The farmer has a mall

Chapter 429 Li Ping returns to Beijing

Chapter 429 Li Ping returns to Beijing

Originally, only Gu Yao supported the General's Mansion.

The general is late, and there are no outstanding generals among the descendants of the next generation, it seems like the sun is dying.

Everyone felt that after a hundred years from Gu Yao, the General's Mansion would fall.

Therefore, during the New Year's Eve every year, the gate of the mansion is deserted, except for a few good friends, few people come to pay New Year's greetings.

But who knows that the loyal and righteous man who never dies, Gu Nanyan appeared in the sky, and helped the old general's mansion up again.

This didn't stop, King Sheng actually came to propose marriage in person, which shows that he attaches great importance to it.

So those who wanted to cling to her came to congratulate her one after another.

The Gu family kept a low profile and confiscated gifts from anyone except for a few mansions that they frequented on weekdays.

In Gu Yao's words, those who are not yearly or festival-free will not be rewarded for no merit.

Everyone had no choice but to return.

Then come to the door again early on the 31st of the Lunar New Year.

New Year's gift!
As long as the annual gift is not too expensive, it is not easy to refuse.

But if you take things from others, it is impolite if you don't return the courtesy, and you can be considered as social if you come and go.

All the officials were clear in their hearts, and they had already figured out Gu Yao's temperament.

As a result, the general's mansion was crowded with people, and gift givers lined up in a long line.

This made Mrs. Guo very busy. The three fathers and sons of the Gu family received their colleagues in the front hall, while she received the female relatives in the backyard alone, and didn't even have time for lunch.

It was not until it was almost dark that the door was closed to thank the guests.

The New Year's Eve dinner was held in the main hall, and it was rare for Gu Yao to invite people from the West Court.

The separation of the family has been decided a few days in advance, and the three mothers and daughters of the Min family will move out of the general's mansion after the new year.

Therefore, this can be regarded as the breakup meal of the West Courtyard.

Min's interest was not high, Gu Peiling's face was even more serious, only Gu Peilan had a smile on her face.

The people in the East Hospital didn't want to see them at all, they didn't even say hello, and the New Year's Eve dinner was lifeless.

After eating, Mrs. Min took her two daughters back to the west courtyard.

Before leaving, Gu Peilan pulled Gu Nanyan aside and stuffed a brocade box for her.

Gu Nanyan opened it inexplicably and took a look. The things inside were very miscellaneous, including beads and jewelry, handkerchiefs, rouge and other sundries.

Gu Peilan blushed and muttered: "I snatched these from you when I was a child, and now I'm leaving, so I'll return them to you."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "If you don't leave, will you pay it back?"

"It's a coincidence..." Gu Peilan pursed her lips.

"There is Zhuangzi in my mother's dowry, which is some distance away from the capital. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to return it to you in the future."

Although that Zhuangzi was also within the capital, when they moved out of the General's Mansion, there were very few opportunities to meet each other.

After all, the East Court and the West Court are no longer from the same class.

Even if they are all surnamed Gu.

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, and covered the box and handed it to Yunxi behind him.

Seeing her accepting it, Gu Peilan was obviously very happy.

"I was wrong in the past. I apologize to you and hope you can forgive me."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't make a sound, she was not discouraged, and said as if confiding: "My brother sent a letter saying that he was going back to the capital. My mother was very happy, and I was also very happy."

She is somewhat incomparable and seems excited, full of longing for a new life.

"My mother and I plan to open a grocery store. When my brother comes back, we will concentrate on helping him study. My mother said that if my brother can pass high school, I can also be a good man."

The Min family was really frightened this time, for fear of staying in the general's mansion and making trouble again.

Perhaps it was because of drinking a few glasses of fruit wine that Gu Peilan's cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled.

"If Gu Congyuan can't raise people, are you still not married?"

Gu Peilan is only a few months younger than her, and this year has reached the age of marriage, but hearing this tone, it is obvious that she does not intend to make marriage in the past two years.

The nurse Nanyan said that as long as she can support herself, it doesn't matter whether she gets married or not.

But Gu Peilan grew up pampered and pampered since she was a child, and this was in ancient times. Judging from the education she received since she was a child, she wanted to be self-reliant...

It's not impossible, it's just a little more difficult.

"It's not that I don't want to talk about kissing." Seeing that Gu Nanyan talked to her, the smile on Gu Peilan's face became even brighter.

"If there is a loyal and honest family who is willing to marry me, I will marry."

As long as you are honest and honest?
Gu Nanyan thought that she wanted to marry a rich man, so she had to wait for Gu Congyuan to propose.

From this point of view, this person is quite down-to-earth.

Gu Nanyan nodded, "Although wealth is good, the most difficult thing is sincerity."

Seeing that she agreed with her idea, Gu Peilan was very happy, and she didn't dare to disturb Gu Nanyan any more. She blessed herself and walked towards the west courtyard.

After walking a few steps, she seemed to have remembered something, turned her head and said to Gu Nanyan: "By the way, I haven't congratulated the second sister on finding a husband. I hope you and King Sheng will grow old together and live happily ever after."

After finishing speaking, he went after Min's without looking back.

Gu Nanyan stood there for a while, and returned to her yard when she saw her walking away.


The Gu family had a very lively New Year, and people from various prefectures came to pay New Year's greetings every day.

Wei Hong also came here, and the envoys have already set a return date, and they will leave after the fifteenth day.

Wei Hong asked her if she wanted to be with them, but Gu Nanyan refused.

Daliang is thousands of miles away from Jianan Kingdom, and it takes more than 20 days to get there by horse-drawn carriage.

Do not knock people to death.

It's better to wait for her to get the steam car out first, and it won't take a day to drive all the way there.

Although Wei Hong felt a little regretful, he didn't force it.

As for Liu Zhenzhen, she must choose to follow Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan spent several days idle in the mansion, except for going to the main courtyard for dinner on the [-]th day and the first day of the junior high school, the rest of the time was listening to Fengyuan in a daze.

On the second day after Wei Hong came, Tingfengyuan welcomed an unexpected guest.

Li Pinggui happily sat in front of the stone table in the courtyard, wrapped in a thick fur and carrying a parcel on his back.

"I'm leaving." He said first.

"I won't go back to the capital in the future."

Li Mi made a random mistake a few years ago and took away his title of county king.

Today's Li Pinggui is just a commoner.

Gu Nanyan looked up at him, but didn't see any resentment on his face.

"It's also good to be able to go out for a walk. The world outside is vast, and you can see a different scenery from the capital."

Gu Nanyan knew that he was in a hurry to leave, and the deadline Li Mi gave was today, so he didn't let Yunxi prepare tea.

Li Pinggui lowered his head and said nothing, and slowly raised his head after a while.

"Did you already know?"

"what do you know?"

"My origin."

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, which in Li Pinggui's view was acquiescence.

He smiled wryly and shook his head: "That's right, I've brought the treasures of the previous dynasty to you. If you still don't understand, you won't be able to get where you are today."

The treasures from the previous dynasty he mentioned were Mrs. Gu's set of sapphire face masks.

And Guo's set of topaz jewelry.

This thing is very rare, especially such a big one, even if it is not in the treasure house of the Holy Majesty today.

Gu Nanyan still didn't speak, and Li Pinggui didn't care, instead he got up and bowed his hands.

"I know that you saved me in front of the emperor, so thank you for your kindness."

Gu Nanyan blinked.

"Don't, I still have to thank you."

Why don't you say thank you.

Do I agree?
Li Pinggui was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

This is the first time he has shown his true nature in front of people. Without his pork belly, coupled with his fairly regular facial features, he looks a little handsome.

Just a little older.

But he is also a handsome uncle.

"Princess, don't worry, if you need my help in the future, Ping Gui will definitely not refuse!"

Claiming to be Pinggui is treating Gu Nanyan as a friend of the same generation.

Li Ping left, Gu Nanyan sat in the courtyard, and did not return to the house until the teacup in his hand was cold.

Li Pinggui, the mother and son of Empress Dowager Shen, has known since she saw the sapphire headgear.

Especially when I saw him lose weight that day, his eyebrows and eyes were three to four points similar to that of Queen Mother Shen.

Gu Nanyan, who was already skeptical, was even more sure that he had something to do with the Queen Mother.

What made her suspicious at first was Empress Dowager Shen's attitude towards King Ning's death.

The sadness she showed was too superficial.

(End of this chapter)

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