Gu Nanyan smiled leisurely: "Isn't this just being placed?"

Everyone: "..."

Only then did everyone understand what she meant, and many of them lowered their heads and secretly laughed.


The humiliated Gu Zhengkang chatted endlessly about how helpless he was, how heartbroken, and how he struggled in every possible way, before he finally made up his mind to report on his father.

In the end, under the "forced questioning" of the Queen Mother, he revealed the evidence in his mouth with great sadness.

"In father's study, there is a silver tiara inlaid with jade and a navy blue fur."

Gu Yao's clothes are all in the bedroom, but he does keep a set in the study on weekdays, just in case.

And yesterday he put the gift that Gu Peiling gave him in the study.

Gu Yao stared in disbelief, only then did he realize that his good son and his granddaughter had set him up.

"Sister Nan." He looked at Gu Nanyan with a sad expression, feeling that today's matter might not be good.

Gu Nanyan shook his head slightly at him: "It's okay, just wait and see."

The empress dowager Shen who had no good intentions immediately ordered people to search Gu Yao's study, and they brought back what Gu Zhengkang said.

"These two things don't look special." Bai Taifu frowned.

He absolutely didn't believe that Gu Yao would rebel, and he knew that this was another trick set up by the Queen Mother.

"It's really nothing from the outside." Gu Zhengkang hurriedly said, as if he was afraid that Gu Yao would get off the hook.

Seeing Mrs. Bai looking at him, her brows frowned even tighter, and she knew that she was impatient just now, so she quickly lowered her head to avoid his gaze.

"Weichen heard from his father that there is a kind of medicine hidden in the crown, which will make people faint after taking it. He got it from a foreign doctor. There are only two pills in total."

"Make people faint?" Empress Dowager Shen said solemnly.

"Isn't it the same symptoms as the emperor?"

"Indeed." Gu Zhengkang replied.

"Father once admitted that the emperor was unconscious because he took this stuff!"

He said with a sad tone, "The other one is hidden behind the jade in this crown."

Hearing this, Gu Yao almost kicked him, and his heart was burning with anger.

Old Madam Gu's face was also gloomy, knowing that she might have fallen into the trap of this naughty son.

Guo Shi, who was supporting her, tightened his hands and cursed: "Eat the dog's food!"

Over the years, even if she didn't like the people in the West Courtyard any more, she still treated them fairly, never skipped what was due to them, and asked the housekeeper to give them more things during the holidays.

Unexpectedly, she actually raised a litter of white-eyed wolves!
Gu Zhengkang sneered in his heart, and cast a gloomy glance at Mrs. Guo, his eyes shining with disdain.

It was like looking at a dead man.

The queen mother had promised him that as long as today's affairs are completed, he can help her win Gu Yao, and everything in the general's mansion will be his, even the seat of the Duke will fall on him.

Therefore, he didn't care about Guo Shi's harsh words to him, or even the opinions of anyone present.

Because after today, he is the first-rank Lord Zhenbei, and everyone present except the queen mother will bow their knees when they see him.

At that time, who cares what he did today.

He will only try to curry favor with him!

The exquisitely crafted crown was violently smashed open, exposing the hollow inside.

A small blue pill rolled out.

Gu Yao was startled and clenched his fists tightly.

"The old minister doesn't know what this is."

His words obviously had no effect, Xiao Minzi put on a veil, and carefully showed the pills to Queen Mother Shen.

"Good job Gu Yao!" she shouted sharply.

"The emperor used you so much, even the Zhenbei Army gave it to you, is this how you repay it!"

Gu Yao pursed his lips and remained silent, he knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, no matter whether this thing belonged to him or not, Empress Dowager Shen would put this hat on his head.

 In order to thank the little cutie who has been chasing and checking in more, and the big baby who gave the reward, the author is saving the manuscript, and it is expected to save more than 2 on the [-]th and [-]th of next month, and it will be updated by then╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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