Chapter 401

Sure enough, Li Mi was fed half a bowl of ginseng chicken soup, and Gu Nanyan gave him a shot of nutritional supplements.

Half an hour later, Li Mi woke up slowly.

However, as soon as he said a word, he fainted again.

This time it was not because of his health, but because Gu Nanyan slapped him unconscious.

The reason is that when he saw Gu Nanyan after waking up, tears filled his eyes, his throat was choked up and he held back for a long time, before he said angrily:
"The food in the military camp is pretty good."

Look at the fat one for you.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan slapped him on the forehead reflexively.

Li Mi, who just woke up and was hungry and dizzy, felt his eyes go dark, as if he had hit a door.

He lost consciousness with a bang.

Queen: "..."

Make you stupid!

Sister Nan came back from all the way to save you, but if you opened your eyes and said you were fat, who would want to let it go?
I haven't eaten for a few months, I'm afraid I'm envious and jealous?

Gu Nanyan: Forget that this is a sick number, you shouldn't beat him.

It should be pinched!
Gu Nanyan couldn't stop regretting, stretched out her fingers and twisted Li Mi's thigh hard...

Li Mi pretending to be dizzy: (╥﹏╥)
Is this damn girl getting stronger again!
The ancestors of the Li family, who will save him!
Li Mi groaned, and slowly opened his eyes as if awakened by the pain.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at her with a cold face, her eyes trembled, and tears filled her eyes instantly.

"Sister Nan!"


"You are back."

Thighs should be blue, right?

"If you don't come back, I will be killed by that old woman."

If she didn't die in her hands, she would probably be beaten to death by you too!

"I miss you so much!"

Can you take three steps back, I see that you are out of breath.



Li Mi hiccupped.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Queen: "..."

Should say or not.

During the period when the emperor was in a coma, he probably went to practice immortal arts with some god.

Look at this thick-skinned.

No one can scratch the oily skin with ten knives!

The queen felt ashamed and asked the maid to take Gu Nanyan to the outer hall first.

She wants to sort out the remains of the emperor.

Ah no.

It is "grooming".

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes and wandered out.

Seeing this, Li Mi heaved a sigh of relief.

God, luckily he was lucky.

I was almost sent away by this girl on the spot!

Only then did he look at the tearful queen, and found that she had lost a lot of weight, and immediately stretched out his trembling hand to hold her.

Although he has been in a coma these days, it is strange that he can hear the movements around him clearly.

Naturally, he also knew that the queen stayed by his side all day long for his safety, doing everything by herself.

Even the soup and food served to him, had to be tried by himself before being fed to him.

Because of this, I don't know how much wronged I have suffered.

Li Mi felt so guilty that the hands holding the Queen were trembling.

Thinking about it all the time, no matter what happened to him, the other party would never leave him by his side, and I couldn't help being even more moved.

"Zitong." This is the emperor's private address to the queen, representing husband and wife.

"Ding ding ding dong."

"Thanks a lot."

"Ding ding ding dong."

"I will remember your kindness, and I will never let you down!"

"Ding ding ding dong."

"I will make it up to you and Xu'er."

"Ding ding ding dong."

"I will issue a decree to make Xu'er the queen..."


Li Mi: "..."

Li Mi was angry.

"What are you doing outside, tearing down the wall!" He roared angrily.

What is the Ministry of Industry doing?Do you want to repair the palace again?
Can't wait for construction?

Didn't you see that he was confiding his heart to the queen?

No vision at all!
Li Mi secretly decided that next year the expenditure of the Ministry of Industry can be cut in half!

Gu Qing, who was about to take over as Minister of the Ministry of Industry in Mingshan, sneezed Lingling.

He glanced at the smelting furnace in front of him, and wiped the sweat from his forehead inexplicably.

Why did he sneeze suddenly? Could it be that he was infected with a cold?

In the outer hall of Yufu Palace, the surrounding servants knelt down on the ground, and they all lowered their heads not daring to look.

Can't be bothered.

I have long heard that this princess can eat without any hesitation, and also has great strength, but I didn't expect it to be true!
I just don't know how the master of this palace, Concubine Rou, offended her and caused her to tear down a palace wall with her bare hands!
Gu Nanyan stood in front of a ruined wall with a livid complexion, looking at the bluestone bricks painted with gold paint all over the floor, his teeth itched with hatred.

She knows it!

How could Li Mi, a poor ghost, own a palace made of gold?

He doesn't deserve it!
Any beggar picked from the street would be richer than him.

At least where people sleep, the gold paint on the Buddha statue is thicker than this!


An hour later, Li Mi, who felt that he was fine, called for guards outside the door.

Concubine Rou, who was taken away by Zhenbei Army, was brought back again.

Li Mi was half leaning on the bed, the queen was sitting on the head of the bed, and Gu Nanyan was sitting at the end of the bed.

Concubine Rou's white and tender face that seemed to be pinched out of water was pale, and her big tears were flickering and flickering. Coupled with the messy hair on her temples, she felt like a little rabbit, weak, pitiful and helpless.

"Your Majesty..." She called out delicately.

Her voice seemed to be hooked, tickling people's hearts.

Let Li Mi, who made up his mind to deal with her, buzzed in his head, Hun'er was hooked over.

Looking at her miserable appearance again, I couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Take it easy, didn't you hear my concubine crying for pain?"

Seeing that Concubine Rou's accidentally exposed arms were scratched, Li Mi involuntarily straightened her body, and couldn't bear to speak out.

The queen didn't react when she heard the words, she still sat on the head of the bed with a blank expression, as if she was used to it long ago.

The Zhenbei Army didn't know why.

Isn't this woman a repeat offender? Why does the emperor treat his ancestors with this attitude?

Besides, considering that she is a woman and delicate, their movements are already light enough.

Even if this doesn't work, is it possible that he has to use eight sedan chairs to carry her here?
The Zhenbei army is not as sympathetic as the emperor. They only learned to fight the enemy after following Gu Yao, and to face the enemy is as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Although when facing the girl he loves, his face will blush and his heart will beat, but he will never be as hypocritical as those full-fledged young masters who have nothing to do.

It's just that it was the emperor who spoke, they didn't know what to do for a moment, they scratched their heads and looked at the little master.

Gu Nanyan squinted at Li Mi, and saw that his face was full of love, and his face, which was as thin as a skeleton, was full of distress and unbearable, and he was coaxing Concubine Rou in a low voice.

Spicy eyes.

"What's wrong with this?" Gu Nanyan looked at the calm queen and asked.

Those who knew it was an interrogation prisoner, but those who didn't know thought he was putting it here to coax the children!
"Just get used to it, the emperor has always treated Concubine Rou like this." The queen said calmly.

"It's always been like this?"

Are you sure you haven't slept too long and your brain is not functioning well?
"It's always been like this," said the Queen.

"The emperor loves Concubine Rou very much and wants the stars to not the moon. The entire harem and court ministers know that she is now the one with the highest status in the palace."

The implication is that even civil and military officials have seen his appearance like this?

Gu Nanyan grinned, thinking whether to secretly poke and pinch Li Mi to bring him back to his senses.

As for why you want to poke secretly?

Gu Nanyan said, after all, this guy is the emperor anyway, and he should always save some face in front of his women.

As soon as she raised her hand, the queen continued: "Last time, Xu'er and Zhao'er raised a rabbit. When Concubine Rou saw it, she said that the rabbit was fat and tender. The emperor didn't want to make it into braised rabbit meat." They were carried to the imperial dining room."

Although the queen replaced it with chicken in the end, the two children were quite frightened.

"Xu'er was frightened and had nightmares for a whole month, and Zhao'er was not much better. She hugged the rabbit all day and didn't even dare to go out of the palace gate. She cried out of fright at the slightest disturbance."

The queen added lightly, she didn't feel that she was giving the emperor eye drops at all.

"There was another time when Xu'er wanted to drink milk, but concubine Rou heard it and took away all the milk in the imperial dining room on the spot, saying that she wanted to go back to take a bath, so the emperor asked Xu'er to drink it another day..."

 Immediately explode the update, ten chapters with more than 2 words, it can be regarded as tomorrow's update, Trojan horse (˙˙)
(End of this chapter)

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