Chapter 402
The queen put on eye drops unhurriedly, her mouth became dry during the speech, and she took a sip of tea to moisten her throat.

"and also……"

"Stop talking." Gu Nanyan stopped.

A storm is about to come on a white and tender little face.

Save face for him?
Ha ha……

He does too!
This guy can only show his face!

Just as Gu Nanyan was about to raise his hand to smack him, he heard 888's voice ringing in his mind.

"Li Mi is controlled by the predators." It said solemnly.

"They are different from regular employees like us. They rely on deceiving people's hearts to make money. Although this Concubine Rou is good-looking, she won't make people lose their minds."

"Most of his appearance is due to the energy emitted by the predator, disturbing Li Mi's hormones, which made him obsessed with Concubine Rou like a voodoo, and..."

888 paused, and scanned Concubine Rou's body.

"This woman's appearance is also shaped by the day after tomorrow, and her voice is not right..."

Surprised, Gu Nanyan raised her hand blankly and asked 888: "Can you still give people plastic surgery?"

"It's not considered plastic surgery." 888 pondered.

"On her original face, another face was covered with light and shadow, similar to casting a projection of another person on one person."

It's just that this layer of light and shadow is like the substance, not only visible but also tangible.

After all, plastic surgery needs someone to operate it in reality, and the Predator is the same as it. In order to save manufacturing costs, the body is made of metal balls, which are only the size of a palm.

Even if it has the knowledge and technology of plastic surgery, it can't be as flexible as human hands, otherwise it will be disfigured.

It is far less convenient and fast than projection, but this kind of projection is different from ordinary projection, and requires relatively high technical requirements, and it also consumes a lot of energy.

This predator has also spent a lot of money!

Gu Nanyan was even more surprised when he heard the words, and couldn't help but look at Concubine Rou carefully.

But after watching for a long time, he didn't see any flaws, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed that the other party was quite capable.

At least it's much better than 888's trash!

888 who was despised again: →_→

When you use it, you tell them to be cute, and when you don't use it, it becomes a waste.

The boss was right.

Women are big pigs!

Gu Nanyan slowly put down her hands, her expression extremely calm.

"Is there any way you can restore her to her original appearance?"

She looked familiar at this woman, if it was the person in her impression, then it would be a good show.

Looking at Li Mi's lewd face, Gu Nanyan pulled out a meaningful smile.

I don't know if the emperor who has seen all the beauties in the world and three thousand beauties in the harem will leave a shadow in the future?
Gu Nanyan's eyes moved down, and he looked at an indescribable place through the quilt.

Li Mi, who was confiding his heart to concubine Rou, wishing he could get rolled into bed on the spot, felt a chill in the back of his head.

Li Mi: Did I get stared at by something strange, why do I feel cold all over?

888 answered in the affirmative.

As long as it launches a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse unexpectedly, it will shut down the other party's system and start it up again.

In this case, its connection with the host will be severed, and the projection projected on Concubine Rou will naturally disappear.

And 888 can also launch an attack when the opponent is in a hurry and has almost no strength to fight back, and devour it!
"Gudong." 888 swallowed.

This is a big meal.

Just swallow this predator, and he can level up again!

At that time, he will be the most powerful among the colleagues who leave the factory in the same period!
Wa hahaha! ! !

"Dear master, shall we do it now?" 888 was eager to try.

Gu Nanyan looked coldly at Li Mi's obscene smile, and rubbed and rubbed the hand of the delicate Concubine Rou, who was still on the verge of talking, her forehead twitched twice.

She sneered: "No, wait any longer."

"Wait for what?"

"Wait till I finish beating him up!"

His eyes are too hot, if I don't beat him up, I will be disgusted for a year!
Half an hour later, Gu Nanyan sat back in his seat in a happy mood, leaving Li Mi alone to howl all over the place.

Concubine Rou stared at her in disbelief, she really didn't expect Gu Nanyan to be so arrogant that even the emperor dared to beat her.

And I don't know if she did it on purpose. When beating the emperor, she even received two punches, all in the face!
"You, you are so courageous!" She didn't know whether she was angry or shocked, she covered her face and said sharply.

This voice is not pleasant, it is not at all charming and charming at first.

With a bruised nose and a swollen face, Li Mi's brain was running fast, thinking about what he had done to make that girl attack him, when he suddenly heard Concubine Rou's voice that was completely different from usual, his expression was in a daze for a moment, and his brows frowned slightly.

It's just that he was fascinated again in an instant.

Seeing his woman trembling angrily, Li Mi's heart ached to death, and he didn't care about his injury, so he hurriedly spoke out to comfort her.

"My dear concubine, don't worry, I don't feel any pain at all."

Seeing that her expression didn't ease in the slightest, she stared at Gu Nanyan firmly, with one hand covering her face with painful tears, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"My concubine, don't cry, if you are really angry, why not..." Let me vent my anger for you.

Li Mi, whose mind was confused, had a gloomy face, turned his head angrily, his eyes just met Gu Nanyan, and his mind was excited.

"It's better to forget it!"

Concubine Rou: "..."


Can you be a little more cowardly?

Bewildered and still have such a desire to survive?

"Your Majesty!" Concubine Rou was so coquettish, she broke into a cold sweat.

"What happened just now." She said dissatisfied in her heart.

If she hadn't reacted quickly, she might have been noticed.

"I don't know either." The predator said uncertainly.

"Maybe there is a problem with the system."

Just for a moment, the whole space shook, as if there was a bad connection.

"What's wrong?" Concubine Rou hurriedly asked.

"Don't be a moth at this time."

She has done so many things by the queen mother's side, if she doesn't coax the emperor well, her end may be even worse than the queen mother's.

After all, she is just a helpless concubine, not as snobbish as Queen Mother Shen.

Concubine Rou regretted that she hadn't done it before, and secretly thought that she shouldn't have listened to the words of the so-called god in her mind and sided with the Queen Mother.

She felt that it was entirely its fault that she was in this situation now!
Thinking of this, Concubine Rou became more confident: "I don't care what you do, you must help me resolve this crisis, otherwise we will break up once and for all, and no one will get better!"

This thing claims to be a fairy, but it is very greedy for money. She has kept a hand before, and hid all the property accumulated in the past few months, a total of more than 30 taels of silver, and many gold and silver jewelry.

If the other party doesn't care about herself, she will use these things to cure it!
The two already had the same thoughts, so how could the predator not know her thoughts.

Hearing her calling herself "Bengong", the predator sneered in his heart.

Secretly thought that this woman got carried away with pride once she gained power, and forgot how she became a concubine.

It pretended to be helpless and comforted: "Don't worry, you and I are one. If you suffer, I will have no good end. Naturally, I will do my best to help you."

Concubine Rou didn't know that it could see through her own thoughts.

Therefore, he didn't know that his so-called backhand had already been seen through.

For the predators, the green hills are not afraid of having no firewood to burn. Money is important, but it can't compare to its life.

If this stupid woman can't turn over, then it can only expend half of its energy to open the door of time and space and escape.

Hearing its promise, Concubine Rou felt relieved.

She sank her heart, and said to Gu Nanyan with a serious face: "The emperor is the son of heaven, blessed by heaven, how dare you, a little girl, hurt the dragon's body at will, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake!"

She already knew that Gu Nanyan was stripped of her princess title by the queen mother, and she thought she was superior to Gu Nanyan.

He raised his chin in disdain, and said condescendingly: "If you are sincere, I can still ask the emperor to spare your life if you are in a good mood!"

"Sister Nan's princess position was bestowed by the emperor himself, and no one can take it away without an imperial decree." The queen said flatly.

"What's more, she is still the princess of Anyang, so she has a higher status than you, a concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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