The farmer has a mall

Chapter 415 No regrets

Chapter 415 No regrets

"The Xiao family holds a heavy army. The Xiao Chong whose arm was cut off by you is the elder brother of Queen Daliang, and also the uncle of the crown prince."

Gu Nanyan was listening intently when she saw Huangfu Yi pushing Wei Hong into the private room.

"Sorry, I've been delayed for a while because of my legs and feet, so I kept you waiting." Wei Hong smiled elegantly.

Today he was wearing a navy blue tunic with wide sleeves and a gauze crown on his head, which is the unique attire of Daliang Kingdom.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyelids and said nothing. She came here today to accompany Liu Zhenzhen, so she didn't want to say anything unnecessary.

The scene was a bit awkward, but Wei Hong didn't mind, and looked at Liu Zhenzhen for a while.

"I see that you are much fatter than a few months ago. It seems that Sister Nan has taken good care of you." Wei Hong said happily.

"Thank you, little uncle." These words were said to Gu Nanyan.

Liu Zhenzhen raised her head in surprise: "Prime Minister has seen me before?"

She was sure that it was the first time she saw him on the way to Beijing, and she just glanced at him from a long distance, she had never seen him before.

Could it be that he had found himself a long time ago, but he never showed up?

Liu Zhenzhen was a little excited and looked at Wei Hong with hope.

"I don't think I've seen it before." Wei Hong shook his head slowly.

"It's just that Sister Nan was recognized by Emperor Anyang before. I was a little suspicious, so I asked someone to find a portrait of her."

When his sister had an accident, although he knew that she escaped, he didn't know that she was pregnant at that time.

Therefore, when the news that his sister had a daughter and that he had been named a princess by Emperor Anyang spread to Daliang Kingdom, he only felt that Emperor Anyang was going to use the Wei family to do something again, and he didn't believe it at all.

It wasn't until Gu Nanyan's portrait was placed on the desk, looking at the face that was very similar to his sister, that he believed it.

So on the way here, he suggested to the prince that the envoys take a detour and meet Gu Nanyan by chance, just to observe the princess closely and see if she is really her sister's blood.

When the two sides met, he only took one look and no doubts disappeared.

At that time, Wei Hong was a little excited. It can be said that his life was exchanged for Wei Lan's life. If she had been sent away at the beginning, she would not have died so bleakly in a foreign country.

The moment he saw Gu Nanyan, he seemed to see the continuation of his sister's life, and he was almost moved to tears.

His indebtedness to Wei Lan made him feel very complicated towards Gu Nanyan.

I want to be close, but I am timid to be close to relatives.

Wei Hong sighed, and continued: "After the news of the redress of the Wei family came out, I didn't know the whereabouts of your siblings, and I also sent you portraits."

It turned out that I had only seen the portrait.

Liu Zhenzhen was very disappointed, and wanted to ask him why he didn't go to find them since he knew their whereabouts. Could it be that they were such insignificant existences in his heart.

Liu Zhenzhen felt that she and her younger brother had suffered humiliation in sneaking into Ning's house in order to find him, as if it was just her own wishful thinking.

"You and Tianlu are both good boys, I'm sorry for my father." Wei Hong sighed.

As soon as the words of apology came out, Liu Zhenzhen's eyes turned red instantly.

"Before my mother passed away, I kept thinking about you. She said that if she finds you one day, she must tell you. She doesn't regret it."

I don't regret marrying him, I don't regret having children for him, I don't regret waiting for him all my life.

Wei Hong didn't speak for a while after hearing the words, he took out a silver hairpin from his bosom.

Gu Nanyan looked around, the style of the silver hairpin looked old, and the workmanship was not the best, but the body of the hairpin was very smooth and round, without any trace of oxidation.

It appears to be well preserved.

He put the hairpin on the table and pushed it to Liu Zhenzhen.

"This hairpin is a token of love from me to your mother. She likes it so much that she wears it on her head all day long. Later, when I was going on a long trip, she caught it in my clothes when she packed my luggage."

As if thinking of something, there was a hint of a smile in those eyes that were very similar to Liu Zhenzhen.

"I think your mother probably knew a long time ago that our father and daughter would be reunited one day, and wanted me to hand it over to you personally."

Liu Zhenzhen's eyes were blurred, and she stretched out her hand to take it in a daze.

Wei Hong left before the siblings were born, so she has never seen this silver hairpin.

But for some reason, she could just imagine her mother wearing a silver hairpin, smiling shyly and shyly.

"You're wrong." Liu Zhenzhen said hoarsely.

"Mother doesn't want you to give it to me, she just wants you not to forget her."

Her mother was a very good mother. She saved all the medicine money for her siblings, so that after she passed away, the two of them would have some money to spend so that they would not starve to death on the street.

But even so, their siblings will never be ranked first in Mother's heart.

Liu Zhenzhen whirled the silver hairpin, and pushed it back to Wei Hong after a while.

"This is left to the prime minister by my mother, and women of the people can't take it."

Hearing that she was still calling him prime minister, Wei Hong gave a wry smile.

"You still refuse to forgive as a father, right?"

That's right, their mother passed away within a few years due to depression and illness. The two and a half older children had no relatives and no reason. One can imagine how much they have suffered in these years.

And as the chief culprit, he is indeed not worthy of forgiveness.

Wei Hong looked lonely, Liu Zhenzhen looked sad, and the atmosphere in the private room was extremely heavy.

Although Gu Nanyan disdained the other party's hypocritical appearance, he didn't want Liu Zhenzhen's thoughts to be influenced by him, so he remained silent and just sat there quietly playing with the teacup.

However, Huangfu Yi, who was relatively simple-minded, was overwhelmed by this dignified atmosphere that seemed to be substantive.

He looked at Liu Zhenzhen, and then at his husband.

Seeing that the two of them stopped talking again, they couldn't help sweating on their foreheads.


He scratched his head and said in a low voice: "Sir, you have had people inquire about your whereabouts many times over the years, but too many people in the court are monitoring every move of the prime minister's mansion, and every time the people sent out are found before they leave the country, It would put your brothers and sisters in danger, so Mister can only call them back."

He scratched his head again, as if he had lice on his head.

"I don't know how much you sister and brother have suffered, but you shouldn't blame Mr. He has been thinking about you all these years. He often sits alone in the room with this hairpin in a daze for a whole night. Mr. He also not easy……"

"Five princes!"


Gu Nanyan and Wei Hong spoke at the same time, interrupting Huangfuyi's words.

"Who can live a relaxed and comfortable life in this world? It's not easy for him, that's what he asked for!" Gu Nanyan glanced at Wei Hong coldly.

"How can you say that, sir is also for the Wei family..." Huangfu Yi disagreed.

"This is not the reason for him to abandon his wife and son!" Gu Nanyan shouted in a deep voice.

"He went to Daliang for the sake of the Wei family. That's his business. What's wrong with my cousin and Tianlu? Why should they bear the bitter fruit of your previous generation's affairs!"

"But they are also descendants of the Wei family..."

"You mean, it's their fault that they were born descendants of the Wei family, and they deserve to suffer for so many years?"

"I, I didn't mean that." Huangfu Yi was already clumsy with his tongue, but now facing Gu Nanyan, he just couldn't explain why.

"Do you still think that you are quite reasonable?" Gu Nanyan saw his thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Do you think that the Wei family's death was wronged, and as descendants, we should bear the humiliation and overcome all difficulties to seek justice for the Wei family?"

Huangfuyi wanted to nod, but Gu Nanyan continued: "Let's not talk about anything else, I'll just ask you..."

She looked straight at Wei Hong: "If Old General Wei is still alive, would he have the heart to let his two grandsons suffer this kind of humiliation, and would he take their efforts for granted?"

I can fuck you!

As the prime minister of a country, it is impossible for Wei Hong not to know what happened to Liu Zhenzhen and his brother in the Ning family.

In particular, the relationship between Ning Tianlu and Ning Zongyuan is known to everyone in the court of Anyang Kingdom, and it is also rumored in the Weiyang Army. He will not know it until he has seen a ghost!
His own son was treated like a confinement by a man, how could he allow two idiots like Huangfu Yi to say "you shouldn't blame him"?

(End of this chapter)

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