The farmer has a mall

Chapter 414 Lie into Tingfeng Garden

Chapter 414 Lie into Tingfeng Garden

That girl dared to do something to her elder, didn't she just regard etiquette as trivial!

The Min family quite agrees with the idea, and believes in Li Shensuan even more.

Gu Peiling's face became even more serious, but when she wanted to say something, her mother gave her a hard look, and she pursed her lips and fell silent.

"Since this is the case, I don't know if the fairy elder has a solution?" Min asked hurriedly.

"As long as you can help my son survive this catastrophe, my General's Mansion will accept your great favor, and I will never refuse to ask for anything in the future!"

In order to increase the credibility, the Min family brought out the entire General's Mansion, which naturally included the East Courtyard.

In her opinion, no matter what, her son is the grandson of the old man, so it is right for the East Court to repay the favor with her.

"There is a way, but it's just burning a few talisman papers." Li Shensuan squinted his eyes halfway, with an inscrutable look.

When Min heard it was so simple, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and just wanted him to burn the talisman quickly, when he heard him continue: "It's just that the talisman must be burned in the place where the evil spirit is, and it must be burnt by Pindao himself, otherwise it won't work." The effect of repelling evil spirits."

The place where the evil spirit is located, that is, Tingfengyuan?
The Min family was very embarrassed when she heard the words: "I don't know, the princess never likes to socialize with others, even if our old lady enters her yard, he must be notified first, we are afraid that we will not be able to enter... I wonder if there are other ways?"

Seeing Li Shensu shaking his head slowly, Min's heart went cold.


At this time, Gu Nanyan's figure was not visible in Tingfeng Garden.

Wei Hong sent someone to bring a letter to Liu Zhenzhen early in the morning, saying that there were her mother's relics to be handed over to her, and he would wait for her to pick them up at the teahouse near the post house at noon.

Liu Zhenzhen hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to go after asking Gu Nanyan what he meant. She also wanted to hear an explanation for his disappearance for so many years.

Of course, she didn't dare to go by herself, after all, she hadn't figured out the other party's purpose, and if she accidentally said something wrong, it might cause trouble for Gu Nanyan.

So Gu Nanyan went out with her.

In the end, despite Gu Peilan's obstruction, the Min family insisted on taking Li Shensuan to Tingfengyuan.

She didn't dare to say the purpose of coming, so she gritted her teeth and asked the servants to bring along a pot of orchids that she had carefully watered, saying that Mrs. Guo had asked her to bring them here, and Li Shensuan, who was following her in sackcloth, was taken away by her. Said to be a gardener.

Gu Nanyan was not there, Yun Xi went out with her, and besides the other servants in the courtyard, Yun Chu had the most right to speak.

It was inconvenient for Gu Nanyan to take Li Xu with her when she went out this time, so she asked her to stay and take care of her. Li Xu was very sensible, and stayed in the yard to read Gu Nanyan's handwritten knowledge about pediatric science.

He watched with relish, his dark eyes sparkling, and he was so focused that no outsiders noticed when he entered the courtyard.

Although Yun Chu wondered why Guo Shi asked people from the West Courtyard to deliver things, but seeing that all of them were women, and only one man seemed to be quite old, he didn't care, and told them to put down their things and leave quickly.

"Don't worry, girl, we'll leave after putting down our things." Mrs. Min had never seen Yun Chu before, and thought she came from the palace to serve Li Xu, so she was very respectful.

It was rare to see Li Xu, and Min really wanted to go up to her and flirt with him.

But at this moment, she was so concerned about her son's safety, how could she have such thoughts, so she could only regretfully watch Yunchu lead Li Xu into the house.

Seeing the little prince returning to the house, Gu Peilan, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Mother, you used the name of your aunt to bring outsiders to listen to Fengyuan. How can you hide this matter, she will definitely ask people to ask."

This "she" naturally refers to Gu Nanyan.

It's not a clever lie at all, as long as the two parties confront each other, it will be clear, how could the Min family not know.

"Keep your voice down!" Min Shi pinched her.

Then he glared at Gu Peilan, lowered his voice and said, "I'm not doing it for your brother!"

"He is the hope of our third family. Now that life and death are uncertain, don't let me do what Li Xianchang said. Don't you want to see him die!"

Speaking of this, the voice choked up again.

Gu Peilan rubbed her sore arm, feeling very powerless.

Of course she didn't want her brother to die, but this so-called Taoist leader always gave her a feeling of bad intentions, which made her feel uneasy.

She looked at Li Shensuan's back, and saw that he was teaching the young man in Tingfengyuan how to take care of the orchid.

Gu Peilan's eyes flickered, and a pained look appeared on his face when he lowered his eyelids.

"Mother, my daughter suddenly has a stomachache and wants to go clean the room."

The Min family was already afraid of Gu Nanyan, and at this time she was feeling anxious after doing something bad, so she waved her hand impatiently when she heard the words.

"Go, you don't have to come here if you have nothing to do, just rest in the house by yourself."

Anyway, it was just burning a few talisman papers, and it took less than a quarter of an hour. They would have left long ago when she came back.

Seeing Gu Peilan leave Tingfengyuan in a hurry, Min felt that this little daughter was useless, and even a little thing could scare her into a stomach ache.

On the other side, Gu Peilan came out of the yard, immediately let go of her hand covering her belly, grabbed a young man from Tingfengyuan, asked where Gu Nanyan had gone, and hurried out of the mansion.

Gu Nanyan was sitting in a box in the teahouse at this time, the sliding door of the box was wide open, and the storyteller downstairs was relishing the story of her killing the enemy on the battlefield.

"Continuing from last time, General Gu was trapped in Gourd Valley, and Princess Huguo rushed thousands of miles day and night to help. At that time, when the two sides were fighting, the sword of the enemy general was about to fall. There was a roar of thunder, and the princess fell from the sky like a bolt of lightning, and guess what!"

When it came to nervousness, the storyteller stopped just right, deliberately letting everyone go.

"Please listen to the next chapter's breakdown!"

As soon as the guests downstairs heard it, they stopped after saying a few words, and immediately gave up. Peanut melon seed skins mixed with copper plates and broken silver were thrown at them one after another.

The storyteller cheerfully picked up the silver, and finally shook his palm.

"My little one, thank you all for your rewards, the money for drinking flower wine tonight is settled."

As he spoke, he wanted to put the money into his pocket.

But I saw a young woman in common clothes and a cloth towel thud thumped on the stage, twisted on his waist, and said fiercely: "You damn ghost, you still want to drink flower wine, my mother sees that your skin is itchy!" !"

She snatched the silver with one hand, and gave the storyteller a hard look.

"I'll take care of you when I get home!" After saying that, he got off the stage angrily.

Everyone in the audience laughed happily, ridiculed the storyteller one after another, and asked him to go back and cheer up his wife in ambiguous words.

The storyteller pretended to be sad and bowed his hands to everyone.

"I originally planned to be lazy and leave early today, but now I don't even have the money for the drinks. I made a mistake, and I have to trouble you to listen to the nagging for a while."

After he finished speaking, he slapped Xingmu and shouted loudly.

"The princess descended from the sky with a voice like thunder: Hey, that bastard dares to hurt my relatives, see if I don't tear you apart!"

"It was too late and then quickly, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the enemy's two arms with one force, the man was torn in half without making a sound, the princess was splashed with blood, her eyes were red like a hell Shura Light, scared the enemy's [-] soldiers to pee their pants collectively, and the smell has not been dried until now..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She blinked, looked at Liu Zhenzhen next to her uncertainly, pointed to her nose and asked, "This is Lao Tzu?"

How could she not remember this happening?
If 5 people urinate their pants collectively, why not drown their feet?
Is it disgusting?
Gu Nanyan imagined a scene where 5 people pee their pants...

At once……

Very tasty.

Liu Zhenzhen was quite nervous about meeting Wei Hong at first, but now she can't laugh or cry after listening to the storyteller.

"Don't mind, the folk rumors are getting more and more outrageous. In fact, they don't have any malicious intentions. They just admire you and don't know how to express it."

Gu Nanyan nodded thoughtfully, but she really didn't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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