Chapter 412

This letter was sent through the post station, and it only said that Mrs. Gu had personally signed it, so the person who delivered the letter thought it was for Mrs. Gu's Mrs. Guo, and handed it directly to the gatekeeper at the main entrance.

Unexpectedly, after Guo opened the letter, he discovered that it was addressed to Min.

I wanted to send someone directly to the West Courtyard, but accidentally glanced at the content above, and immediately changed my face, and ordered someone to look for the Min family.

After hearing the report from the servants, saying that Mrs. Min went out early in the morning to go to the temple to offer incense, she hurriedly asked the porter to chase after him in the mansion's carriage.

Mrs. Min heard that it was written by her son's classmate, and it was an urgent post from the post station. Thinking of what the old man said yesterday, her heart skipped a beat, and she fell on the wall of the car, her face pale and frightening.

Gu Peilan's complexion was not very good, but compared to her mother, she was calmer.

"Thank you very much." Gu Peilan thanked the concierge and took the letter.

The concierge was a little surprised, and hurriedly bowed down and dared not.

After a cup of tea, Gu Peilan turned pale.

The letter said that her brother Gu Congyuan met with several classmates and went up to the mountain to drink and hold a poetry meeting.

It was originally an elegant thing, but someone drank too much during the period, and provoked Gu Congyuan by using alcohol to make trouble.

It is said that he is a descendant of the general's mansion, but he is as timid as a mouse and does not do his job properly. He only knows to spend the family's money to eat, drink and have fun outside.

At this time, the poetry meeting was coming to an end, and Gu Congyuan was already staggering drunk, how could he stand up to the provocations of others?
In order to prove that he was brave, he made a bet with that person.

The location of the poetry meeting is close to a cliff, and there is a Samuume near the cliff.

I don't know what species this Samuume is, it's much taller than ordinary plum trees, and it's not yet the time when the plum blossoms are in bloom, but several flower buds have grown on the top of this Samuume tree.

So the two bet that whoever can pick off the branch with the bud behind him will be the winner, and the loser will wash the one-month-old clothes for the winner.

It was the time when everyone was hearty and dripping, and they all booed and cheered.

Among them were some classmates who had good friends with Gu Congyuan. They felt that this move was too dangerous, so they hurried forward to persuade them.

How could Gu Congyuan be willing to listen? He was already furious, and with so many people watching, it was even more difficult to ride a tiger.

So he ignored the obstacles and took the lead to climb up the plum tree, dangled for a long time on the trunk that was only as thick as an adult man's arm, and finally fell off the cliff just like what was written in the drawing book.

However, there is no anonymous white-bearded grandfather living alone under the cliff, nor is there any treasure left by the previous dynasty waiting for him to discover.

Below the cliff is a rushing river, the kind that can be washed away if you jump into it.

Gu Congyuan disappeared, and all the students who woke up instantly reported to the police.

Hearing that the missing one was the young master of the Zhenbei General's Mansion, the county magistrate was so frightened that he almost fell headlong to the ground, and immediately summoned all the yamen servants to search under the cliff.

From afternoon to night, from night to day, for three days and three nights, only one jade pendant was found.

After Gu Congyuan's classmates identified it, it was worn on his waist every day, and it is said that it was given to him by his grandfather on his birthday.

The jade pendant was found, but no one was seen.

After another three days, even the government was about to give up.

The students had no choice but to write a letter to the General's Mansion by the classmate who had the best friendship with Gu Congyuan.

Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning between the lines is obvious.

Gu Congyuan's fate is more than luck!
Mrs. Min fainted immediately after reading the letter, and Gu Peilan sat there with a blank face, as if she was stupid.

In the end, the concierge reminded: "Miss, hurry up and take the third lady back to the house, and find a doctor to take a look, don't rush to get sick."

Only then did Gu Peilan regain her senses, and hurriedly ordered the driver to return home.

Mrs. Guo heard that Mrs. Min fainted. Although she hated Gu Zhengkang's behavior, she still went to the west courtyard in person. After hearing from the doctor that Mrs. Min was fine, she returned to the east courtyard.

She originally wanted to wait for the Min family to wake up before leaving, but it was about Gu Congyuan's life and death, and her father-in-law had already entered the palace at this time, so she had to discuss it with her mother-in-law.

But before she left, she told Gu Peilan that if something happened, she would be sent to the east courtyard to find her, and she would keep the maid beside her to help take care of her.

Gu Peilan was very grateful.

Encountering such a big event, the only elder in the west courtyard was already unconscious, and a teenage girl like her really didn't know what to do.

Mrs. Guo hurried back to the east courtyard to find her mother-in-law, and Gu Peilan took care of her mother with red eyes.

Gu Peiling, who was grounded during the period, came to visit.

He only glanced at Min's who was in a coma, and left without saying anything with a cold face, as if the woman lying on the bed had nothing to do with her.

The Min family didn't wake up until half an hour later. The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to grab Gu Peilan's hand and tell her to go to Baiyun Temple outside the city to find Li Shensuan. No matter what the price is, she must invite him here.

Gu Peilan felt that the old man's appearance was too strange, hesitated for a moment, and wanted to refuse, but finally lost to Min's anxious look, sighed and went to Baiyun temple in person.

Baiyun Temple was originally just a small Taoist temple, hidden in the mountains and not well-known, and few people in Beijing know about it.

But just a few months ago, a Yunyou Xianzhang came to the temple. It is said that this person is the successor of Mai Shen's fortune teller.

It's a pity that only one hexagram is counted every month, and it must be a predestined person, otherwise I would rather not count it.

As the saying goes, what is rare is the most precious, Li Shensuan, the descendant of the sackcloth, made such a mystery, which immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

There was that unbelieving dandy who pretended to be a beggar with a provocative mentality to ask him for a fortune, but Li Shensuan stripped off his vest on the spot, and almost brought out the eighteenth generation of his ancestors to greet him.

There are some things that even the dude doesn't know.

Not only that, Li Shensuan also saw that he was facing a catastrophe, and gave him a fortune telling for free, telling him the way to avoid disaster, and successfully helped the dude avoid disaster.

It didn't take long for the news to spread throughout the capital, and the Baiyun temple became famous instantly. The Taoist temple, which hadn't seen a single person for ten days and a half months, was crowded with pilgrims.

When Gu Peilan arrived, it was a time when there were many people. She was picked up by the trailhead who was waiting at the foot of the mountain. Under the envious or jealous eyes of other pilgrims, she was taken into Li Shensuan's tent.

Li Shensuan didn't seem surprised by her intention of coming.

"Pindao said long ago that your son is in a catastrophe. If he can't resolve it in time, his life may be hindered."

Although Gu Peilan didn't really believe this, but due to her mother's reasons, she could only respectfully ask Li Shensuan for a solution.

Li Shensuan stroked his gray beard and pondered for a moment, then said: "Your Mansion's misfortune is a catastrophe of life and death, it cannot be resolved by ordinary methods, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome..."

Gu Peilan hurriedly said: "As long as the Taoist priest is willing to rescue her, and if mother's love for her child is fulfilled, we will definitely offer a large sum of money in return from the West Court of the General's Mansion."

Whether it was intentional or not, she deliberately emphasized the word "West Courtyard", the meaning is obvious.

This matter has nothing to do with the East Court. If you want to get something, go directly to the West Court.

After finishing speaking, she motioned to the maid behind her to take out a purse, and handed over the 100 taels of silver bills contained in it.

This was specially given to her by her mother when she went out, so that she must find a solution no matter what.

"This is my mother's wish. As long as my brother can turn the crisis into safety, he will be rewarded with a lot of money in the future."

Seeing this, Li Shensuan did not accept the banknote, but instead smiled and said: "People who cultivate the Tao have five disadvantages and three deficiencies. Widowhood, widowhood, loneliness, loneliness, disability, wealth, life, and power must be lacking in one, which is very unfortunate. Well, what is lacking in the poor is the wealthy family, even a thousand pieces of gold can't keep a penny."

As he spoke, he pushed back the banknotes on the table, but smiled.

Taoist priests do not charge money for fortune-telling. In the eyes of others, this person must have real skills.

But Gu Peilan frowned, feeling even more suspicious.

If a person doesn't even want money, it can only show that the other party's intentions are very big, which cannot be compared with ordinary gold and silver.

(End of this chapter)

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