The farmer has a mall

Chapter 413 The source of evil spirit

Chapter 413 The source of evil spirit
Gu Peilan pretended to be surprised: "What is the meaning of the Taoist priest? Could it be that he refuses to help my brother resolve this disaster?"

"No." Li Shensuan said while twisting his beard.

"The third lady of your mansion has a predestined relationship with Pindao, so naturally Pindao will not stand by and watch."

"Then you are..." Gu Peilan looked puzzled.

"Pindao never accepts money for fortune-telling, but if the girl is uneasy, just leave a tael of fortune-telling money, too much is a waste." Li Shensuan waved his sleeves and said very straightforwardly.

Seeing that Gu Peilan took out another tael of silver from his purse and put it on the table, he glanced at the little Taoist priest behind him, who quickly bowed and put it away.

"It's not impossible to resolve Brother Ling's catastrophe. It's just that the poor need to look at the face of the third lady and combine the spirit of the mansion to find a way to resolve it. I'm afraid I have to go to your mansion with the girl."

Go home with her?

Gu Peilan frowned.

The mother's intention was to ask her to invite Li Shensuan back.

But she thought that the General's Mansion was in troubled times right now, so she shouldn't take anyone back casually.

It's just that if I return empty-handed, my mother still doesn't know how angry she will be.

Gu Peilan bit her lower lip in a dilemma.


Li Shensuan finally followed Gu Peilan to the General's Mansion. They entered through the small gate and went directly to the west courtyard.

It stands to reason that a well-known fairy head like Li Shensuan should be greeted through the main entrance of the East Courtyard, but Gu Peilan instinctively does not want him to have a chance to have anything to do with the East Courtyard.

Li Shensuan didn't care, and walked into the West Court with a compass in his hand, without the slightest annoyance of being slighted.

Gu Peilan was relieved.

Min's eyes lit up when he saw him, and he got up from the bed instantly as if seeing hope, walked up to him with red eyes and gave him a deep blessing.

"The woman has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and she offended the head of the fairy yesterday, and please let the head of the fairy save my Yuan'er." As she spoke, her voice choked up, and Gu Peilan hurried forward to support her.

"Ma'am, it's serious. There are too many scammers in Beijing, so it's normal to be a little bit defensive."

Li Shen was kind and kind, and didn't care about the fact that she didn't believe in him yesterday.

"The Immortal Chief really deserves to be a person who has achieved the Tao. It is really admirable." Seeing that he did not blame him at all, Min finally let go of half of his heart.

To this kind of compliment, Li Shensuan just smiled and said nothing, with the demeanor of an outsider.

He first looked at Min's face, pinched his fingers to calculate, then looked around, and couldn't help frowning.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things, let the poor Taoist go to the courtyard first to see if he can find a way to solve it, otherwise after tonight, the life of the young master will be on the line, even the poor Taoist can do nothing. "

The Min family was shocked when they heard this, and hurriedly took Li Shensuan around the yard.

About two quarters of an hour later, Li Shensuan stood in front of a small courtyard, frowning and stopped, looking down at the compass in his hand.

Mrs. Min also took a look, only to see the pointer on the compass spinning wildly, she asked softly uneasy: "This yard is where my son lived before he went out to study, but what's the problem?"

"Not bad." Li Shensuan said in a deep voice.

"The orientation of this yard is originally a natural gossip formation in the mid-heaven. It is a calm and peaceful formation. If someone lives in it, it will not only calm the mind, but also make the mind clear. Although there is no great momentum, There is no big downturn, and it is a very suitable place for students to live."

The Min family was relieved a lot, and was even more convinced of Li Shensuan.

"The Immortal Elder is really a man of gods. Back then, our master had specially asked someone to look at it, and it was almost the same as what you said."

At that time, Gu Zhengkang wanted the feng shui expert to change the courtyard so that Gu Congyuan would be more promising in the future.

But those who read Fengshui said that the formation in this courtyard is formed naturally, which is very rare, and any increase or decrease is superfluous.

Gu Zhengkang just gave up.

"Ma'am, don't be too happy too early." Li Shensuan said with a gloomy expression.

"The neutralizing atmosphere in this courtyard should have been as pure and flawless as white snow without any impurities, but at this time, it was so dark that it could not lift the neutralizing atmosphere. reason."

Min's expression turned ugly upon hearing this.

"This is the General's Mansion, how can there be black air!"

Could it be that someone deliberately harmed Yuan'er?
She glanced gloomyly in the direction of the main courtyard of the east courtyard.

If there is anyone in this mansion who is most likely to harm her son, it must be the eldest son.

After all, only the first room has a male like them, and although the second room has Gu Nanyan, no matter how capable she is, she will marry into someone else's family, and she is not qualified to inherit the general's mansion.

Min's meaning was too obvious. Gu Peilan understood her mother's meaning, tugged at her sleeve secretly, and looked at Li Shensuan suspiciously.

He thought that he wanted to take the opportunity to provoke the relationship between Da Fang and them so as to achieve a certain purpose.

Li Shensuan also understood Min's meaning.

He has also heard about the East and West Courts of the General's Mansion.

To Gu Peilan's surprise, he immediately rejected Min's idea.

"The black air is indeed coming from another place in the mansion, but it's not where Madam thought."

He raised his hand and casually pointed to the south.

"Accurately speaking, this black air should be evil spirit. It is overflowing from people, and it will become thicker and thicker as time goes by. When it becomes a climate, it will attack the people around."

"And the neutralizing aura in this courtyard is naturally compatible with the evil aura, so it was naturally attracted to it."

Li Shensuan stroked his beard and looked to the south, pondered for a moment and added: "In Pingdao's opinion, so many evil spirits will not be so strong in decades, I wonder who lives in that courtyard?"

After he finished speaking, he pointed forward again, but this time he pointed at Tingfengyuan.

Gu Peilan's face darkened in an instant, and without waiting for Min's words, she turned cold and serious and said: "The Taoist priest is careful, the yard you are referring to is my second sister's yard, which is the emperor and eldest princess of the Jianan Kingdom. Where she lives, she has just returned to Beijing not long ago, and she has only lived there for a few days, how could she have such a strong evil spirit as you said!"

The East and West Courts seldom communicate with each other, and Gu Nanyan is the only granddaughter of the East Courtyard, so the servants always call her Missy.

But in the west courtyard, she is one year younger than Gu Peiling, so it is not wrong for Gu Peilan to call her the second sister.

"Lan'er mustn't be rude, the fairy chief has his reasons for saying this, what do you know as a child?" Min's dissatisfied scolded.

But she is also very afraid of Gu Nanyan, especially after being thrown out of Tingfengyuan yesterday, she is even more afraid.

She couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "But Lan'er is right, since my niece was found, she really rarely stayed in the general's mansion, and even before that, she only lived in the mansion for ten years, without you It's been so long."

Gu Nanyan has just passed Ji this year, and is only fifteen or sixteen years old, how can there be so many decades.

"Could it be a mistake?" Min hesitated for a while, and couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"Is it only for a few days?" Li Shensuan murmured, counting with his fingertips.

"Pindao is not mistaken, the evil spirit is indeed coming from that yard, as to why there are so many..."

He pinched his fingertips again, and after a moment of silence, his expression was solemn.

"Pindao has also heard about the deeds of that princess. I heard that she went to the battlefield and killed many Liang soldiers in the northwest, but is it true?"

"That's right." Min nodded.

"That's it!" Li Shensuan sighed.

"It stands to reason that although a person who is a general will be infected with evil spirits all over his body, but if he is a man, he will be offset by his own Yang energy, and will not hinder the people around him."

"But the princess, as a daughter, is a yin body. Instead of offsetting the evil spirit, it will make it stronger and stronger, which will naturally form a disaster."

"Not only that, after a long time, even the princess herself will be backlashed by it, and her actions will become more and more arrogant, and she will even regard etiquette and human life as trivial, until she is completely obsessed." Li Shen said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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