The farmer has a mall

Chapter 434 Heroes do not save beauty

Chapter 434 Heroes do not save beauty

Gu Shen thought he had met an expert, so he went back to the cabin after eating.

Gu Nanyan didn't stop him either.

It's good to have something to do, but if you are free, you have to argue with Cui Yao again.

After lunch, the sea was calm and there were still several fishing boats operating in the distance.

"Strange, these fishing boats usually don't come here, why are there so many today." A passing crew member scratched his head in confusion.

Ordinary fishing boats do not have the ability to resist wind and waves, and they will not venture deep. Basically, they go out to sea on the same day and return before dark.

It was already past noon at this time, and they were in the sea area, at least six hours away from the coast.

But these fishing boats obviously did not intend to return.

Gu Nanyan didn't make a sound, and waited on the spot for more than half an hour.

Those fishing boats haven't left yet, but they haven't approached either.

She sneered, her eyes full of sarcasm.

In the strange eyes of the crew, let them sail.

Dongfu County is not too close to Mingshan City, and it takes about ten days to travel by water, and the boat needs to be stopped halfway for supplies.

The main thing is to add fresh water.

Three days later, the ship docked.

Gu Nanyan disembarked for a walk, and Cui Yao followed.

After wandering on the boat for three days, Cui Yao walked without touching the ground and couldn't recover for a long time.

These few days gradually got used to the life on the boat, he and Gu Shen didn't take any more seasickness medicine, although they were still a little uncomfortable, they were much better than the first day.

At least I didn't vomit anymore.

This pier is obviously not as prosperous as Dongfu County.

However, because there are many merchant ships passing by, many small traders come here to set up stalls, which is quite lively.

The two walked all the way to watch the excitement, buying street food from time to time to share.

There were not many people on board and the replenishment time was short, so Gu Nanyan figured it was almost done, so he took Cui Yao back.

"Help, help!"

"Bitch! Still dare to run?"

"Quick! Grab her!"


There was a commotion in the crowd, a slender figure knocked over the small bakery stall, and ran towards Gu Nanyan staggeringly.

Cui Yao tugged on Gu Nanyan's sleeve and hid at the corner of the street, obviously not wanting to meddle in other people's business.

Gu Nanyan didn't want to bother, so he cooperated and stepped back a few steps along with his strength.

However, that figure seemed to be aiming for it, and ran straight towards them.

If it wasn't for Gu Nanyan's quick reaction to pull Cui Yao away in time, he might be bumped into a stumble.

The owner of that figure was a woman in her 20s.

She was wearing a blue cloth dress, her hair was surrounded by a gray cloth scarf, and she was lying on the ground with a dazed expression.

It seems that Cui Yao did not expect Cui Yao to escape.

The woman's face was a little dirty, but she still looked good.

A slap-sized face is white and tender, the rosy lips are slightly pursed, tears are in the eyes, and she looks at Cui Yao with tears in her eyes.

Seems a little...aggrieved?
Cui Yao: "..."

You fell by yourself, what are you doing?
What about Porcelain? !

Cui Yao turned around and left, but the woman grabbed the corner of her clothes quickly.

"Young master, save me."

Her voice was like dewdrops on the corner of Nen He, trembling, looking at him pitifully.

Cui Yao has been a good man for a long time, so naturally he won't lose his head when he sees a beauty.

Besides, they were away from home, Cui Yao, who considered himself not a hero, did not want to save the beauty.

However, the woman held her tightly, and he couldn't break free for a while, and after this delay, the people behind came after her.

There were only two people on the other side. The leading man was full of flesh, with a thin whip pinned to his waist, and his face was ferocious.

He walked up to the woman, spat on the ground, and looked at Gu Nanyan and Cui Yao with an unkind expression.

"Boy, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, this is a girl from our Lichun Courtyard."

Cui Yao with a confused face:? ? ?
What's his business?

Obviously this woman rushed over by herself, is this person blind and unable to see!

Seeing that Cui Yao remained silent, the man continued to speak harshly: "I think you are from out of town. If you think about it, you don't know how powerful I am in Lichun Courtyard. If you don't want to die, get out of the way. Don't meddle in your own business with a mouse."

"Listen to my brother's advice, otherwise you won't be able to get out of this county."

Cui Yao: "..."

Which eye is blind!

He just stood there without moving.

Why does this person play so much?

How did you know that he was a dog with a mouse?
Bah, the young master is not a dog!

Cui Yao's face darkened.

After all, he was born as a dandy, and when he had suffered this kind of anger, he just wanted to go forward to argue a few words, but he felt his sleeves tighten.

Gu Nanyan grabbed him, spread his hands towards the woman with a smile, and said to the leading man: "We don't care, she is here, please take it away."

With a serious expression, she dragged Cui Yao to the side without saying a word.

However, the hem of Cui Yao's clothes was grabbed by someone, and he didn't dare to move after taking two steps back.

Although the material of his clothes is good, it is not very strong.

If he is dragged to death by this girl, he will die.

The person on the opposite side obviously didn't expect that Gu Nanyan would compromise so easily, and got stuck for a while, not knowing how to proceed.

"Girl, can you let go of my friend's clothes? It's not good for everyone to talk about it."

Gu Nanyan still had a smiling expression on her face, looking at the girl with a pleasant face.

The woman was watched by her, and for some reason she shivered.

"Gu, miss, son, please help me, I'm a girl from a good family, not from Lichunyuan."

She still didn't let go, got up and knelt on the ground, and slammed at the two of them.

The attack target is still Cui Yao.

"A girl from a good family?" Cui Yao seemed a little surprised, and looked up at the two men.

"Then why do they say you are from Lichunyuan?"

The name Lichunyuan does not sound like a good place at first glance.

Cui Yao, a playboy, said that he was also experienced in love and had a lot of experience.

Seeing him speak, the woman seemed very excited: "My father owed them gambling debts, and if he didn't pay back, he wanted to pay off the debt with me..."

"How much do you owe? Is it worth taking a living person to pay off the debt?" Cui Yao asked without waiting for her to finish speaking.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him and said nothing.

"More than 200 taels." After the woman finished speaking, she began to sob in a low voice.

"That's a lot." Cui Yao touched his chin and said.

More than 200 taels is nothing to him.

Just a meal.

But for ordinary people, it may take a lifetime to earn these.

"My lord, can you, can you save me..." The woman looked at Cui Yao with full eyes.

Cui Yao opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Young master can't beat them, how can I save you?"

"Besides, it's only natural to pay back debts. More than 200 taels of silver is not a small amount. How can you have the idea of ​​evading debts?"

He looked like you're not good and I'm disappointed, and shook his head slowly.

Then he looked at the two men who were already in a daze, and said neatly: "Why don't you take them away quickly? If you delay dinner, you won't be able to make it in time."

That tone, as if he was the leader.

Two people: "..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."


She still thinks this guy has committed an old problem again, and she can't walk when she sees a beauty.

Feelings are still clear.

The two men looked at each other, and they didn't move for a while, they both looked at the woman on the ground.

That look...

It seems to be asking.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, looking back and forth at the three of them.


The corner of the woman's mouth seemed to twitch, and she hurriedly lowered her head so that people could not see her expression clearly.

But after two breaths, he raised his head again, looking flustered and pitiful.

"Young master, you, you can buy me. The little girl is willing to be an ox or a horse and serve you all her life. I just ask you to save me from the fire pit."

"What do you mean, the young master spent money to save you, not only are you ungrateful, but you also have to let the young master support you?"

Cui Yao stared at her incredulously, as if all three views had been shocked.


It seems to mean that.

But something doesn't feel right.

"Little girl doesn't mean that..."

The girl couldn't be dealt with by him, she murmured for a while and didn't say why, she was so blocked in her heart.

Is it so difficult for a hero to save the beauty now?

Or is her price too high?

This man looks luxurious, but he is actually a poor man who can't even afford 200 taels?
(End of this chapter)

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