The farmer has a mall

Chapter 410 Speaking for the East Hospital

Chapter 410 Speak for the East Hospital

However, although it costs a little more money, it is worth it to make the little prince happy!
Min's gritted her teeth, seeing that Yunxi was silent and just staring at herself, she said dissatisfiedly: "What are you still doing in a daze, go and ask, the little prince will be starved for a while, you, a servant, can bear this responsibility!"

Her words were quite questioning, as if Li Xu knew her very well, and she didn't notice that Yun Xi's eyes were entangled between her and the food box at this moment.

Min's voice was not low, and Gu Nanyan in the noisy room frowned.

"Yun Xi?"


Mrs. Min entered Tingfeng Garden for only a quarter of an hour, then left.

To be precise, it was thrown out.

Yun Xi patted the dust off her sleeves, closed the courtyard door, and returned to her post proudly.

Since you don't know which one the master asked you to throw, then just throw them all out, there must be one that is right!

Gu Nanyan, who was still telling Li Xu little science knowledge, didn't know what her Miss Yunxi did.

Even if you know it, you won't care.

The so-called top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked. From the character of the Gu Peilan sisters, it can be seen how the Min family educated them as a mother.

In the west courtyard, Mrs. Min was lying on the couch, letting her little daughter rub the medicated oil on her.

Body full of vegetable oil smell.

"This Gu Nanyan is really going too far. I am her elder after all, but she actually asked someone to throw me out. Oh my waist!"

"Take it easy!" Mrs. Min turned her head and glared at her daughter, then yelled again after accidentally pulling her tendons.

Seeing that Gu Peilan remained silent, the Min family was very dissatisfied.

"why do not you talk?"

If the eldest daughter was here, she would have scolded that bitch with her.

This girl really doesn't have one heart with her.

What are you saying, you just sprained your waist, and you are lucky that you didn't use the sore medicine?

Gu Peilan wanted to sigh.

"I told you a long time ago, don't provoke her, but you didn't listen."

"How can we provoke her..."

"You still need to say!"

Min said angrily: "May I know that she is not a good thing? It's not for our family. Since your father entered the palace yesterday, there has been no news. I went to beg the old woman, but I was caught by that bitch Guo." Get out, what else can I do?"

Gu Peilan frowned when she heard her talking about an old woman and a bitch.

She glanced at Chun Ya who was standing on the side with her head lowered, and said calmly: "Go out, close the door, and I will talk to my mother."

Chunya retreated in response, and there were only Min and Gu Peilan in the room.

"Mother, you can't say such things in the future. Today is different from the past. The East Courtyard is gaining momentum. It's better not to cause trouble. In case your disrespectful words spread today..."

"You mean Chunya?"

"She dares!" Min's eyebrows raised.

"I still have her deed of sale. If she dares to talk nonsense, I'll sell her to the building!"

Her voice was not low, and when Chunya, who was guarding outside, heard it, she tightened her fingertips.

Gu Peilan had a headache and really didn't know how to communicate with this mother.

"It doesn't have to be Chunya. Both father and grandmother have been taken away. I don't know what the situation is now. It's better to be cautious in words and deeds. Everything will be discussed when father comes back." She said in a persuasive manner.

"That has to be able to come back!"

The story of what the old man did was spread all over the world. Not only did he frame the old man, but he also joined forces with Shangshu Yu to usurp the throne.

This is a serious crime, and it must be implicated!
If it wasn't for the involvement of the General's Mansion, even their mother and daughter would have been taken away!

Thinking of this, Guo couldn't help but blame her husband.

The Min family really didn't know what he did, and thought that Yu Shangshu had taken a fancy to her husband's talent, so he promoted him to his side.

She didn't even doubt the marriage between Gu Peiling and Yu Ci. She only let the other party come to propose marriage in person regardless of the threshold when her daughter Xiuwai Huizhong was too good.

Now it seems that they just want to tie their family together firmly.

Min's is not an ignorant person, so he couldn't help but wonder: "Do you think your sister knows about this?"

She was the happiest person to be engaged to Young Master Shangshu, and she also sent the crown to the East Courtyard.

Gu Peilan was silent for a moment, remembering the miserable appearance of Gu Peiling when she was carried back that day.

"Should have known, otherwise Gu... Sister Nanyan wouldn't have done such a heavy hand, she is usually very measured."

"Besides, the grandfather also issued a foot restraint order, asking my sister to stay in the house and reflect on herself. If there was no reason for the incident, how could my grandfather, who has always been generous, be so angry."

That's true, Min nodded thoughtfully.

Although the old man said he favored the East Courtyard, he was generally fair. If Sister Ling sent those things without her knowledge, she would definitely not be punished.

Thinking of this, Min paused, and turned to look at Gu Peilan dissatisfied.

"Why do you always talk to the East Courtyard today? You can forget about your grandfather. That bitch... Sister Nan makes troubles all day long, so how can you be measured?"

She squinted her eyes: "Could it be that the east courtyard is booming, so you want to climb high branches!"

After all, Gu Peilan was still rubbing medicated oil on her, gritted her teeth, propped up her upper body, and patted her back.

"Damn girl, if you dare to curry favor with them, see if I won't break your legs!"

She was already lower than the Guo family because of marrying a concubine, if her own daughter went to be someone's dog leg, how could she have the face to stay in the general's mansion?

This slap was not light, Gu Peilan's body was thrown forward for a while.

Hearing her mother say this about herself, Gu Peilan was also a little angry.

"My daughter just wants to curry favor with her, and she might not be of any use to her. I just want to remind my mother that we in the West Courtyard are very soft-spoken now, and it's better to keep our tails between our legs. After grandfather separates us from the mansion, you can do whatever you want."

Hearing the sarcasm in her words, Min was furious.

"What do you mean I love to toss, who am I for? Your father... wait!"

The Min family suddenly stopped: "Why is your grandfather going to separate us after we are separated from the mansion?"

She raised her voice at the end, as if in shock.

Gu Peilan was much calmer than her, and washed the handles in the copper basin beside her.

"Didn't it be passed down a long time ago? When my grandmother was arrested last time, someone said that. Don't you know?"

"That's just a rumor, it's not accurate." Min sighed in relief and rolled her eyes at her.

The dead girl frightened her, the master still doesn't know how long he will be imprisoned, and it's not even certain whether he will come back.

If the old master really wants to divide the West Courtyard, will the three of them still be able to live.

"Mother, don't have too much hope. I heard that my grandfather told my father long ago that we will separate after the new year. We'd better make preparations."

Gu Peilan was not as optimistic as she was. She could see that the recent behavior of the west courtyard had offended her grandfather, and there was a high possibility that they would be separated.

Rather than splitting up the family, it would be better to say that the West Courtyard is separated out alone. After all, the relationship between the first room and the second room is good, and with the princess Gu Nanyan supporting the facade, the eldest aunt is stupid to let the second room go out.

It's just that she didn't say this, lest her mother would make trouble again.

In fact, from her point of view, it's a good thing to separate out, at least you can act without looking at other people's faces, and in addition to the current situation, it would be embarrassing for everyone to live together.

But obviously, Min didn't think so.

The West Court has a lot of expenses every month, and the monthly bills of the masters alone cost 100 taels.

This does not include the expenses of Gu Zhengkang going out to socialize on weekdays, and the monthly expenses sent to his son who goes out to study.

In addition to the monthly money and other expenses of the subordinate, the monthly expenditure of 300 taels is considered small!

Not to mention the need to give gifts when visiting relatives and friends during the holidays, and there are two daughters who are of marriageable age who need to buy clothes and jewelry.

Most of these came from the East Court, and they rarely used their own income.

If he is separated, he can't imagine how hard his life will be in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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