The farmer has a mall

Chapter 419 Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 419 Pretending to be Dead
Gu Nanyan didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words, and jumped on the wall of the posthouse.

Good, didn't jump on it.

Gu Nanyan: It's a little embarrassing.

She looked up at the bluestone wall that was taller than ordinary mansions, and she cursed the person who designed this post house over and over a hundred times in her heart.

Let her jump from top to bottom, she is not afraid, her body is very strong, even jumping the city wall is no problem.

But it was a bit difficult for her to climb up.

Although it is possible to push down the wall and walk in swaggeringly, but the commotion is too great, even if Li Xu is really here, he will be transferred away, and it will be difficult to find him when the time comes.

Gu Nanyan stood under the wall and looked up, with two arms crossed in front of his chest, and one hand touching his chin, trying to move.

After half an hour.

Gu Nanyan was still rubbing her chin trying to recruit.


"Why don't you go in directly through the main entrance, anyway the guards guarding the gate can't beat you."

Brainstorming is really not your style, so don't embarrass yourself.

I'm in a hurry for you.

My forehead is sweating!

"You're right."

Gu Nanyan agreed very much.

She is indeed an upright person, and she is not born to do such sneaky things.

Gu Nanyan resolutely gave up, and swaggered towards the gate of the post house.

In less than a cup of tea, she successfully dealt with several guards guarding the gate and sneaked into the post house, feeling deeply moved.

Sure enough, fists are still easy to use.

The guard at the door fell to the ground and will be found soon.

In order to save time, she bypassed the patrol and galloped deeper into the station.

"Found it!" 888 said in surprise.

"It's in that small building!"

Gu Nanyan looked in the direction it said, and saw a four-story loft with cornices.

The construction industry in ancient times was not well developed, and there were very few such tall buildings, and this was the first time Gu Nanyan had seen them.

The small building is brightly lit, and huge lanterns are hung on the cornices of each floor, illuminating the surroundings like daytime.

Gu Nanyan crouched in the dark and observed for a while. There were quite a few guards in the attic, and they were all dressed up as big men. The status of the people living there should not be low.

"Are you sure Li Xu is inside?"


Gu Nanyan didn't ask any more questions, she got up and was about to rush over, but she heard the sound of hurried footsteps in the arch not far away.

Wei Hong and Huangfu Yi came in a hurry, followed by many guards.

"I have something important to report to Your Highness, and please inform the guards." Wei Hong's face was a little gloomy, and he knew it was not good without asking.

The guard surnamed Yu seemed to be in the lead, his eyes flashed, he cupped his hands at Weihong expressionlessly and said: "It's getting late, Your Highness has already rested, and the Prime Minister should come back early tomorrow morning."

While speaking, the body in chain armor blocked the door, the meaning was obvious.

Wei Hong squinted his eyes: "You should know why I came here, and you should also know the identity of the child. If something happens, can you afford this responsibility?"

Others may not understand what he means, but this surname is Yu's confidant, many things are handled by him, and he knows exactly what happened today.

"I don't understand what the prime minister can say." Yu Shiwei insisted.

"If the prime minister wants to see His Highness, it's better to wait until tomorrow..."

"The prince has something to ask to see the emperor's brother. It is related to the military aircraft. It is better to report it to the guards. Otherwise, if you miss a big deal, I am afraid that no one will be able to protect you."

Huangfu Yi interrupted him, his expression was not as simple and simple as in the daytime, but with a royal majesty.

"This..." The guard Yu hesitated, and looked at him half-believingly, unable to understand the truth of his words for a moment.

Huangfu Yi calmly allowed him to look at him without urging him.

"Then... please trouble the fifth prince and the prime minister later, I will go in and ask for instructions."

The guard Yu was defeated in the end. It was a matter of military affairs. Even the prince would not dare to joke about this kind of thing. The fifth prince, a prince without any background, should not lie to him.

A quarter of an hour later, Wei Hong and others were invited in.

Gu Nanyan hesitated for a while, walked around to a place where no one was around, and began to climb up gearing up.

Unlike the smooth walls of the posthouse, this attic is decorated with many reliefs for its beauty, and it is not difficult to climb up.

Wei Hong was unable to move, so he was carried up by his attendants.

Gu Nanyan listened to their footsteps and followed them to the third floor.

"Can you tell which floor Li Xu is on?" She asked 888.

"It's on this floor." 888 said.


On the third floor of the attic, Wei Hong was put on the wheelchair brought up with him with a strange expression on his face.

Seeing him, the servants hurriedly carried a charcoal basin and placed it at his feet.

He was inconvenient to move, the Emperor Daliang personally allowed him not to worship the king, and the one in front of him was the crown prince, so naturally he didn't have to worship.

"His Royal Highness, I have something important to discuss." Wei Hong said flatly.

Huangfu Hao didn't respond, his whole face was covered tightly, blood stains were faintly visible on the white cotton cloth.

With eyes closed and breathing evenly, it seemed that he was really asleep.

"Prime Minister, please keep your voice down." A young eunuch in his twenties lowered his voice.

"His Royal Highness was seriously injured. He was in so much pain last night that he didn't sleep all night. He just took the tranquilizing medicine and took a rest. Don't wake him up again."

"Oh." Wei Hong's eyes were on the empty medicine bowl beside him, and he didn't think it was dirty, so he picked up the medicine dregs in it with his hands.

"Is this the bowl?" He asked casually.

The little eunuch's eyes flickered: "Back to the Prime Minister, it is true that Wan Yan'er is still warm."

Wei Hong hooked his lips: "I wonder which doctor prescribed it?"

"It's the prescription prescribed by the imperial physician of the Jianan Kingdom, and the miscellaneous family went to grab the medicine in person." The little eunuch did not doubt that he was there.

"That's good." Wei Hong gave him a deep look.

"Come here, arrest this assassin who intends to murder the Crown Prince, and surround me with everyone else in the house!"

His order came suddenly, and before the little eunuch could react, he was pinned to the ground by the guards following behind Wei Hong.

"I'm wronged, Prime Minister, how could the little one murder His Highness the Crown Prince, did you make a mistake!"

The little eunuch was completely dumbfounded, he couldn't figure out why this person got into trouble without saying a few words?
And only then did he realize that the other party had brought over twenty guards.

Didn't they come to talk to His Highness? Why bring so many people?
The little eunuch felt a little uneasy, and glanced at the closet beside him without showing any signs.

Wei Hong found out, but didn't say anything, and looked at Huangfu Hao on the bed without squinting.

His movements were serious, but Huangfu Hao didn't seem to wake up at all.

Wei Hong hooked the corner of his mouth.

"This bowl of medicine contains Datura grass, which is the most important medicinal material in Mafeisan. It is not a tranquilizer at all. His Highness the Crown Prince's drowsiness may be due to poisoning."

"Since you said that you took the medicine yourself, I want to ask you what your intentions are!"

Wei Hong has been plagued by illnesses all year round, and often suffers from unbearable pain due to arthralgia in his legs. In order to relieve the pain, he often touches these things, and he can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with the medicine.

The little eunuch didn't expect that he could recognize the mandala grass, his pupils shrank when he heard this, and he hesitated for a while, unable to speak.

Huangfu Hao who was lying on the bed moved his eyelids, but he didn't open them after all.

"Finally, who did you drink this medicine for?" Wei Hong said in a serious tone.

"Don't blame me for not warning you, if the crown prince drinks this medicine, I will have your head chopped off immediately!"

His voice was sharp, and the guard pressing down on the little eunuch immediately drew out his saber, and put it on his neck with a slap.

"Ah! Prime Minister, spare your life, it's no small matter!" The little eunuch's face turned pale, and he begged for mercy tremblingly.

No wonder he was so scared, the prime minister seemed to be a very gentle person, but his methods were extremely ruthless, and he would never be soft when he said he would cut off his own head.

"Then why don't you say it quickly!" Huangfu Yi said dissatisfied.

Now he can see that the little prince of Jianan Kingdom is missing, and he is afraid that he really has something to do with his brother, that's why the husband brought people over in the middle of the night.

Thinking of Gu Nanyan's gloomy eyes before he left during the day, Huangfu Yi couldn't help wiping off his cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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