Chapter 411
Although they will definitely share part of their family property, but her master is a concubine, so how much can they share?

Not to mention, can an egg be as valuable as a hen?

The East Court took a share of Gu Nanyan's factory income!

The more Min thought about it, the more flustered she became, and she couldn't care less about the pain in her back, and was about to go out in a hurry.

"No, we can't go."

"I have to talk to your grandfather, your father doesn't know what's going on, he can't just send us orphans and widows away!"

In fact, the Min family really thought too much. Although Gu Yao said that he would divide the East Court, it was not at this time.

Although he was disappointed with the West Courtyard, he would not drive the three women out to fend for themselves.

What's more, two of them are their granddaughters.

But Min obviously didn't think so, she ignored Gu Peilan's obstruction, and ran to Gu Yao's study to find him.

Gu Peilan was worried, fearing that something would happen to her again, so she followed her.

It was not until the East Courtyard that he realized that Gu Yao was still in the palace, and he would not be able to come back until dark.

The Min family couldn't hold back, so she went to wait for him at the gate of the palace, and Gu Peilan had no choice but to follow.

"Mother should wait in the mansion. Grandpa won't be back until late. It's not good for the two of us to wander outside after dark." Before the coachman arrived, Gu Peilan persuaded again.

"No, I'm always uneasy in my heart, I must see your grandfather today." Min said, clutching her chest.

"If you are afraid, go back first, I will go alone."

This girl didn't know where she was going, she was not in a hurry for such a big matter, and she didn't know who she was working so hard for.

In the final analysis, it is still not as caring as the eldest daughter!

Min shrugged off her daughter's hand, obviously dissatisfied with her casual attitude.

Gu Peilan was helpless, seeing that she couldn't listen, she didn't say anything, just quietly waited with her.

The two waited for a quarter of an hour for the coachman to arrive, just about to get into the carriage.

"Madam wait a minute." Suddenly, an old man called out to Mrs. Min.

"What's the matter with this old man?" Mrs. Min frowned and asked in doubt.

Gu Peilan also turned her head and looked her up and down.

I saw that the old man was dressed in light-colored linen clothes, with a gray beard combed in a bun, holding a bamboo pole in his hand.

There is a canvas hanging on the bamboo pole, on which are written the five characters "Iron Zui Li Shen Suan".

Gu Peilan also frowned.

"Madam, the old Taoist sees that your forehead is sunken, and there is a red line rising from the Yintang. This is an ominous sign. I am afraid that relatives in the family will suffer. Why don't you ask the old Taoist to calculate it for you?"

Li Shensuan's easy-going face and red hair make him look like a gentleman.

If it is on weekdays, Min doesn't mind spending a few copper coins for him to count.

But Gu Zhengkang's incident was well known throughout the city, and it was not a secret. Li Shen probably came here to block people after hearing the news.

Min glanced at him disdainfully: "No need, I still have things to do."

After all, I want to get in the car again.

Li Shen didn't mind, instead he stroked his beard and said, "Ma'am, don't worry, the old man hasn't finished talking yet."

Seeing Min's turning back impatiently, he pointed to her face and said: "Madam is round and round, so the first child must be a daughter, right?"

The Min family ignored him. The fact that she gave birth to two daughters and a son is not a secret, just ask someone to find out.

Li Shensuan went on to say: "And there is a horizontal stripe under the Madam's Hall of Tears, which means that there is still a son. This horizontal stripe will change according to your son's fortune. Generally, as long as there is no major disaster, it should be thick and long. Profound."

"But now it is short and short, with very vague lines."

"Furthermore, there is a horizontal line on the top of the lady's body, which is a sign of the untimely death of her descendants. Forgive the old Taoist, your son is in a catastrophe, and at this time, his life is probably hanging by a thread."

The Min family only thought he was a liar, and didn't take his words to heart at first, but when he heard that his precious son was about to suffer disaster, the Min family immediately quit.

"Why are you talking nonsense, old man? How dare you curse my son, I just received a letter a few days ago, he is doing well now, believe it or not, I will send you to the government if you talk nonsense again!"

Min was gasping for breath. Although the content of the letter was only asking for money and she didn't say a word, she could recognize her son's handwriting, and it was indeed her son who wrote it.

If something really happened, can you still write a letter and ask for money?

Li Shensuan was not afraid at all, stroked his beard and shook his head and sighed: "The so-called fortune and misfortune are unpredictable, even if you received the letter yesterday, it does not mean that today is well, otherwise the old man would not say that he was in an accident.

The so-called accident refers to the unexpected, unexpected things, how can they be speculated according to common sense.

"You, you fart, your son was in an accident, and your whole family was in an accident!"

What Min's loved the most was her son. Hearing people say ominous words again and again, he immediately lost his mind, and yelled at him regardless of the servants around him.

Gu Peilan also lowered her face: "Old gentleman, we don't believe this. It's too rude for you to say these words. You'd better go back and forth from where, otherwise I will let my servant report to the government."

The meaning of her repelling is obvious.

Li Shensuan didn't bother with her, and sighed: "The old Taoist travels here, and he can calculate at most one hexagram every day, and he only counts people who are predestined, but since Madam doesn't believe it, there is no point in forcing it."

After he finished speaking, leaning on the canvas pole, with the other hand behind his back, he walked slowly towards the other end.

"The truth will be known tomorrow morning. The old Taoist is waiting for you at the Baiyun Temple one mile outside the city."

Baiyun Temple?
Isn't that the most effective Taoist temple in the capital?

I heard that a magic operator did come there recently, and the hexagrams calculated have never been missed.

The honorable nobles in Jingzhong once went to him, but unfortunately, this mysterious Taoist priest only counted one hexagram every month, and only for those who were destined.

Could it be that he is the fairy elder?
Nothing will happen to her son.

This man must be a liar!
Min's face was pale, and she suddenly felt flustered for some reason.

Mrs. Min was not feeling well, and she was worried about her son, so she was in no mood to go out again, so she asked the coachman to go back, and she went back to the house with Gu Peilan's support.

Seeing her leaning on the bed and rubbing her chest, Gu Peilan couldn't help worrying, "You can't believe what the magic stick said. Don't worry, my brother just sent you a letter. Nothing will happen."

Min sighed: "My son travels thousands of miles and my mother is worried. I don't know what's going on in my heart."

She grabbed Gu Peilan's hand and said, "You said what the old Taoist said can't be true."

"No." Gu Peilan reassured.

"My brother has been doing well for so many years. That old man just wants to coax you into giving money. It must be nonsense."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case..." Min was still worried.

Gu Peilan had no choice but to say: "If you are really worried, why don't my daughter accompany you to the temple tomorrow to burn incense and pray for my brother, and also pray for my father's safety by the way."

The Taoist priest was mysterious, and the place where he appeared was also very strange. After all, they were the only family in the passage outside the small door, and they couldn't even see a person on weekdays. How could a Taoist priest appear suddenly?

Gu Peilan was worried, always feeling that something was about to happen.

"That's the only way to go." Min said.

There is no fixed address for her son to go on a study tour, and even if she wants to write a letter to inquire about the situation, she does not know where to send it.


The nearest temple is ten miles outside the city, about an hour's journey by carriage from the General's Mansion.

In order to go early and return early, the Min family took a rest as soon as it was dark.

On the next morning, she changed into plain clothes and took Gu Peilan out the door.

Unexpectedly, before he had gone far, the concierge at the main gate of the General's Mansion chased after him.

"Third madam, the urgent mail from the inn is from the third young master's classmate!" The concierge was a middle-aged man in his 40s, sweating profusely as he ran, looking very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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