Chapter 427
The Gu family knew that Li Yi would get married before the year, but they never expected it to be so urgent.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Guo was still having breakfast with her mother-in-law when she saw the butler running over.

"Old madam, great madam, His Royal Highness King Sheng has brought someone to propose marriage!" The butler was beaming with joy, as if he was the one who was proposed.

"So fast?" Guo's face was full of astonishment, "Did King Cheng come here in person?"

"Yes." The butler said with a smile.

Not only did he come in person, but he also carried two wild geese in his hands.

It was freezing cold, and there was not even a house sparrow, but the two wild geese were fat and white, and it looked like they had been raised for a while.

King Sheng is too caring!
The butler is really happy for his young lady.

"Madam, the general is already waiting in the front hall, look..."

After being reminded by the housekeeper, Mrs. Gu hurriedly regained her senses from her astonishment.

"That's right, go there quickly, don't keep King Sheng waiting."

A prince came to propose marriage in person, if he neglected it would be their fault.

"Mom, please go slowly." Guo Shi smiled so much that his teeth could not see his eyes.

She knew that Prince Sheng was a good person. When other princes proposed marriage, they always invited matchmakers to come to the door, so there was no way they would end up in person.

Of course, it's also because their sister Nan is worth it!

Thinking of her niece, Guo hurriedly asked, "Did someone notify the young miss?"


When Li Yi arrived, Gu Nanyan was still talking about life with Duke Zhou.

When she was dragged up by Liu Zhenzhen, she was still a little confused.

Until he saw Li Yi, he still didn't know what happened.

She rubbed her eyes sleepily, and saw Li Yi looking at her softly and dotingly.

Today, he is wearing a maroon brocade robe and a fiery red fur coat. His long black hair is tied up high without any mess. The hair crown is inlaid with jade stones of the same color, which looks festive.

Looking down, there is a... goose in each hand?

Gu Nanyan was stunned for a long while: "Why are you here to deliver food so early?"

By the way, she hasn't eaten big goose stewed in an iron pot for a long time. These two geese are fat and white, and they look delicious!


Gu Nanyan swallowed.

Li Yi: "..."

Seeing her niece staring at the two wild geese swallowing her saliva in a daze, Guo couldn't help laughing dryly.

"You child..." She tugged at Gu Nanyan's sleeve.

"Prince Sheng came here on purpose today to propose marriage."

How can this girl know how to eat!
Gu Nanyan was still immersed in the various eating methods of the big goose and couldn't extricate herself. Hearing the words, he didn't know whether he listened or not, so he nodded in a daze.

"Well, thank you, remember to add more spicy."

Guo: "..."

Mrs. Gu and others: "..."

Li Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, and handed the wild goose in his hand to the housekeeper.

"It's not advisable to eat too much oil in the morning. If Yan'er wants to eat goose meat, I'll ask Fumanlou to bring some over."

Li Yi already had a good face, but now his eyes were gentle and tender, brighter than usual, and there was only her figure.

Seeing Gu Nanyan instantly sobered up.

Only then did she feel that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Looking around, he saw rows of mahogany boxes outside the door, piled up to the outside of the courtyard.

Regarding Li Yi's combination of marriage proposal and appointment, no one except Gu Shen had any objections.

Gu Nanyan also has no objection, after all, it is something that has been tacitly agreed to for a long time, so there is no point in tossing about it again.

It's just that the dowry is more than she thought.

In fact, Li Yi came with a marriage decree, but he didn't show it at first.

After Gu's family members asked Gu Nanyan what she meant, she didn't ask the eunuch to read the imperial decree until she nodded.

Reading out the imperial decree is a major event, and to show respect, Gu Yao called the people from the West Court over.

Gu Yao knew about the fact that the Min family had lured wolves into the house.

It's just that I have been busy arresting the chaotic party recently, and haven't had time to deal with her.

Gu Nanyan accepted the order, and when she turned around, she glanced at Min Shi who was shrinking behind the crowd.

Min's complexion is not very good, his expression is sleepy, his eyes are black and blue, and he seems to be a little weak.

Gu Peilan needed support to stand still.

Sensing that Gu Nanyan was looking at him, Min shrank, lowered his head and took a few steps back in the corner.

Gu Peilan, who was supporting her, had a face flushed from the cold, and her clothes were a bit thin, not even a fur. She must have gone out in a hurry.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, because of the presence of outsiders, she didn't want to talk to them at first, seeing Gu Yao leading Li Yi into the room, she raised her heels up.

Unexpectedly, Gu Peilan blocked the way.

Seeing Gu Nanyan frowned, Gu Peilan hurriedly said, "I, I just want to congratulate Second Sister, and...sorry."

sorry for what?
I'm sorry to lead the wolf into the house and cause Li Xu to be arrested?

But the damage had already been done, Li Xu was so frightened that he would be awakened by nightmares every night, and he didn't know if it would leave a shadow of his childhood, so he could just say sorry?

"I don't accept it." Gu Nanyan said calmly.

"It's not me who you should apologize to."

Gu Peilan's face turned even paler. She wanted to say that that day was an accident, and her mother was just too worried about her brother, so she went to the doctor in a hurry.

They didn't mean to.

I also want to say that they also want to personally apologize to the little prince, but they are not qualified to enter the palace.

But when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them again.

Even if it was an accident, it was caused by her and her mother. If the mother hadn't insisted on entering Tingfengyuan, the little prince would not have been taken away.

"I discussed it with my mother." Gu Peilan said calmly.

"The West Court voluntarily separates the General's Mansion, as long as we take away the belongings of the West Court."

Does it mean that the money in the public account of the East Court is gone?
Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows and looked at Min's.

Min shivered as if seeing a ghost.

"Lan, Sister Lan said that we only want things from the west courtyard."

When she said this, Min's heart writhed in distress.

Although the General's Mansion is not a wealthy family, it is still a high-ranking official's family. Not to mention the money in the account, there are many good things locked in the warehouse.

If the family is divided according to the rules, their three rooms will be divided into at least 7 to [-] taels!
Min beat her chest and stamped her feet in pain.

She really wanted it, but the youngest daughter told her that the little prince's affairs can be big or small, if you are not careful, you will lose your head!
Even if the palace doesn't pursue it, Gu Nanyan can make the three of their mothers feel better?

It's better to just divide it out. Although the deposit in hand is less, there are still a few shops that collect rent. Saving a little money is a hundred times better than ordinary people's life.

Gu Nanyan frowned, wondering what tricks this family was playing again.

"Mother, are you crazy!"

Before Gu Nanyan could figure out the other party's purpose, Gu Peiling ran over aggressively from the side door.

The redness and swelling on her face disappeared a lot, and she seemed to be plump only if she didn't look carefully.

The teeth are also inlaid, but the color looks a bit unnatural, and it still shines a little under the sun.

Judging from the gloss, it looks like a shell.

Gu Nanyan's eyes were cold.

If it is said that the Min family went to the doctor in a hurry, coupled with selfishness and lack of consideration for others, Li Xu was taken into captivity.

Then Gu Peiling came to harm people with a sincere heart.

Although the former is hateful, but for the sake of Gu Peilan's secret report, Gu Nanyan will not torture them to death.

But Gu Peiling?
Ha ha.

Gu Nanyan sneered.

She looked at Gu Peiling's distraught look calmly.

"My mother gave up the family property due to the third bedroom, did you ever ask me what I mean?"

She has no objection to the separation of the family.

Since her father was arrested, she has been locked in the house by her grandfather, unable to go anywhere, as if she was in prison.

She has had enough of this kind of life, she might as well be free and easy after being separated.

Of course, the premise is that the west courtyard holds enough money for her to squander!

"Sister, don't talk about it, I have already discussed this matter with my mother."

Seeing Gu Nanyan's complexion was not good, Gu Peiling hurriedly stopped her from continuing to die.

"What do you mean you have discussed it with your mother, are you the only two in this family? I don't agree!"

Gu Peiling's face was twisted, and she stared at her mother and sister bitterly.

As if they were her enemies.

"Is your marriage still not back?" Gu Nanyan asked quietly, touching his chin.

(End of this chapter)

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