The farmer has a mall

Chapter 433 Origin of the Qi Family

Chapter 433 Origin of the Qi Family
The sea is sunny and sunny, and the wind blowing is still wet and cold.

After breakfast, Gu Nanyan clutched her thick fox fur and leaned against the side of the boat with her neck curled up.

There were four or five crew members standing beside them, casting nets.

"Girl, it takes half a day to catch fish after casting this net, why don't you go in and warm up for a while."

Although their ship is a passenger ship, due to frequent long-distance voyages, in order to prevent unexpected food shortages in the middle, they have all kinds of fishing nets and fishing tackle.

It's just that after traveling for less than a day, the food on board was enough to last until the next supply point, but the girl suddenly asked to stop the boat for fishing.

Although this will delay the trip, but the little girl is willing to add money, they are not unhappy.

If it was put in the past, they would still worry about encountering pirates.

However, since the Qi family surrendered to the imperial court, no pirates have been seen in the coastal waters.

This is also the reason why the captain stopped the ship with confidence.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand, took the baited fishing rod from Yunxi, and said with a smile, "No need, I'll wait for someone."


Who are you waiting for?

Where are people from around here?

The crew member looked at the endless sea, and didn't see a single shadow of the ship.

But he is an employer, so he has no control over what he wants to do.

The crew retreated respectfully.

Gu Nanyan was holding the stove in her arms, with fur gloves on her hands, and a hood on her head, covering her whole body tightly.

It doesn't feel too cold.

"Can you catch fish in such a cold day?" Cui Yao came over at some point and looked curiously at the surface of the water.

After taking the seasickness medicine, he never vomited again, and his mental state improved a lot.

"do not know."

She wasn't here for fishing, but just came out to sit and enjoy the sea breeze when she had nothing to do.

"Where's father?" Gu Nanyan looked back, but didn't see Gu Shen's figure.

"I'm going to the cabin, I'm learning how to paddle with the boatman below."

Speaking of this, Cui Yao was still a little speechless.

"Is your father a little sick, a dignified second-rank hussars general, why don't you study his art of war carefully, and learn how to punting?"

The general's mansion has done a great job in rescuing him, but Li Mi has nothing to reward him for, and she doesn't want to grant Gu Nanyan the land, so she has to give Gu Shen a general of hussars.

His status in the army was second only to Gu Yao.

Gu Nanyan squinted at him, and Cui Yao also felt that the words just now were a bit inappropriate, so he touched his nose embarrassingly.

"The Zhenbei Army used to have naval divisions." She said lightly.

When Gu Yao took over the Zhenbei Army, there was indeed a navy dedicated to maritime operations.

The establishment of this navy was originally to counter Anyang Kingdom.

It's a pity that Anyang's water combat capabilities are not very good, and the two sides have never had conflicts at sea.

Over time, this navy team was not taken seriously, and its size gradually shrank.

Up to now, there are only a few hundred people left in the entire water combat force.

The first emperor also wanted to abolish the naval forces many times, but was stopped by Gu Yao.

As a far-sighted general, he did not feel that this force was superfluous.

Although the Anyang Kingdom doesn't pay much attention to the navy, if one day they do, it will be too late for them to form again.

Not to mention, there are other powerful countries on the other side of the legendary sea.

No one can guarantee that one day, the opposite country will travel across the ocean to invade their land.

Gu Yao intends to make the navy bigger, but unfortunately the courtiers have always opposed it, thinking that this is a waste of money, which is useless at all.

Although the first emperor trusted Gu Yao, he also wanted to help him.

But even if he is the king of a country, he can't compete with the entire court by himself.

As a result, the matter of the navy was lost, and the navy of the Zhenbei Army dragged along half dead.

As Gu Yao's son, Gu Shen naturally knew that this matter was his father's heart disease.

Likewise, he felt that a strong naval force was essential.

If you want the navy to be strong, the most important thing is to have a good warship.

It's a pity that there are very few people in Jianan who are good at shipbuilding.

Thinking of something, Cui Yao's pupils shrank, and he walked around the whole pass, and finally found a huge scarlet letter on the side of the boat building where they lived.

It's just that due to the long time, the scarlet letter has been blurred, and Cui Yao could barely make out the word "Qi" after a long while.

"This is the Qi family's boat!"

He instantly understood Gu Shen's intentions.

In the entire Jianan Kingdom, who is the best at building ships?
Of course, they are pirates who burn, kill and loot at sea all the year round!
Back then, the Qi family was a tyrant in the sea, and their strength should not be underestimated, but for some reason they suddenly surrendered and were recruited by the imperial court to settle in Dongfu County.

It was rumored that it was the ancestor of the Qi family who couldn't resist the court's fierce pursuit and had no choice but to surrender.

However, only a general like Gu Yao knows the truth.

Their naval strength is far inferior to that of the Qi family, so how could they be forced to surrender voluntarily!

The Qi family went ashore and voluntarily handed in all the ships, which were sold by the court.

It's not that the court doesn't want to keep it.

They don't have that many sailors at all, and if they stay, they will throw away the mold.

It would be better to exchange it for silver.

And the boat they were on was exactly one of the ones handed over by the Qi family.

Although it is a bit old and not a warship, its sailing ability is still very good.

Gu Shen intends to inherit his father's career, and has collected a lot of information on shipbuilding over the years. This time it is rare to see a boat built by the Qi family. Of course, he must visit it and study hard.

Cui Yao was a little puzzled: "Since the Qi family is good at shipbuilding, why not let them build the boat directly."

Gu Nanyan said lightly: "When the Qi family surrendered, the late emperor also made this request, but the ancestor of the Qi family said that it was only a side branch of the Qi family who could build ships. It was captured by the opponent in a naval battle and sacrificed to heaven. There are no more shipbuilders among their people."

This is also the biggest reason why the ancestor of the Qi family surrendered.

Battles are inevitable among pirates, and the loss of warships is huge.

Without technicians, every naval battle means a reduction in strength.

If things go on like this, in less than ten years, the Qi family will have no more warships to use.

Pirates without warships are lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and everyone wants a piece of the pie.

In the words of the ancestors of the Qi family, they can't sit still and wait for death, they can only ask for the protection of the imperial court.

This reason is very good, and the first emperor naturally believed most of it.

"Then the Qi family is also quite miserable." Cui Yao said.


Dongfu County is the largest wharf near the capital, and there are countless merchants coming and going, but now they are all controlled by the Qi family.


Who knows if they really handed over all the ships, in the vast sea, the imperial court has no ability to verify.

Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes and looked into the distance, which was the direction they were driving all the way.

Her eyes were unclear, but her expression was relaxed.

Cui Yao didn't know what was going on in her mind, seeing Gu Nanyan sitting there like an old monk in meditation, he also asked someone to fetch a fishing rod, and sat down to fish with her.

At noon, Gu Nanyan caught a total of two palm-sized small fish, and let the cook happily steam them.

Cui Yao caught nothing, not even a small shrimp, and hung his head resentfully.

Fortunately, the harvest of the fishing net was good, except for some small fish, there were also sea crabs and shrimps.

So when Gu Shen came up, he saw a table of seafood feast.

Gu Shen was in a good mood, according to what he said, he had gained a lot this morning.

Especially the captain of the boatman, who knows a lot of things and is very kind, he answers what he asks, and doesn't hide his secrets.

Gu Nanyan looked inexplicable, looked at the cheap dad who was obviously still excited, hesitated for a while and said: "After throwing up all night, why not go to the room to rest for a while in the afternoon, and don't rush to ask anything at this moment."

At worst, when you arrive at Mingshan, I will ask you to take him back and ask him carefully.

Although that person doesn't know much.

Seeing his daughter caring about him, Gu Shen was very moved, but he really didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After all, the boss knows a lot of things, even the structure of the ship's hull, which is unknown to ordinary boatmen.

(End of this chapter)

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