The farmer has a mall

Chapter 420 Instigated by the Empress Dowager

Chapter 420 Instigated by the Empress Dowager
"Prime Minister, please forgive me, Your Highness didn't drink this medicine, didn't drink this medicine!"

"Who drank that?" Huangfu Yi worried in his heart.

It shouldn't be that child, he doesn't know what a mandala is, but he does know about Mabosan.

Even if this kind of thing is used by adults, if you take too much medicine, you will become a fool, and in the worst case, you will even die!

How old is Li Xu?How could the emperor give him to drink this kind of thing!

If Gu Nanyan knew about this...

Thinking again of her fierce eyes during the day.


Huangfu Yi swallowed, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

Seeing that the little eunuch was still hesitating, he kicked him angrily.

The little eunuch tilted his body and bumped straight into the knife on his neck.

Fortunately, the guard reacted quickly and got out of the way in time.

If so, he will be scratched.

The little eunuch was frightened and screamed out.

"Son, that medicine was given to a child!" As for the child, the little eunuch did not dare to say.

Wei Hong's face was livid, and he said to Huangfu Hao who was pretending to be dead: "Does Your Highness know how much trouble I have caused?"

The Wei family all protect the calf, and Gu Nanyan, who has the blood of the Wei family, is no exception, as can be seen from her attitude towards her daughter.

What's more, the little prince was kidnapped from her yard, and she would not let it go due to emotion or reason.

Huangfu Hao's fingers trembled, but he still didn't move.

"Prime Minister, it's important to find out the little prince first and send him back to the General's Mansion as soon as possible." Huangfu Yi also felt that the matter was a little serious.

He originally thought that even if the emperor brother kidnapped him, at worst they would send him back quietly.

As long as the little prince is not injured, Gu Nanyan will not do anything excessive.

Based on their understanding of her, at most she was extorted a sum of money, and it was treated as a bankruptcy to avoid disaster.

But after thousands of calculations, it never occurred to him that his imperial brother would give medicine to a child!
And this child is still the prince of a country!
Pig mate.

Did he forget his mind in his mother's womb when he was born? !

Wei Hong obviously wanted to be with him, rubbed his brows with a headache, and just wanted the little eunuch to let him go.


The wooden windows of the attic were open.

To be precise, it was ripped off from the outside.

Gu Nanyan jumped into the room, and the corner of her clothes was hooked by the protruding wooden edge.

She didn't care about the messy skirt, and continued to walk forward with a blank face, still holding the wooden window more than one meter high in her hand.

In order to have a wide view, the third and fourth floors of the attic are equipped with such large wooden windows.

As she approached step by step, the wooden window and the floor dragged on the ground made harsh noises.

Wei Hong raised his hand and stopped the guard from drawing his sword.

He opened his mouth with difficulty: "Sister Nan, I just found out about this."

Wei Hong's first thought was that he should not let this little niece misunderstand that he and the prince were in the same group, otherwise the relationship between the two parties had just eased up a little, and I was afraid that it would drop to freezing point again.

Gu Nanyan ignored him, walked straight past Huangfu Yi who had a complicated expression, and walked towards Huangfu Hao's bedside.

Huangfu Hao had been frightened for a long time, and sat up with a bang.

"Li, Lizhong, what waste is in Jieli."

His face was swollen and wrapped in cotton, and he couldn't speak clearly.

And drooling while talking.

Wei Hong came with more than [-] people, and he didn't hide it from anyone, so the envoys who lived nearby got the news and rushed over one after another.

Just came in at this time.

A few of them knew what good deeds Huangfu Yi had done, and when they saw Gu Nanyan was there, they immediately realized that there might be something wrong with Dong Chuang.

It's just that they are not afraid.

Although this is the territory of the Jianan Kingdom, but the attic is surrounded by their people, and she can't make any moths out of it.

"Princess broke into my prince's residence late at night, I don't know why." One of the envoys asked in a serious tone.

Seeing Gu Nanyan standing in front of the prince's bed with disheveled clothes, he thought of something, and his eyes flashed.

"As a woman, you appear in the prince's house with this appearance, could it be..."

His tone was ambiguous, he pondered for a moment with meaning, and winked at Huangfu Hao who was stunned on the bed.

Although the prince's appearance was destroyed, it was very likely that the emperor would depose him as the crown prince, but although his appearance represented the face of a country, it was not necessary for him to be the king of a country.

As long as the monarch is strong enough!

And in terms of strength, who can compare with the princesses of the two countries?
The envoy was very excited and felt that this was a good opportunity.

He cleared his throat, put on a look of disapproval, and just wanted to slander Gu Nanyan for having a private meeting with the crown prince in the middle of the night, and make it a reality.

Gu Nanyan stretched out his jade-like index finger, pointing at Huangfu Hao who was trembling on the bed, and looked at Wei Hong with a smile on his face.

"Do you still want this thing?"

Wei Hong: "..."

What do you mean?
What is it?
If I said no more, would you still want to pack it up and take it away?
Besides, it's personal good or bad.

It's not a thing...

He twitched the corner of his mouth, hesitantly said: "I definitely want it..."

"Okay, I know."

Gu Nanyan nodded solemnly before he finished speaking.

"Then don't send him away."

Then, while Wei Hong was in a daze, he raised the big wooden window and slapped Huangfu Yi fiercely.


"Ah! Cheap silver, how dare you make a nest!"


"Ah! Cheap Silver!"


"Ah! Bitch..."






Everyone: "..."

I really want to follow this rhythm...

Swing together.

Everyone was trembling, not daring to breathe.

Even the envoy who just wanted to say that Gu Nanyan had an affair with the prince shut up, and shrank back into the crowd without saying a word.

After half an hour.

The one-meter-long window sill was shattered, Huangfu Hao had long since lost consciousness, the wound on his face was open again, and his body was also covered with splinters.

Gu Nanyan was also tired from patting, she let out a breath, dropped the residual wood in her hand that was no longer than her arm, and calmly patted the debris off her body.

Then, without looking at the dying Huangfu Hao, he turned and walked towards the closet at the base of the wall.

Li Xu closed his eyes quietly, curled up in the corner of the closet, as if he was sleeping soundly.

It's just that the small face on one side was extremely pale, while the other side was red and swollen, obviously from the beating.

Gu Nanyan slowly lowered her body, and lightly hugged him across her arms, as if afraid of waking him up.

"You said about going to Daliang country, I agreed."

Holding Li Xu in her arms, she said in a cold tone as she passed Wei Hong.

Wei Hong's heart skipped a beat.

He wanted Sister Nan to go to Daliang, but not in this situation!
After being made such a fuss by the prince, she still has to demolish the imperial city of Daliang!
"Sister Nan..." Wei Hong wanted to say something, but after meeting her ice-like eyes, he couldn't help but fell silent.

"I see." He sighed, knowing that Gu Nanyan was really angry.

"Although this matter was ordered by the Empress Dowager Shen, the prince also has selfish intentions. I will give you an explanation."

The moment Gu Nanyan stepped over the threshold, Wei Hong hurriedly added.

"I don't need you to explain." She said coldly.

"I will get this account back myself."

Looking around at the already frightened people in the room, her eyes paused for a moment on the face of the envoy who spoke just now.

Under the terrified eyes of the other party, he left the post house without looking back.


Perhaps the doctor who prescribed the medicine was jealous, and the dosage of Mafeisan was not much. Li Xu woke up not long after he was brought back to the General's Mansion.

Gu Nanyan checked him and was relieved when he found that there was no serious problem.

The terrified Li Xu was in a state of panic, his big black and white eyes were filled with tears, and he clutched her sleeves tightly.

Gu Nanyan calmed down for a long time before his mood stabilized.

After all, after taking Mafeisan, the effect of the medicine cannot be metabolized so quickly, and he fell asleep again after a while.

After tossing and tossing all night, the sky was already bright at this time, Gu Nanyan went back to her room and lay down with her clothes on, and fell asleep after a few breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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