The farmer has a mall

Chapter 421 The Great Princess

Chapter 421 The Great Princess

It was already noon when she woke up, and many people came to Tingfengyuan.

Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo were all there, and even the queen who was supposed to be in the palace rushed over and was guarding Li Xu's bedside when he was awake.

"Sister Nan, thank you."

Knowing that Gu Nanyan had been busy all night, no one woke her up. Seeing her wake up at this time, the queen thanked her with red eyes.

Although the person was lost in the General's Mansion, if it weren't for Gu Nanyan, Li Xu didn't know how much he would have suffered.

Besides, since the mastermind is the empress dowager, it may not be safe even in the palace, but it is easier for people who are placed in the harem by the empress dowager to succeed.

Gu Nanyan patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, but did not greet her politely.

"You stay here with Xu'er first, and I'll go into the palace."

When she said this, a murderous look flashed in her eyes, even though she didn't explain what she was doing in the palace, the queen could still see it.

"Sister Nan, the emperor already knows about this, he will not let that person go, don't be impulsive."

The person she was talking about was naturally the Empress Dowager Shen.

Although the queen gritted her teeth in hatred and wished to kill her with her own hands, that was the queen mother after all.

Jianan Kingdom values ​​filial piety, Gu Nanyan is a princess, and Empress Dowager Shen is her elder, no matter how big a mistake she makes, she cannot let her do it.

Even if it is the emperor, at best, she will be imprisoned in the cold palace or sent to the nunnery.

If Gu Nanyan had really done something, it would be unavoidable for people to find out about it.

Gu Nanyan didn't care about this, she didn't say anything, she just patted the queen's hand comfortingly, then turned and left.

In the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Empress Dowager Shen sat calmly in the corner of the cell, with Xiao Minzi's coat under her body.

"Your Majesty, there is no news over there, could it be..." Xiao Minzi sat on his knees not far away, worried.

Empress Dowager Shen remained calm.

"Li Chunqiu is one of the best masters in the Jianghu, and he has never missed a shot."

Otherwise, she wouldn't have spent so much money to invite him here, and had let him wait outside the city a few months ago, just in case.

Although it was impossible for him to turn things over for her alone, it was still no problem to rob a child and force Li Mi to release her.

Besides, I have the help of Daliang envoys, if Li Mi can't find his son, he will definitely come to beg him.

Empress Dowager Shen evoked a smug smile.

She was able to survive until now after her father's treason, and she was able to occupy the throne of the empress dowager, not only because of forbearance.

Empress Dowager Shen was very sure that Li Mi would come to beg her.

as predicted.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Mi's personal eunuch, Eunuch Zhao, arrived, followed by a group of guards.

"The emperor has a decree, please go over there." Eunuch Zhao said slowly, his tone unprecedentedly cold.

Empress Dowager Shen frowned.

Although he was very dissatisfied with his attitude, but thinking of the reason why Li Mi asked him to come, he frowned clearly.

That's right, the dignified emperor was going to humbly beg her, an enemy who wanted his life, so he was naturally unhappy.

She supported Xiao Minzi's hand to stand up, raised her chin high and said sneeringly: "The emperor's airs are really big, even if you ask someone, you don't even know that you come to the door in person."

Eunuch Zhao lowered his head expressionlessly and did not reply to her words.

Empress Dowager Shen snorted, shaking the dust on the hem of her clothes irritably.

"Forget it, the Ai family is his elder after all, so I don't bother to argue with him about these things."

The top priority is to get out of this ghostly place as soon as possible, and make a good plan after she leaves the palace and returns to Daliang.


In the Golden Luan Hall, Li Mi sat on the dragon chair with a gloomy expression, leaning weakly on the armrest.

Civil and military officials stood on both sides with their heads down, an old man and a young man knelt in the middle, and Gu Nanyan stood behind them.

Empress Dowager Shen was quickly brought up, and she couldn't help being startled when she saw this scene, obviously she didn't expect such a big battle.

"The emperor invited Ai's family to come over, what's the matter?"

For some reason, since entering the palace gate, she felt a little uneasy.

But when he saw Wei Hong sitting at the front, he felt relieved.

Li Mi ignored her, but instead looked at Gu Nanyan who was standing upright, and said gently: "Everyone is here, please tell me if you have anything to do with Nan."

Everyone was startled, only then did they realize that it was not Li Mi who sent them here, but the princess.

"It's nothing serious." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

"Prime Minister Hong of Daliang Kingdom has something to say, so I'm just passing on the message."

"Oh?" Li Mi looked at Wei Hong curiously.

"I don't know what happened to the prime minister."

Why don't you go to him directly and trouble this girl with words for such a laborious person.

If you want to say who is the person Li Mi doesn't want to see the most now, apart from Queen Mother Shen, it is Gu Nanyan.

There is no other reason.

His injuries are not healed yet!
Who knows if this girl will beat him up again.

Why beat him?
She doesn't need a reason for beating someone!
Li Mi felt a little regretful.

Just now, someone should have called the queen back to the palace. If Gu Nanyan wants to do something, she can help persuade her.

Li Mi moved his buttocks and turned his body to the side hall, as if he would run away at any time.

Wei Hong walked out of the wheelchair pushed by the guards.

"I really have something important to do." He glanced at Gu Nanyan, a bit speechless.

After Gu Nanyan left the posthouse, he arrested all the restless members of the envoy group, interrogated them one by one, and stayed up all night.

After he asked the cause and effect clearly, he went back to his room to take a nap.

Unexpectedly, Sister Nan broke into his room aggressively with a straight face, grabbed his back collar and threw him on the wheelchair.

He didn't even give him a coat, wrapped him in a quilt and pushed him out the door.

Along the way, the wheelchair was pushed into the air by her, and it was almost stimulated to death!
When they entered the palace, his men rushed over panting. It was a bit late, but at least they brought him the clothes to save his old face.

Wei Hong glanced at her resentfully, and then slowly said: "I have something to tell Your Majesty when I enter the palace."

"You cannot dispose of the empress dowager at will."

Li Mi frowned, "Why?"

He looked at Gu Nanyan a little puzzled.

"How to deal with the Empress Dowager is my internal affairs in Jianan, and the prime minister probably has no right to intervene."

Of course he would not think that Gu Nanyan wanted to shield the Queen Mother.

Let alone Li Xu's matter, the old hag has repeatedly targeted her and the general's mansion, and according to her temperament, she will not let it go easily.

Could it be that he wanted to rescue her first, and then deal with her with his own hands?

Li Mi trembled all over, and looked at Empress Dowager Shen sympathetically.

Empress Dowager Shen didn't notice it, and thought that Wei Hong was helping her get rid of the crime.

"Your Majesty does not know that the Empress Dowager of your country has another identity." Wei Hong sighed.

Now Li Mi was even more curious.

"What other identity?" Judging from what he meant, could it be related to Daliang Kingdom?
Li Mi had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Wei Hong said the next moment: "She is the sister of His Majesty in our country!"

"It's the eldest princess who was exiled by my late emperor!"

As soon as these words came out, the effect was no different from dropping an atomic bomb.

All the courtiers looked at Empress Dowager Shen in disbelief.

Mrs. Shen was quite calm in the back, only when Wei Hong had to reveal her identity in order to save herself.

"Impossible!" Li Mi's face darkened.

"The Empress Dowager is obviously the daughter of the former You Cheng, so why did she become the Princess of Daliang Kingdom!"

If this is true, it will be a big scandal for the royal family, and Li Mi certainly doesn't want it to be true.

"What evidence do you have!"

"This matter is absolutely true, it was told by our emperor himself, as for the evidence..."

He hesitated for a moment, then took a box from the guard.

"In recent years, the queen mother of your country has had many correspondences with the emperor, and this was given to me by the emperor before leaving. You will know it after reading it."

"Hong Wei!" Empress Dowager Shen was shocked.

Although proving her identity would indeed make Li Mi fearful, but in her letter to the emperor, there were many matters related to the court affairs of the Jianan Kingdom, so how could they be read casually.

Wouldn't it be another crime of collaborating with the enemy!

"Princess, there is no other way to save your life now." Wei Hong said helplessly, with a sad expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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