Chapter 428

Yu Weisheng conspired with the Queen Mother and was sentenced to be beheaded. The Shangshu Mansion ransacked his home and exiled him. Now he has been surrounded by officers and soldiers, and not even a fly can fly out.

People inside can't get out.

People from outside are not allowed in.

Even if Gu Peiling wanted to break off the engagement, it would be useless if she couldn't see anyone.

Because of the dissolution of the marriage contract, the Geng Tie exchanged during the engagement needs to be exchanged back.

You also need people to testify.

Gu Peiling's eyes flashed, "These are two different things. The family property is what our third wife deserves. What has it to do with my marriage?"

She thought that Gu Nanyan was going to use this to threaten her and give up the division of the family property.

In her opinion, the General's Mansion definitely doesn't want to have anything to do with rebellious officials and thieves. Even if she doesn't say anything about it, her grandfather will definitely find a way to help her solve it.

Gu Nanyan smiled without saying a word.

However, the Min family suddenly said: "We don't have to leave the family property, that is... can the old lady please take the trouble to cancel Sister Ling's marriage."

She looked at Gu Peiling with complicated eyes.

Ever since the little prince was taken away that day, she has been ill.

Lying in bed all day without thinking about food or tea, any movement would make her tremble with fright.

I'm afraid that the palace will blame them and arrest their mother and daughter and put them in prison.

But this eldest daughter has never even visited her!
Although she was locked up, if Gu Peiling wanted to come out, no one could stop her.

Just like today.

Min's was a little sad, but after all, this was her daughter who was born in October, how could she bear to see her suffer?

If tens of thousands of taels of silver can be exchanged for her daughter's freedom, Min thinks it's worth it!
But she thinks it's worth it, but Gu Peiling doesn't think so.

"No, I'll figure out how to get rid of the marriage myself, and I can't lose even a single cent of the family money!"

It's about the reputation of the General's Mansion, so she doesn't believe that her grandfather will ignore her!

After hearing the words, the Min family wanted to persuade her again, but was interrupted by Gu Peiling waving her hand.

Gu Peilan pursed her lips and remained silent.

It's not that she doesn't want elder sister to be nice, but that the other party never listens to persuasion, even if she says it's useless.

"Okay, I see." Gu Nanyan nodded, "I will tell my grandfather."

Good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost, since he jumped into the fire pit on his own initiative, she won't stop him.

Besides, she didn't want to stop him.


Gu Nanyan returned to the front hall, and the Gu family was discussing the wedding date with Li Yi.

Seeing her come in, Gu Yao frowned: "What did the people in the west courtyard tell you?"

It's not that he didn't see the Min's mother and daughter just now, it's just that he doesn't want to talk to them.

Unexpectedly, the granddaughter chatted with them instead.

"It's nothing."

Gu Nanyan said calmly, repeating the conversation just now.

Gu Yao was silent for a moment: "What do you think about this?"

It was Gu Nanyan who asked this question.

"Since Sanfang has made a request, as long as they don't go out of their way to satisfy them." Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea and smacked his lips.

"Gu Peiling's marriage was arranged by Sanfang privately, and her grandfather didn't know about it beforehand. If that's the case, don't worry about whether you want to cancel the engagement or not. Let them figure it out on their own."

Now that Yu Ci is a guilty minister, it is not so easy to talk about being close.

Even if there are still people who are willing to get married, at most they are ordinary people. Can Yu Ci, who has always been proud of his talents, agree?
What should I do if I disagree?
Then hold on to Gu Peiling as a life-saving straw!

Gu Nanyan sneered.

Sanfang is so willing to have a relationship with the Yu family, so don't break it.

Straight away!

"As for the division of the family property, my grandfather followed the rules and divided as much as he should."

It was agreed that the income from the shares in the factory would go to the East Hospital, so don't even think about Sanfang.

There were originally more than 20 taels in the account. According to the rules, the bastard can only get 4%, which is about [-] taels.

The Gu family didn't have a deep background, although there were a lot of things in the warehouse, most of them were worthless, and they sold for a total of [-] to [-].

Calculated in this way, the west courtyard can be divided into 5 households.

It looks like a lot.

But don't forget, Gu Peiling also has a defeated husband's family!
What does exile mean?
The whole family is enslaved!
If Gu Peiling marries in the past, the child she will give birth to will also be a slave, can the Min family bear it?
The Min family is not good at all, but it is true that she loves her daughter.

If you don't want your grandson to be born into slavery, you have to spend money to manage it.

At that time, the money will not be spent like running water?

Calculation flashed across Gu Nanyan's eyes.

In this way, this marriage is absolutely irresistible!
Li Yi was holding a piece of gold-dotted red paper in his hand, seeing his future daughter-in-law smiling wickedly, obviously not thinking of anything good.

I couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Is there something wrong with this girl recently?
Why are you smiling so creepily?
Seeing that the Gu family members were all discussing the matter of splitting up in the west courtyard, Li Yi cleared his throat.

"Yan'er, here is the auspicious day for Qintian Supervisor, how about you choose a day?" After saying that, he handed her the red paper in his hand.

Gu Nanyan turned her head and glanced, there were more than a dozen good days written on it.

All within two months.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"There are a lot of auspicious days recently." She squinted.

Li Yi smiled beautifully: "It's okay."

If you don't hurry up and bring your daughter-in-law home, you don't know where you went when you turned around.

Gu Nanyan stared at him unhappily, Li Yi paused.

Pointing to the last day, he said, "If you think it's too late, the beginning of March is fine."

He sighed, as if in great distress.

Gu Nanyan was even more speechless: "Is there a difference between February and March?"

After finishing speaking, he patted the red paper on the tea table: "Will there be no good days after March?"

After the new year, she had to go back to Mingshan to get the steam car out first. It would take two or three months to go back and forth, so there was no time.

Get married first?
That doesn't work.

Earn the most money in the world!
No one can stop her little feet from making a fortune!
Seeing that she was angry, Li Yi hurriedly comforted her: "Qin Tian has done calculations, and after March, there will be broken days, so it is not suitable for marriage."

"Have you been breaking the sun for most of the year?" Let's play!
"Then next year!" Gu Nanyan made a decisive decision.

She pointed at Li Yi with her index finger, preventing him from speaking.

"Don't tell me, the whole year of next year will be broken days."

Believe it or not, I am not married anymore!
Li Yi was silent for a while, then suddenly touched the front of his shirt, and took out another piece of red paper.

"The king took it wrong just now, this is the auspicious day of this year."

"What about the one in my hand?"

Li Yi: "..."

"...Breaking the sun."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Yao and others: "..."

The wedding date was set on the ninth day of September, a day chosen by Gu Nanyan himself.

Jiujiu is a good idea, but Gu Nanyan chose it not for this reason.

It's because the good days on the second red paper are only until September!

Gu Nan's teeth were itching from the smoke, and after choosing the auspicious day, he went back to the house, leaving the betrothal gifts all over the yard there.

Li Yi also knew that he had offended her, but he was still very happy to have achieved his goal.

He touched his chest, secretly glad that he resisted the mental pressure from his future wife and did not take out the third piece of red paper.

Ten days passed in a flash, and on the early morning of the 31st, Gu Nanyan was dragged up to freshen up.

Since her usual clothes are mostly blue, Mrs. Guo specially prepared a red dress for her, saying it was for the New Year's Eve to please her.

Although the colors are brighter, the style is still the same as before.

Gu Nanyan didn't refuse, and put it on obediently.

Gu Qing's letter of appointment has already been obtained, and he will officially take up the post. After a year, the office will be moved to the Ministry of Industry.

Gu Yao was successful in rescuing him again. He is already a first-rank Duke, and Li Mi rewarded him for nothing, so he held back for several days and planned to give Gu Nanyan another piece of land.

Gu Nanyan ruthlessly refused, and went to the palace to reason with Li Mi in person.

This time, I really need to talk about it. It probably means that a Mingshan has made her chicken feathers and duck blood. If there is one more piece, you might as well give me the throne directly!

Li Mi wanted to agree. After all, he was quite aggrieved as the emperor, so he might as well abdicate to make way for the virtuous.

After all, she is about to marry her younger brother, so the fat will not flow to outsiders, right?
Li Mi thought very well, but unfortunately he didn't dare to say it, and under Gu Nanyan's quiet eyes, he took back the fief he had just given.

According to her request, it was exchanged for cash as a reward.

It is said that that day, Li Mi was alone in the empty private vault all night.

When it came out, the eyes were swollen and blistered.

(End of this chapter)

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