Chapter 416

"And the gentleman you mentioned, if he really valued love and righteousness as you said, why did he stay in Daliang after the Wei family had been rehabilitated and the Ning family brother died? He even came to Jianan Kingdom to talk to Shen The old hag stirs up the wind and the rain!"

"Isn't it because you are greedy for power and reluctant to part with the glory and wealth you have already obtained!"

"No, sir, he..."

"Are you trying to say that he has no choice but to enter the court hall as deep as the sea and he can't escape?"


"The Wei family has been rehabilitated. The current crown prince of Anyang is his nephew, so why can't he protect him? How good do you think of your Daliang country? If Fu Tuo is willing, your emperor's father is not enough to die!"

Gu Nanyan pointed at Huangfuyi's nose and swears loudly. After finishing the swearing, she was still angry and kicked the table viciously.

The legs of the solid wooden table as thick as a wrist swayed, the tabletop tilted instantly, and the tea and snacks on the table were scattered all over the floor.

With a half-pull table leg, it pierced through the wooden wall with a whistling sound, and flew to the next private room.

Huangfu Yi, who was already dumbfounded: "..."

What did you say before you came here?

Should he behave well to please this woman, and it is best to get her to agree to marry him?

Huangfu Yi looked suspiciously at the calm Wei Hong.

Say something to help yourself.

In fact, I want to clean up the portal!
Facing Huangfu Yi's aggrieved eyes, Wei Hong didn't respond to him at all.

"Sister Nan, do you know what it's like to watch your family members die, but you can't even collect the corpse yourself?"

"Sadness, hatred, despair, and powerlessness. When you close your eyes, you can see the eyes of your father, mother, brother, and family members lying in a pool of blood. It has been like this every day for more than ten years." Wei Hong's tone was not as calm as usual, and his voice A little trembling, as if suppressing something.

"I've been thinking why everyone in the Wei family is dead, even my sister is gone, and I'm the only one living alone."

"Obviously let me survive, but it made me wake up every night with nightmares and restless. I also thought about letting go of hatred and living a peaceful life with Zhenzhen's mother, but I can't do it!"

Wei Hong's eyes were red, and his eyes were ferocious.

"I saw with my own eyes that my mother was slashed from the back. The wound ran from the back of her neck to her waist. The blood flowed like a pierced water bag. My father was shot through by Ning Zongyuan in a rage. chest, brother also cut his neck in order to save his father."

"It hurts, how much it should hurt."

"There was so much blood, it stained my boots, mother's, father's, brother's, hot and humid, like the temperature when my mother grabbed my hand every time she went to see me secretly. "

Wei Hong covered his face and sobbed.

There was deathly silence in the private room, Huangfuyi and Liu Zhenzhen followed suit with red eyes.

Gu Nanyan was silent for a while, "You were there at the time."

She said it with an affirmative tone.

Without being present, it is impossible to know so many details.

Wei Hong was still sobbing, and it took him a while to calm down.

"Why not? In order to reassure me, my father told me about Emperor Anyang's plan. They will be sent to a remote seaside fishing village, far away from where I lived at the time. It may be impossible to see each other in this lifetime."

When he heard the news, he wanted to go with his family, but his father refused.

Father said that the Ning family's snobbery will only grow bigger and bigger, and it's not safe to follow them.

Didn't even let him see him off.

He went there secretly that day, and drove for several days just to see his family again, but he did not want to witness the scene of their tragic death with his own eyes.

"Later I understood a truth. The reason why the scene of that day can't be lingered is not that God is punishing me, but to let me understand that being a person is not only powerful but also ruthless!" Wei Hong gritted his teeth.

If his father had been more ruthless at the beginning, and had killed Ning Zongyuan, who had not yet become mature, or tried his best to rebel and pull Emperor Anyang off his horse and become emperor himself, nothing would have happened afterwards.

Gu Nanyan did not refute, which she agrees with.

It's just that Old General Wei is not cruel enough, but has too many scruples, just like Gu Yao before, foolish and loyal!

"I know I'm sorry for Zhenzhen and Tianlu, and I'm sorry for their mother. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want to give me a chance to make amends."

"How do you make it up?" Gu Nanyan remained indifferent.

Wei Hong was silent for a moment and said: "I plan to take their siblings back to Daliang. I didn't get married there again, and everything in the mansion will be left to them. If Tianlu wants to become an official in the court, I can also clear things up for him. Jane Jane can marry a nice man over there."

He could only think of these, and Wei Hong, who had never been a serious father, was very disturbed.

"Sister Nan can also go together. There is also your yard in the mansion."

After talking about what he thought of, he glanced at Huangfu Yi who was in a depressed state and added: "It has nothing to do with the marriage, little uncle just wants you to live with us."

Before coming here, he still wanted to let Sister Nan marry Huangfu Yi, not only because he wanted her help, but because Huangfu Yi was raised by him, he was a good child, if Sister Nan could marry him, there would be I will not be bullied.

But now.

It's better to pull it down, I didn't see this kid drooping his eyebrows like a dead father, I'm afraid he was aggrieved.

As far as his temperament is concerned, his eloquence is not as sharp as Miss Nan's, and when it comes to martial arts, Miss Nan can rub him against the ground with one hand.

If the two are forced together, even if he becomes the emperor, he will be unhappy.

Sooner or later die young!
Wei Hong sighed, feeling sorry.

"I won't go, it's up to her to decide whether or not my cousin will go with you."

She also wanted to hurry back to Mingshan to fix the steam car, and she would lose a lot of money a day later, so she would have no time to run around and play.

As for Liu Zhenzhen and Ning Tianlu, whether they go or not is their freedom.

"If Nanyan doesn't go, I won't go either." Liu Zhenzhen said hoarsely.

"When I left Anyang Kingdom, I promised the crown prince that I would take good care of her, and I can't break my word."

Besides, staying with her makes me feel safe.

Although she was a little curious about what it was like to live with her father, this curiosity was not enough to make her betray Nanyan.

Yes, it is betrayal!
In Liu Zhenzhen's view, although they didn't get along for a long time, they had already become family members. If they went to Daliang by themselves, it would be a betrayal of Gu Nanyan!

Gu Nanyan was very helpless, and wanted to tell her not to worry about herself, but she chose to shut up after seeing her firm eyes.

This answer is naturally very disappointing to Wei Hong.

But when he thought of his daughter being able to stick to his promise, and even give up the glory and wealth that was at his fingertips, he still felt a sense of pride in his heart.

"If your grandfather knew about it, he would be very pleased to hear what you said."

Father was a person who made a lot of promises before he was alive. It should be said that Wei's family members are very good at making promises. As long as they make promises to others, they will never go back on their promises.

Except myself.

He failed to keep his promise to his wife, and failed to keep his promise to protect her for the rest of his life, which caused her to pass away in misery.

"How about this, when sister Nan is free, she will bring her siblings to Daliang to find me. Whether it's a short stay or a long stay, it's up to you."

Empress Dowager Shen's birthday banquet was over, their goal was not achieved, and the prince was seriously injured, several envoys who came together were already discussing the return time.

He also knew that Gu Nanyan was busy, so he didn't force her to go with him.

This is possible.

Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up, and he looked at Huangfuyi involuntarily.

Huangfu Yi shivered.

"You, what are you doing?"

Don't come here!

Believe it or not, I jumped out of the window and ran!

Gu Nanyan ignored his defensive expression and pulled out a gentle smile.

"Don't be afraid, I just want to ask you something."

"Does your father have a lot of money in his private house?"

(End of this chapter)

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