The farmer has a mall

Chapter 417 Li Xu Was Captive

Chapter 417 Li Xu Was Captive
Huangfu Yi really didn't know how to answer Gu Nanyan's question.

I can't tell him how much money his father has in his private treasury.

Seeing his befuddled look, Gu Nanyan thought he meant "not much", and smacked her lips in disappointment.

It's not that she's greedy for money, she's thought about it.

If you want to get rich, build roads first.

If Mingshan City wants to become rich, the first thing to do is to pave the way.

The road leads, and all industries prosper.

In fact, there is no shortage of resources in many mountain corners, but because the roads are impassable, businessmen are unwilling to settle down, and it is difficult to transport the resources inside.

If the resources cannot be transported out, they cannot be sold, and the inability to sell means that there is no tax.

That is the silver of white flowers!
It's hers!
Gu Nanyan said that in order to live a life of lying in bed and counting money in the future, even if a lot of money is invested in road repairs, she gritted her teeth and stamped her feet to repair them!

Roads require cement or asphalt.

The method of cement is simple, as long as the raw materials such as limestone and iron ore are crushed and mixed together, the two cement factories in Mingshan City have already been able to make it proficiently.

And she also asked the county to organize people to pave all the existing streets with cement.

Although cement takes a long time to solidify, not to mention hindering traffic, it is also prone to cracks, and it is not as resistant as asphalt.

It's just that if you want to refine asphalt, you have to develop crude oil first, so Gu Nanyan doesn't think about it for the time being.

Anyway, most people in this world use walking, and most people drive horse-drawn carriages, which don't weigh much.

Even if she builds a steam car, it will not be popularized in three to five years, so it seems that even cement roads can be used for decades.

This is enough.

After paving the existing roads, it is time to plan new roads, and strive to make the entire Mingshan City extend in all directions, so that there are flat roads wherever you want to go.

Calculated in this way, I don't know how much money it will cost just to pave the road.

Although the cement is self-produced, iron ore has to be added to the ingredients!
Iron ore, a small iron mine costs 10,000+ taels of silver.

Now the iron ore she uses in the smelter is still the one she won from Fang Junhe back then.

Originally, she wanted to sell it to Li Mi, but the poor man made a jingling sound. She was really afraid that the meat bun would never return, so she kept it in her hand.

The smelter uses a lot of iron ore, plus the cement plant, the iron ore may not be able to last for a long time, and it will cost money to buy it!

This is nothing, the most expensive thing is labor!
Gu Nanyan didn't treat the miners harshly like other people, they were well paid, and they even took care of two meals a day.

Although it is not said that Dun Dun has meat, it is also raised with a dish and a soup.

In this way, the cost rises instantly.

She had calculated that the road construction alone would not cost millions of taels at all!

Not to mention there are all kinds of other expenses, it is a bitter tear to say it.

Gu Nanyan couldn't help but rejoice, Li Mi gave her two cities back then, she really thought it was troublesome, even though she knew that there were taxes, she still paid him one, otherwise, not to mention more than 1000 million deposits, even more than 2000 million would not be easy to use!

In this way, she also had to find a way to open up the source, so she turned her idea on Liang Guojun.

As for Li Yi's more than 1000 million taels, she didn't want to move unless it was absolutely necessary.

It seems that if there is time, we still have to find the treasure of the previous dynasty, otherwise we will really be unable to make ends meet.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was disappointed, Huangfu Yi was at a loss, just about to ask her why she was so interested in her father's private treasury, when she heard the sound of footsteps outside the door.

Gu Nanyan heard it too, she looked up and saw Gu Peiling entered the private room panting, with sweat running down her forehead, looking at her anxiously.

Gu Nanyan frowned, she didn't have the slightest affection for the two sisters in the West Court, and she did not hesitate to sullen her face.

"What are you here for?"


Half an hour later, Gu Nanyan returned to Tingfengyuan gloomyly.

The yard was very quiet, all the maids and servants were standing under the eaves, their faces full of panic.

Gu Nanyan's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Nanny Sheng who was walking towards her quickly.

"Miss, you're back." The honest and prudent Nanny Sheng was sweating profusely, and Gu Nanyan felt more and more uneasy.

"What happened!" She looked around and pursed her lips.

"Where's Xu'er?"

Li Xu was very attached to her, it was impossible to stay in the room when he heard his own voice, he should have come out long ago.

"Miss, something happened to the little prince!" Nanny Sheng trembled as she spoke, obviously flustered.

"What's the matter, where's Yunchu?" Yunchu's kung fu is considered top-notch, what could happen if she followed Li Xu?

Besides, this is still in the General's Mansion, even if someone wants to play tricks, it will be very difficult to get in.

Gu Nanyan thought of something, squinted his eyes and looked at Gu Peilan quietly.

Sure enough something happened.

Sure enough something happened!
Gu Peilan mumbled to herself while clutching her chest, her face was already as pale as paper.

She couldn't help thinking of Min's, and hurriedly asked, "Where's my mother, is she okay?"

When the Min family was mentioned, even Nanny Sheng, who always pays attention to rules, couldn't help but change her face.

"Miss Peilan is ashamed to mention your mother. She used the name of our eldest lady to bring that person who didn't know the details to the princess courtyard. Not only did Miss Yunchu seriously injured, even the little prince was taken away!"

"It's a good thing for her, she knew she was in trouble and didn't say to the old lady to notify, and went back to the west courtyard. If there were no other servants in this courtyard, our old lady is still kept in the dark!"

When Gu Peilan heard that her mother had returned to the west courtyard, she didn't feel hurt. She was relieved at first, but when she heard that the little prince had been taken away, she almost fainted.

"Little, who kidnapped the little prince?"

"Who else is it, isn't it the gardener that you and the third lady brought!" Sheng Sheng was almost dying of anger.

Losing a prince is a serious crime!

The General's Mansion had just let Gu Zhengkang wear the hat of a traitor, and before he could catch his breath, his wife caused such a big disaster again!

She didn't dare to tell the old lady, she told the old lady directly, and the old lady almost fainted.

Gu Peilan's legs were weak, she thought that the old Taoist priest might have a problem, maybe wanted to hide something in Gu Nanyan's yard, or poisoned him, but she never thought that that person came for the little prince!
That person was the one she led into the west courtyard, and her mother personally brought it to Tingfengyuan!
If something happens to the little prince...

"Second sister..." Gu Peilan couldn't care less about Gu Nanyan's grudge against Gu Nanyan in her panic, and said "Second sister" quite fluently.

Gu Nanyan didn't even look at her. First, she asked Nanny Rong to take her to see Yunchu's injuries, and then ordered Yunxi to enter the palace with her ID card, and told Li Yi everything in detail, and let him Send people to blockade the entire capital.

Although Yunxi was worried about her sister's injury, she also knew that it was useless for her to stay, not to mention that her master's medical skills were so good, she would definitely be able to cure her sister!

Yun Xi gave Gu Peilan a hard look with red eyes, and quickly ran towards the palace.

After she walked away, Gu Nanyan looked at Gu Peilan coldly.

"Let Mrs. Min wash his neck and wait, but if Li Xu suffers a little injury, I will make her pay it back tenfold!"

There was a strong murderous look in her tone, and the way she gritted her teeth made Gu Peilan suspect that if her mother stayed here, she might be beheaded by Gu Nanyan on the spot!
After Gu Nanyan finished speaking, she left without looking back with a cold face, and went to Yunchu's room to see her wounds.

Li Xu has been taken away, she doesn't even know who did it, she doesn't plan to run around like a headless chicken, she should calm down and think about countermeasures, wait for Yun Xi to come back, and take a look at Li Yi Any idea over there.

Moreover, Yunchu had fought the Taoist priest head-on, so if he rescued her first, he might be able to ask some clues.

Although she instinctively has something to do with Old Witch Shen.

And it was such a coincidence that the Taoist priest came just as she left the house.

Gu Nanyan left, Gu Peilan stood there blankly, her mind went blank, only a sentence echoed back and forth.

It's over, their west courtyard is completely over!
(End of this chapter)

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