Chapter 418
Yun Chu was seriously injured, with stab wounds all over his body, lying on the bed dripping with blood with his eyes closed tightly, soaking the sheets.

Especially the cut on her thigh near the knee was only two millimeters away from the artery. If it wasn't for the cotton-padded clothes to block it in winter, she might have lost too much blood and died before she came back.

Not only that, she also has scars on her neck and eyes.

It can be seen that the opponent is stabbing at a fatal place, which can be said to be very cruel.

Gu Nanyan took out the golden sore medicine, which were the two boxes she was going to sell in Gu's pharmacy.

This medicine has a good hemostatic effect and also has the effect of removing scars.

Gu Nanyan didn't feel distressed at all and wiped the whole box on, especially the thick layer on the one right now.

After she finished treating Yun Chu's wound, Yun Xi also came back.

"Prince Sheng asked his servant to tell you that he has ordered the capital to be sealed off, and that man will not be far away with the little prince, so you can rest assured and send someone to send a message as soon as there is news."

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, only asked Yunxi to take good care of Yunchu and went back to the room, and didn't come out until nightfall.

Everyone thought she was in a bad mood after losing the little prince, and no one dared to disturb her.

Mrs. Guo came, but was also stopped by Yun Xi who was listening.

She didn't mind either, and asked Yun Xi to comfort her master well, and then walked away step by step.

Liu Zhenzhen came back a little late, mainly because the carriage with four legs and two wheels couldn't keep up with Gu Nanyan's two legs, so she ran away without a trace.

When she came back, Gu Nanyan had already locked herself in the room.

Liu Zhenzhen looked at her closed door, and didn't go to knock on the door, just stood there in a daze.

She was wondering whether today's incident had something to do with her father Wei Hong, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence, something happened here not long after they left the house.

Liu Zhenzhen pursed her lips, her eyes were fixed.

If it was as she thought, all of this was planned in advance by that person, who used her trust in him to distract Sister Nan and kidnap the little prince, in order to achieve a certain purpose, or to frame the general government.

Then she will never forgive him in this life!
Wei Hong, who had just returned to the post house, looked equally ugly. He summoned the guards outside the door and asked him to check who had been out of the post house today, or whether anyone had delivered a letter.

Seeing his solemn expression, Huangfu Yi knew that something might have happened.

After the man led the order to go out, he asked: "Sir, do you think that the arrest of the little prince may have something to do with our people?"

At that time, Gu Peilan was talking about strangers entering Gu Nanyan's yard, so she asked her to go back and have a look.

Huangfu Yi was still surprised at the time, since it is not an important place for military aircraft, what is there to be afraid of?
It wasn't until Gu Nanyan left in a hurry that Wei Hong didn't feel at ease and sent someone to investigate, only to find out that the little prince living in the General's Mansion was kidnapped!

And coincidentally, counting the time, when the man entered the general's mansion, their side just set off.

Wei Hong squinted his eyes, "You will know if there is any clearance."

Not all the envoys were from him, but also from Empress Xiao.

His understatement of dealing with the prince's injury before had aroused strong dissatisfaction from those people, and it is not impossible to act without telling him.

Wei Hong sat quietly in the wheelchair and waited for the news.

On the other side, Gu Nanyan, who locked himself in the room, scolded 888 like a dog.

"I want you to be useful, I can't find anyone."

888 grievance: "It is said that the diameter of the search is only 1000 meters, which just covers the entire general's mansion. The kidnappers have already gone far away and are not in the mansion at all. What can I do?"

He is also very desperate!

Such an incomprehensible customer service in a shopping mall with a "money" and bright future at the stall was suddenly called like a dog.

The key is to throw it away when you're done using it, and don't ask him to buy anything!

I've never seen such a stingy one, it's even more ruthless than a Pixiu who can only get in but can't get in!
"I still need you to look for it in the mansion?" Gu Nanyan glanced at him contemptuously.

No need, no one cares!
888 snorted.

Gu Nanyan kicked over.

"What are you humming, you haven't cut your nose hair clean!"

It's the other way around.

"Cold and stuffy nose these two days." 888 pursed his lips.

Gu Nanyan: "..."


As night fell, it was time to take a shower and rest, but the Tingfeng Garden was brightly lit.

Gu Nanyan sat neatly at the table and waited until the watchman knocked on the clapper three times before there was a sound outside the window.

"Princess, my master asked my subordinates to tell you that your highness has already received news. The old Taoist of Baiyun Guan left the general's mansion and did not leave the city immediately. Instead, he hid himself in a small courtyard and has now left the city."

It was still Long Yi who came to report the letter, as usual with a dead face and expressionless expression, but today it seemed a little more intimate.

After he took back the medicine that Gu Nanyan gave, the master really rewarded one of the two boxes to the Dark Guard Camp.

Coupled with the box in their hands, the brothers can use it for a month without any problem.

It happened that Yelongqi was injured when he was on a mission, the wound was deep, the kind that would kill him if he didn't stop the bleeding in time.

He immediately took out the ointment, applied a thick layer on him, and immediately stopped the bleeding.

This made the brothers in the Dark Guard camp very happy, and immediately decided to divide the two medicines into nine parts, and each of them took a little. If they were seriously injured and it was too late to find a doctor, at least they could stop the bleeding and avoid excessive blood loss. die.

This is equivalent to having more life-saving talismans, and more lives!

He also heard that the ointment was not easy to prepare, but Gu Nanyan promised to give them two boxes every month, and was even more grateful.

Therefore, it is natural for Long Yi to be a lot closer to her.

Gu Nanyan didn't notice the change in his attitude, she just frowned and asked, "Why didn't you catch him?"

This person is ruthless and deadly, but he is not a good stubble. Li Xu cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents in his hands.

Long Yi respectfully said: "The Taoist priest was alone when he left the city, the little prince was not by his side, the master guessed that the little prince was still in the city, so he let him out and asked Long San to follow him."

Long San is the secret guard who is good at stealth and tracking. Gu Nanyan has seen him a few times when he was in Mingshan.

This old man tried his best to catch Li Xu, but he didn't bring him with him, so he wasn't afraid of losing him?
"Could it be that there are accomplices?" Gu Nanyan frowned and muttered.

"Have you found out the old man's details?"

The other party arrived in the capital a few months ago, obviously well prepared.

"This person has been traveling for many years as a Taoist priest, and he has been to many places. It is really not easy to check." Long Yi replied.

"However, I heard from Xiaodaotong in Baiyun Temple that he likes to use a kind of soothing incense called Meng'an. His subordinates brought back some incense ash, and after analysis by the incense maker in the palace, the main ingredient in it is Baimengvine. This kind of thing It is very rare, only found in Mengxi Mountain in Daliang State."

Daliang Mengxi Mountain?
That is to say, Li Shen is related to Daliang Kingdom?
Gu Nanyan's eyes darkened when he thought that Li Xu was kidnapped just after meeting Wei Hong during the day.

"I see, you go back first." Her tone was still calm.


In the middle of the night, the capital is completely silent, not even the sound of insects.

The shifter was crouching on the side of the road with his neck tucked in and his hands in his hands. Suddenly, he felt a gust of cold wind blowing by, and a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, as if something had floated past.

Shocked, the watchman hurriedly got up, and hurriedly walked in the opposite direction with his stick in his hand, still muttering things like "it's not strange".

Gu Nanyan was dressed in black and galloped all the way, the biting cold wind blew on her delicate face, making her face numb from the cold.

But she didn't seem to feel it, and she didn't stop until she reached the alley next to the post house.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" She asked 888.

888 first scanned around, then shook his head.

"No, the post station is too big, bigger than the General's Mansion, you have to go in."

(End of this chapter)

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