Chapter 399

Only then did Yu Weisheng understand what she meant, but he still turned his head away.

"How can I apologize to a woman!"

Hey, my mouth is still hard!

Gu Nanyan rolled up her sleeves, planning to reason with him.

Seeing this, Xue quickly scrambled and scrambled to stand in front of Weisheng.

"The princess is merciful. This matter is all my fault and has nothing to do with my master. I will go and apologize to Mrs. Gu."

After all, she didn't wait for Gu Nanyan to agree, and walked to Madam Gu's side, hugging her leg and repeatedly admitting her mistake.

Even my head is blue and I don't feel any pain.

Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo couldn't bear it, they turned their heads away together.

"Let my daughter-in-law stand in front of you and humbly, Master Shang Shu really has a good backbone." Gu Nanyan said sarcastically.

Although Mrs. Gu felt that Mrs. Xue was pitiful, she couldn't forgive her for conspiring with the Queen Mother to frame the General's Mansion.

If it weren't for Sister Nan, they would have been doomed today.

And Xue is one of the accomplices!

Seeing his wife sitting on the ground covering her face and crying bitterly, Yu Weisheng's eyes also turned red.

"We've already lost, why are you so humiliated?" He hoarsely questioned Gu Nanyan.

He couldn't figure out, how could something that had been planned for so many years be done so hastily.

Not even a single hair of the other party was hurt!
Yu Weisheng raised his head and looked at Gu Nanyan puzzled, as if he wanted to get an answer from her.

Different from his old and cunning appearance before, now he looks a bit decadent.

"I just did what I should do. Why did I lose so thoroughly? Is there really no justice in the world!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Nanyan looked at him in disbelief.

"You still think you are reasonable?"

What brain circuit is this?

Are you so confident in rebellion?

"You don't understand at all! Everything I do is for the sake of the common people!"

"Li Mi is not worthy to be emperor at all!"

Yu Weisheng roared excitedly, all the officials who were still whispering heard the roar and all looked over.

"Is he not worthy of you?" Gu Nanyan sneered.

"I heard that you have bought and sold a lot of official positions to make money over the years. Is this what you mean by thinking of the common people?"

"Have you ever thought about it, why do they buy officials? How many outrageous things have they done to oppress the people after becoming officials?"

Yu Weisheng didn't speak, but still stiffened his neck and refused to bow his head, Gu Nanyan sneered.

Although Li Mi was a little confused, he was really seeking benefits for the common people.

It can be seen from her that in order for her to research more things that are beneficial to people's livelihood, he is willing to let her control even such an important place as a steel factory.

And the wheat seeds, if it were a selfish emperor, the first thing he would think of would be to take it for himself.

But Li Mi spent several 10 taels of silver in a daze, not to mention that she was enough to buy good seeds, he paid for the money himself, and did not touch a cent of the treasury.

It's just because the ministers objected to using enough money to buy it, and wanted her to contribute free of charge.

When the minister talks about one thing, especially such an important matter related to money, there will be no results at all without one, two, three, four months.

They were not in a hurry at all, but Li Mi was in a hurry.

At that time, it was only one month before planting, and if the debate continued, it would be delayed for a year, and the trial planting would not be possible until next year.

Ordinary people may think that a year's delay is nothing, but in Li Mi's eyes, it is thousands of starvation!

So Li Mi, who was so poor that even Gu Nanyan disliked money strings, had no choice but to take out the calligraphy and paintings left by the late emperor from the imperial study room, and put them up for auction in the court hall.

At that time Li Yi was still in Xihu, so he didn't know about it at all.

After I came back, I had no choice but to buy those calligraphy and paintings back.

Therefore, in Gu Nanyan's eyes, although Li Mi has many problems, he is still a good emperor who loves the people like his own son.

Obviously, Yu Weisheng didn't think so.

"Li Mi is not worthy of the position. If King Sheng was the one who ascended the throne, I would have nothing to say, and I would not have done such a thing when I was completely disappointed with the court!"!

Gu Nanyan just wanted to spit at him.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Obviously it was to satisfy my own selfish desires, but I still wanted to blame others for the fault!

Gu Nanyan is too lazy to talk so much with this kind of person.

"Why do you think the Queen Mother will cooperate with you? Even if it was for her son before, but King Ning has died long ago, who does she want to give the throne to?"

"Naturally Chuan and Mingjun..."

"You can pull it, if there is a Mingjun in power, you still have a way to survive?"

As far as the shitty things he did, there were not enough heads to chop off.

Will he not know?
I'm afraid it's because I know it well, but I pretend to be confused.

There was movement outside the hall, Gu Nanyan looked back, and saw Gu Shen leading a few Beibei troops into the hall.

Behind him was an old man and a young man.

When Gu Shen saw his daughter, he hurried over and pulled her to look up and down, finally heaved a sigh of relief seeing that she was not injured, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"When my father heard the gunshot, he knew there was a fight here. He wanted to rush in to rescue him, but he was blocked by someone."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the old and the young, and snorted coldly.

These two men were wearing battle armor, which didn't look like the style of Jianan Kingdom.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking over, the old man said with a sullen face: "Princess, as a descendant of Princess Heyang of the Southern Wei Kingdom, why did she help the rebels of the Li family to stand out?"

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, and looked at Gu Shen suspiciously.

"They should be the remnants of the previous dynasty." Gu Shen said solemnly.

"This old man claims to be a descendant of General Dingyuan, and he keeps saying that he wants to set things right. For my father, I found the jade seal of the previous dynasty on him."

These people should be sure that today's things will come true, and they have brought such important things as Yuxi with them.

Without even looking at the square jade seal inlaid with gold, Gu Nanyan walked straight up to the old man.

The descendants of General Dingyuan Lu Dingbang...

Isn't that Aunt Qiu and her father?
How old are you, and you can live quite well.

Gu Nanyan touched his chin, and looked at his sharp eyes without fear.

"You asked me why." She said seriously.

"Because I'm happy!"

Not to mention that she is a lonely soul from another world, she has nothing to do with Nashi Laozi Princess Heyang.

Even if it is the original owner, Nanwei has been destroyed for so many years, there is no reason to help them.

What's more, the Gu family has been kind to her in nurturing her, so how could they go against them because of a so-called ancestor with a thin lineage who didn't know how many generations have passed?

Moreover, the ancestors of the Li family would revolt at the beginning because the emperor was in power and the people were in dire straits.

This is in line with public opinion.

If not them, there will be others.


"Aren't you worried about your daughter?"

"Don't want to know if she's still alive?"

Not to mention a girl who was a concubine for others, but now he was arrested because of his plan to restore the country, and he didn't even ask her about her life or death.

Could it be that Aunt Qiu was picked up by him?
The old man's eyes moved slightly when he heard the words, but they returned to their original state in an instant.

He opened his mouth, but did not answer Gu Nanyan's question.

"It's too late for the princess to regret it now. As long as you help us take down these people, I can discuss with the queen mother and pass the throne to you."

Knowing himself and the enemy, he can win a hundred battles without danger. He knows Gu Nanyan's situation very well, and knows that she has the strength to turn things around.

Thinking of this, he finally showed some anxiety in his eyes.

"As long as you promise to help us, you will be the hero of the whole Nanwei. At that time, everyone will thank you and regard you as king..."

"I'm rare!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Nanyan curled her lips in disdain.

She has no interest in the thankless task of being an emperor.

When she took over the fiefdom of Mingshan, she regretted it so much that her intestines were green.

If she had resolutely rejected it at the beginning, she would not know where she would be happy now.

It's no use running around and working hard all day, even going to places as far away as Anyang country, just to earn more money to fill the big hole in Mingshan City.

Regardless of the fact that she has a lot of savings now, she will be done within two days after returning home!

(End of this chapter)

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