The farmer has a mall

Chapter 430 Departure Zhang Mingshan

Chapter 430 Departure to Mingshan

It was later learned that both Prince Ning and Prince Jing were born in the same month as Li Pinggui.

It is not unusual for the royal family to have children of the same age.

But the Li family has never had many children, so it is very strange to have three children born in the same year and the same month at the same time.

So Gu Nanyan asked Li Yi to check the palace records, and learned that on the day King Ning was born, there was a moderate fire in the place where Empress Dowager Shen gave birth.

If you want to play tricks and change the prince out of the palace, it's not too difficult.

What's even more weird is that all the maids and eunuchs around the Empress Dowager Shen died unexpectedly.

Even the steady wife who was born in a row disappeared.

Li Yi resorted to some tricks to find the Wen Po's family.

According to the family, Wen Po has never been back since she entered the palace.

At that time, Gu Nanyan only suspected that Prince Ning was not the mother and son of Queen Mother Shen, so she focused her attention on the palace maid who gave birth to Prince Jing on the same day.

However, there was nothing wrong with that court lady, and indeed she died of dystocia.

Then Li Yi went to check the entry and exit records, and found that the nanny next to Princess Xianyang had entered the palace that day.

Princess Xianyang is the mother of King Xianyang.

It is said that before Empress Dowager Shen entered the palace, the two were very close, better than sisters.

King Xianyang is the younger brother of the first emperor, and his wife is friendly with the Empress Dowager Shen, and the handkerchief is handed over to give birth. She herself is not yet confinement, so it is only natural for people to visit the palace.

That was the time when he entered the palace, Li Pinggui, who was originally the prince, was replaced.

Empress Dowager Shen is pregnant with the blood of the previous dynasty, although the secrecy measures are well done, it is inevitable that it will not be leaked in the future.

In order to protect his son, it is not difficult to understand why he was sent out of the palace.

As for Princess Xianyang?

Is it because she stabs both sides for the sake of her sisters, at the expense of her parents and children?
Not always.

As far as she knew, Princess Xianyang had a miscarriage when she first married into the palace.

The imperial physician once diagnosed that if she wanted to get pregnant again, the chances were slim.

The fact that the imperial physician can categorically say the four words "very little" shows how small the chance of her getting pregnant again is.

However, in just one year, she became pregnant within a few days after Queen Mother Shen found out she was pregnant.

Gu Nanyan sighed, secretly said something wrong.

She didn't know if Princess Xianyang was pregnant or not, and she didn't know if the child sent into the palace was her own.

She didn't want to check it out either.

None of this has anything to do with her.

If it wasn't for Li Pinggui deliberately showing his flaws and asking her for help many times, she would not have paid attention to this matter.

Li Ping has left, King Ning has already died, and King Jing... I am afraid it will not end well.

Let the Li family take care of the next thing.

Gu Nanyan tugged on the fox fur on her body, shrunk her neck, and went back to sleep.


Fifteen passed in a blink of an eye.

Early in the morning on the [-]th, Liu Zhenzhen went out.

Today, Wei Hong led the envoys back to Daliang, and she went to see him off.

Gu Nanyan didn't want to go, so she just hid in the yard and ordered the two sisters Yunchu to pack up and salute.

She has already reported to the Gu family, and will return to Mingshan tomorrow.

Mrs. Gu held her hand and sighed, her eyes full of reluctance. Gu Nanyan comforted her for a long time, and promised to come back to see her often, and then she got away.

"Nan Yan, did you leave in a hurry?" Liu Zhenzhen came back to help her pack her bags after seeing off Wei Hong.

Her own was packed early in the morning.

"The weather is still cold now, why not go after the first month, and spend more time with Mrs. Gu."

She wasn't afraid, she didn't experience any hardships when she was in Ning's house before, and it was common to sleep outside in the ice and snow.

I was afraid that my cousin would be damaged by freezing.

Moreover, she couldn't bear to look at Old Madam Gu's disappointed eyes.

"I don't want to either."

"Who made me short of money?"

Gu Nanyan half leaned against the head of the bed, crossing her legs and lamenting.

Mingshan City is a hole that can't be filled. Before that, it was Gu Qing who helped take care of Mingshan's affairs, and she didn't know the monthly expenses.

However, this time when Gu Qing came back, he brought the account book with him.

As a result, she opened it to take a look.

Good guy.

Not ignorant, but during the time she came back from Mingshan, her turnover was more than 200 million taels negative!
Gu Nanyan's heart was very stuffy, and she regretted taking over this hot potato again.

She had done the calculations, and if she didn't think of any way to increase income and reduce expenditure, she would have to eat dirt in less than half a year!

"Hey, you don't understand." Gu Nanyan bald with worry.

"Who made me a birdless... No, a bird without feet is doomed to run around and be alone all my life."

Liu Zhenzhen: "..."

I don't know if you are a bird, but don't let King Sheng hear your words.

Otherwise, people will think that you want to be widowed!
Liu Zhenzhen resolutely skipped this topic.

"By the way, I heard that your third uncle is back."

She handed the folded clothes to Yunchu, and checked the whole room to make sure nothing was left behind.

"When?" Gu Nanyan frowned.

"Just this morning, I sneaked into the mansion through the side door. Without even saying hello, I took the people from the West Court and moved away."

Gu Zhengkang's mistake, he was exiled on the body of ordinary people at least, but he was actually released back?

Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment, then understood.

After all, he is the heir of the general's family, even if Gu Yao said that he would not be favoritism, outsiders still have to give him two points.

Besides, that guy has a lot of narrow eyes, but he doesn't have much wisdom. During the period of collusion with Yu Weisheng, he didn't do any feats.

The person in charge of the case just turned a blind eye and let him go.


So what if he comes out safely?

There is such a scourge as Gu Peiling in the west courtyard, and he himself is not honest, so he will definitely cause trouble.

Gu Yaoming pretended to be heartbroken and would not care about him anymore.

After leaving the General's Mansion, the bad days are still to come.


Early in the morning of the second day, the group packed up and set off.

After bidding farewell to Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo who were reluctant to leave, Gu Nanyan took Liu Zhenzhen all the way east.

As for why go east instead of south.

It was because Gu Nanyan didn't want to suffer from the bumps anymore, and because he didn't rush as fast as when he came, he decided to give up taking the horse-drawn carriage and take the waterway instead.

There are not many docks in Jiananguo, and there is only one near the capital, which is located in Dongfu County, more than 100 miles away.

The carriage set off before dawn and arrived at the pier after dark.

"Master, the boat has already been rented." Yun Xi, who came to rent the boat first, replied.

"Well, let someone move everything up."

The nautical industry in this era was underdeveloped, and a ship could carry at most 200 people.

Therefore, the kamikaze team was led by Ashlan to go overland, and they had already set off a few days ago.

It was already late at this time, and the lights around the pier were still brightly lit. Many ships were leaning on the shore, and porters in bunts and shabby clothes were unloading from the ships.

"Get out of the way!" Gu Nanyan and his group were just about to board the boat when they heard shouts not far away.

A tall man with a grass whip in his hand, walked arrogantly, and violently pushed away the porter who stood in front of him.

The porter was not young, and his figure was very thin. He carried two sacks on his shoulders, and he walked tremblingly.

Unexpectedly, he was pushed by the man, and he fell to one side, about to hit Gu Nanyan.

Yun Chu and Yun Xi both flew forward and supported him.

"Thank you two girls." The porter hurriedly thanked him, looking very grateful.

He was not far from the shore at this moment, if he fell, the things on his shoulders would definitely fall into the sea.

He didn't know what was in it, but no matter what it was, he couldn't afford it.

At the beginning of Yunyun, Yunxi didn't talk much, but when she heard the other party's thanks, she just nodded slightly, and quickly retreated behind Gu Nanyan.

Seeing that the two of them were agile, the man obviously knew martial arts, not like ordinary maids.

Originally, he wanted to scold them for being nosy, but he swallowed it back.

Gu Nanyan was full of anticipation for this trip to the sea, and didn't want to make people feel bad, so she didn't plan to talk to this person, and walked to Class A first.

"Wait a minute!" The man stopped when he saw this.

Gu Nanyan lowered his head, looked at the grass whip in front of him, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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