The farmer has a mall

Chapter 400 Li Mi Wakes Up

Chapter 400 Li Mi Wakes Up
The more Gu Nanyan thought about it, the more painful it became.

Painful grinning.

I still have to find a way to save more money...

She squinted her eyes at the old man in front of her.

I heard that when the remnants of the previous dynasty evacuated the imperial city, they brought a lot of belongings with them.

I don't know if the old man knows where those things are...

Seeing that Gu Nanyan seemed moved, the old man wanted to strike while the iron was hot and continue to persuade her, but suddenly felt a chill behind him, and sneezed for some reason.

"It's not that I can't help you." Gu Nanyan touched his chin and began to fool around.

"It's just that you saw it too. To save myself, I ran out of ammunition. If I want to make a comeback, I'm afraid I have to rebuild a batch. It will cost a lot of money."

With her big "sincere" eyes open, she blinked and asked the old man, "Do you have any?"

Two quarters of an hour later, Gu Nanyan, who had finished the "secret talk" with the old man, walked towards Yufu Palace humming a little song under the guidance of 888.

888 was very speechless.

"They are guarding against you, and they didn't even say where the treasure is. Why are you happy?"

Gu Nanyan shook her head in an inscrutable way: "That's not important."

Knowing the general location is enough.

"Isn't there still you?"

She grinned gently at 888, and pulled out a ferocious smile.


It knows!

It's still strange, how could this money string give up so easily, it turned out to be playing with it!
"Are you stupid?" 888 couldn't help complaining.

"If I want to have that function, do I still need to give up this energy with you?"

Since following her, its originally smooth and smooth hair has become bald, so it didn't earn a few taels of silver from her.

If it had the function of exploring treasures, it would have absconded with money!

"Don't tell me that you don't even have the most basic metal detection function."

What a liar!
This kind of thing existed in the world before she crossed over. 888 is obviously a product of higher technology. If it doesn't even have this function...

Believe it or not she tore it up? !
Gu Nanyan turned her head sideways, staring viciously at the green fur ball sitting on her shoulder.

888 was startled by her, his little heart trembled.

"Yes, but your permission is not enough..."

In order to prevent these employees from having bad intentions and preventing them from hiding small coffers, the function of metal detection is prohibited, and all income must be obtained through transactions between the lodger and the mall.

Unless the boss personally authorizes it.

"Oh, that's easy."

Hearing that the colored fried chicken was required to personally authorize it, Gu Nanyan was immediately relieved.

"I'll talk to your boss personally at that time, he still seems to be quite talkative."


When Gu Nanyan arrived, Yufu Palace had already been surrounded by Zhenbei Army.

The Northwest Army, which was guarding the gate, had heard about King Jing's arrest a long time ago, and had no intention of resisting at all.

Walking into the hall, a golden light hit the face, almost blinding Gu Nanyan's eyes.

She took a closer look, and her eyes lit up instantly.

Obediently, the whole hall is golden, it shouldn't be all paved with gold!
The queen was sitting beside Li Mi's bed, sighing worriedly.

When she saw Gu Nanyan, her eyes lit up.

"Sister Nan!"

The queen's eyes were red, and she looked at Gu Nanyan eagerly.

Gu Nanyan...

Gu Nan looked anxiously at the brick wall that was suspected to be made of gold.

Unblinking, very serious.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were still people around, she would have wanted to knock a piece off the wall on the spot!
The queen called her five or six times before calling her soul back.

"What are you thinking?" She scolded, holding Gu Nanyan tightly.

"It's nothing." Gu Nanyan came back to her senses and looked her up and down.

Then frowned.

"Why did you lose so much weight?"

Both hands are protruding, thinner than Li Xu.

"Maybe I haven't eaten much recently." Thinking of the days of fear and fear recently, the queen's eyes turned red.

Maybe it was the sudden relaxation of her spirit, or Gu Nanyan's appearance reassured her, tears fell down the empress who had been holding her up just now.

"I knew that you would come to save us."

Although they were also scared when they escaped from the palace, they soon met Gu Nanyan. Except for the fact that the escape was a little bit hard at the beginning, the life after that was more relaxed than in the palace.

But this time is different.

Gu Nanyan was out of Beijing, and the emperor hadn't recovered from his illness for several months. They were watched under the eyes of the empress dowager every day, fearing that they would be dealt with one day.

She herself is fine, but her Xu'er is still so young, if she and the emperor are no longer around, she doesn't know what will happen to her.

Thinking of her son, the queen hastily wiped away her tears.

"Sister Nan, can you see Xu'er?"

Seven or eight days ago, Empress Dowager Shen took Li Xu away suddenly, saying that she decided to make him the crown prince, and she wanted someone to teach him the rules to prepare for the enthronement ceremony.

Her son may be the next emperor, but the queen is not happy because she knows that the queen mother is going to attack the emperor.

"Don't worry, Li Xu is doing well." Gu Nanyan comforted.

"It's too chaotic in the palace today. I asked my grandmother to take him to the general's mansion. He will be safe under the guard of the Zhenbei Army."

Li Xu was frightened, instead of staying in the messy harem in panic, he might as well go back to the mansion with Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo, at least quieter, so that he can sleep well and refresh himself.

The queen believed in the general's mansion very much, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when she said that, and didn't ask any more questions.

Speaking of Li Xu, Gu Nanyan thought of Li Zhao.

"Is Concubine Cui not here?"

"She is still in her Palace of Bells, and Zhao'er is by her side, and she has not been wronged."

It's just that they are seen strictly.

After thinking about it, Gu Nanyan also understood the intention of Queen Mother Shen.

That guy Cui Yanping hasn't moved until now, he hasn't stood by the Queen Mother, and he hasn't returned to Beijing to save her, obviously he is watching again.

Empress Dowager Shen couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so she didn't dare to make things difficult for Concubine Cui Gui, in case he would form an alliance with Gu Yao in anger.

"If you say this General Cui is really..." the queen sighed.

"Always go with the tide like this, never caring about Concubine Cui Gui's feelings, never asking someone to take care of her and Zhao'er, it really hurt her heart."

The last time they escaped from the palace with Li Mi, Concubine Cui Guifei seemed to have become an abandoned child. I thought he could make a statement this time, but who knew it was still the same.

"Not necessarily, maybe I can't leave."

Gu Nanyan said absent-mindedly, most of her thoughts were distracted by the gleaming golden wall tiles again.

Just now when the envoys were arranged to go back to the post house, Gu Shen told her that there was obviously a problem between Hong Wei and the Queen Mother. In order to prevent Daliang from taking the opportunity to cause trouble, Gu Yao wrote to Cui Yanping, saying that the capital affairs were not necessary. He manages, let him be more on guard against the Liang army and guard the border town.

From the capital city to Cui Yanping's residence, it would take half a month even if there is an urgent round trip of [-] miles.

But Cui Yanping's reply letter arrived within seven or eight days. Gu Shen guessed that he was already on his way to Beijing at that time, and rushed back after receiving the letter.

When the queen heard this, she felt very relieved for Concubine Cui Gui.

The two walked to Li Mi's bed.

If the empress and Li Xu were skinny, then Li Mi could only be described as skinny, with sunken eyes, protruding cheekbones, and no flesh on his face.

Gu Nanyan sighed, and withdrew his hand to check the pulse.

If it wasn't for the old hag who thought he was still useful and kept hanging him with ginseng soup, this guy would have gone to see the King of Hades long ago.

"888, try to see if you can absorb the energy in his body."

While ordering 888 to work, Gu Nanyan took out a set of silver needles from her bosom, and pretended to stick a few needles on Li Mi's head.

888 immediately jumped out cheerfully.

Maybe it should be the sentence that things are like their masters.

I heard that there is food again, and it is more active than anyone else.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Mi woke up slowly, took a look at Gu Nanyan, and before he could say anything, he passed out again.

The queen was worried, and Gu Nanyan comforted him: "He just hasn't eaten for a long time and is malnourished, and his physical strength is exhausted. He will be fine after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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