The farmer has a mall

Chapter 409 Which one to throw

Chapter 409 Which one to throw

This can only be achieved by generating enough heat energy in a short period of time, which is not something that can be achieved with fire alone.

Gu Nanyan first drew the boiler part of the steam engine, then marked the position of the firebox, and connected it to the smokebox outside the boiler with a long tube.

Draw the chimney on the smoke box.

In this way, the smoke generated in the boiler can be discharged from the chimney.

On the top pipe carrying steam, draw a regulating valve to control the steam, and if the pressure rises to a dangerous level, the safety valve will release the steam.

In this way, the safety of the steam engine has a preliminary guarantee.

However, this ordinary steam is not enough to propel the car body carrying people, and the steam pipe needs to be turned back to the boiler filled with hot water.

The carbon fire in the firebox and the steam in the tubes heat the water in the boiler at the same time, getting hotter and hotter, it will become saturated steam.

The saturated steam is heated again in the boiler and flows to the cylinder.

The piston in the cylinder is pushed by the steam, which can turn the wheel.

Half an hour later, Gu Nanyan stretched, just about to stack up the drawn drawings and put them away.

"What did Aunt Huang draw?" Li Xu sat across from him like an obedient baby.

Only then did Gu Nanyan realize that there were still people in the room.

Actually, I don't blame her. Li Xu didn't move at all for half an hour. He didn't even eat snacks for fear of disturbing her, so he just sat there quietly and watched her draw pictures.

Seeing that she finished drawing, she couldn't help being curious, and stretched her neck to look at the drawing.

It can be said that he is very sensible.

Gu Nanyan softened her heart, beckoned him to sit beside her, and explained to him the working principle of the steam engine carefully.

Li Xu:? ? ?
Li Xu was still a child after all, so he didn't understand after listening to it for a long time.

Gu Nanyan thought for a while, then pointed to the charcoal stove at the door, on which a pot of water was heating.

"Have you ever seen a boiling kettle? It's the kind that is gurgling and steaming."

Li Xu's dazed little head started to work, he nodded and said, "I've seen it."

"And do you remember that the lid pops when it boils?"

Li Xu nodded, his eyes still confused.

Gu Nanyan continued: "The lid of the pot will jump because the white mist generated by the hot water pushes it away. Aunt Huang's paintings use this white mist to work instead of people."

Li Xu seemed to understand, but also didn't seem to understand.

But there was one thing he understood.

"Aunt Huang means that you want to use white mist to help people work?"

He opened his mouth wide in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

Is Aunt Huang teasing him?

How can the illusory white mist help people work?
Only gods can do it!
But Aunt Huang is so powerful, it is not surprising that she can do things that only gods can do.

Li Xu has a strong ability to accept, and immediately believed Gu Nanyan's words, and looked at her with a pair of big black eyes adoringly.

"Aunt Huang is amazing, after this steamed chicken is ready, can I let Xu'er take a look?"

Gu Nanyan didn't expect his understanding to be so strong. Although he still couldn't fully understand it, fortunately he understood the general meaning.

"Of course." Gu Nanyan smiled.

The drawings of the steam engine should be sent to Mingshan, where they will be made.

Although it is a bit far away from the capital, but after it is finished, it can be made into a steam car. At that time, it will be driven to the capital for a stroll.

It's not that she likes to show off. Making steam cars is not only for her own convenience, the most important thing is to make money!

In an ancient place like this where only horses, donkeys and oxen could be used to pull carts, she could guarantee that steam cars would cause a sensation as soon as they appeared in the world.

Among other things, in terms of speed, it is several times faster than the best hard-earned BMWs!

It will definitely make these ancient people feel the feeling of flying like lightning!

As if seeing a steady stream of gold ingots flying towards him, Gu Nanyan was as happy as a fool.

Seeing her smile, Li Xu also followed suit.

Gu Nanyan couldn't help but rubbed his head with itchy hands.

Li Xu doesn't like others touching his head, but in his heart, Aunt Huang is different.

Li Xu obediently let her rub, fearing that she would not be able to reach him, so he moved forward.

It's impossible to give Gu Nan smoke and music.

Min's outside the door heard the laughter, hurriedly adjusted his clothes, walked in with his feet up.

Yun Xi, who had been guarding the door the whole time, stopped her expressionlessly.

"Master is busy, no guests."

Seeing that a little maid like her dared to stop her, Min felt displeased.

At any rate, she still remembered whose yard it was, and didn't dare to reprimand her.

"Go and report, I am sister Nan's third aunt, and I came to see her specially."

"Master is busy and sees no guests." Yun Xi said again.

Min frowned: "You didn't go to report, how do you know that Miss Nan doesn't see any guests?"

"Besides, no matter how busy the elders are when they visit the juniors, they still have to take time to receive them."

Yun Xi glanced at her, still expressionless.

"I said, the master does not see guests."


Yun Xi's reckless expression really made Min grit his teeth in hatred.

If she hadn't heard the little prince's laughter coming from Gu Nan's smoke room, she wouldn't have bothered to see her!

She can't be angry, she can't lose her temper.

It's a serious matter to come here today.

"You should go in and ask." Min took a breath.

"I just came out from the old lady, and I heard that sister Nan didn't eat, so I brought some side dishes over,"

She opened the food box in Chunya's hand: "If Sister Nan doesn't have time, it's fine to bring these vegetables in for her."

Yun Xi glanced into the food box, and sure enough, she saw several dishes of food on the sides.

Thinking that the master hadn't eaten, she grabbed the basket and walked into the house.

Min, who wanted to send it in personally: "..."

Where did this girl come from!

How do you look like a robber.

Can't you see that her coming to deliver food is just an excuse to enter the house!
This time it's a good thing, the food box was snatched away, what a fart!

Min Shi was trembling with anger, and wanted to follow in, but heard a bang.

The door is closed.

She gritted her teeth and wanted to push the door when she went up.

Another click.

Locked from the inside.

Min: "..."

Min's anger was overwhelming, and she raised her hand to knock on the door.

"I don't know, throw it out." A faint female voice came from inside the room.

Min's hands froze.

This was Sister Nan's voice. She dared to show face with that maid, because she was the master and she was the servant.

Sister Ke Nan...

She dare not mess with it.

But what did she just say?
do not know?
How could you not know him!

Although they haven't met since she returned to Beijing, they still met a few times before she disappeared.

What does Sister Nan mean by this? After all, she is also the third wife of a famous family in the General's Mansion, so she doesn't care about her!
Although my master did have some misunderstandings with her...

Well, the two daughters also had some misunderstandings with her.

But how innocent I am, she has never provoked her!
Min was aggrieved and embarrassed, she didn't know whether to knock down her raised hand.

While she was hesitating, Yun Xi came out with a food box in her hand.

The dishes inside were intact, not a single chopstick was touched.

Min was stunned.

"Why did you bring it up again?"

"Master is not hungry." Yun Xi frowned.

What does the master's words mean just now?
Let her throw it out.

What to throw?
Food box or human?
"Why aren't you hungry? It's not that you didn't eat lunch." Min didn't believe it.

It doesn't matter if Gu Nanyan is an adult, but the little prince is growing up, how could he not be hungry?

When her son was his age, he would cry out hungry even if he missed a meal.

"Is it not to your appetite?" Min asked again.

It must be, the little prince has a noble status and eats delicacies from mountains and seas, how can he appreciate her home-cooked dishes.

Min slapped his forehead in regret.

"Ask for me to see what the little prince wants to eat. I'll go to the biggest restaurant in the capital and buy him a table."

The food in that restaurant was extremely expensive, and she seldom ate there.

Thinking that it might cost several hundred taels of silver to buy a table of noodles, Min's heart ached.

(End of this chapter)

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