The farmer has a mall

Chapter 435 Tough Guy Gu Shen

Chapter 435 Tough Guy Gu Shen
Seeing that it was getting late, the poor Cui Yao became impatient.

"It's useless for you to beg me, do you see..." He pointed to Gu Nanyan, "I am the shopkeeper, and this is the master. She has always been hard-hearted and will not help you."

So you just let me go.

Otherwise, when Gu Nanyan gets bored, you guys will see me.

Cui Yao resolutely blamed him, and Gu Nanyan gave him a cool look.

The woman obviously didn't expect that he was not the one who made the decision between the two of them. After hesitating for a moment, she pursed her lips and kowtowed to Gu Nanyan.

"Miss, please help me." The words were short, and the tone didn't seem to be excited just now, and it was obvious that there was no hope.

"No problem, Cui Yao pays."

"Hey, then let's go... what?!" Cui Yao was stunned and dug his ears, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"You want to save her?"

There was obviously something wrong with this woman, he couldn't believe that Gu Nanyan didn't see it.


Is there money and nowhere to spend it?

There is nowhere to spend all the flowers to the young master!

I don't think too much, sir!
"It is the responsibility of our young people to draw swords and help when the road is injustice."

Gu Nanyan patted him on the shoulder solemnly.

"Quickly pay for the money."

What are you talking about, haven't you seen other girls staring at you?
Cui Yao: "..."

God’s way is uneven!

Is that something you can do?
I'm afraid the door was squeezed by the head! ! !

And even if you want to see injustice, why should you let the young master pay for it?
Master is your treasurer, not a cash deposit box!

Gu Nanyan: "I didn't bring any money."

Cui Yao: "..."

Where do you go shopping without money!

What street are you shopping! ! !

what? !

No wonder I came all the way to eat and drink.

He thought she was full of big tickets and couldn't find them!

The couple came out with their heads on their shoulders.

Although Cui Yao muttered, but his body was still very honest, he took out two [-] banknotes and raised his hand.

"Just 200 taels, do you want love!"

The silver bill fluctuated and landed in front of the two men. They looked at each other and then at the woman before bending down to pick it up.

The dumbfounded two raised their legs and wanted to leave, but they didn't seem to have much momentum after thinking about it.

So he retreated again, Qi Qi turned his head, and spit on the ground.

"Bah! Luckily for this bitch, let's go!"

Then he raised his head high, like a national hero parading through the streets, and left without looking back.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Cui Yao: "..."


There were quite a few people onlookers, all of whom were watching the excitement. Seeing that the troublemakers had left, they dispersed one after another.

The woman stood up slowly, wiped off the dust on her body, and then bowed gracefully.

"Thank you son for saving my life, the little girl has nothing to repay..."

"I was the one who saved you, how can you thank him?" Gu Nanyan asked, his tone seemed dissatisfied.

Although it wasn't her money.

But without her, Cui Yao obviously planned to see death without saving him.

The woman is stuck again.

"Little, little girl is naturally grateful to the girl..."

"That's good." Gu Nanyan waved his small hand.

"Do well in the future, and I won't treat you badly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for her reaction, he walked to the jade shop beside him.

Cui Yao hesitated for a moment, glanced at the woman cautiously, and hurriedly followed.


Back at the pier, Gu Nanyan and Cui Yao swaggered onto Class A, followed by a faltering woman.

"Yunchu, Dai Yuniang put the things in my room."

"Be careful, don't break it." This sentence was said to the woman.

Gu Nanyan commanded the woman, who was Yuniang, arrogantly.

Yun Chu lowered his eyes in response.

Although she didn't know where this Yu Niang came from, but the master had orders, she just followed them.

Gritting her teeth, Yuniang hugged the rough jade stone weighing dozens of kilograms in her arms, and followed Yunchu with difficulty.

When the figures of the two disappeared, Cui Yao asked puzzledly: "You know that she has a problem, but why did you bring her back?"

It wasn't that he was suspicious, it was that Yu Niang's appearance was too abrupt.

Coupled with the two chasing him, their acting skills are not very good.

Every time he said a word, he had to look at Yu Niang, his eyes were timid, and he was obviously afraid of her.

Cui Yao, who thinks that he has become a master after reading Qianfan, expresses his disdain for their acting skills.

"Bringing her back is naturally because she is useful." Gu Nanyan smiled mysteriously, baring a row of small white teeth.

If you don't take the bait, how can you eat the bait.

"Aren't you afraid that she will harm you?" Cui Yao disagreed.

"What are you afraid of? There are so many people watching." She looked at the boatman who was standing at the bow and was heaving anchor.

Cui Yao didn't understand, so he followed her line of sight.

At first he didn't see anything, but after the boatman turned around, Cui Yao's eyes suddenly widened.


Yuniang, who had been walking with Gu Nanyan all the way while carrying a stone weighing several tens of kilograms, came to the deck tremblingly, feeling that her arms were not her own.

Just happened to bump into Gu Shen who came up from the cabin.

Suddenly seeing a strange woman, Gu Shen froze.

"Who is this woman?"

He walked into the guest room on the first floor. They had eaten together these few days, so he ordered the largest room on the first floor to be cleaned up and used as a temporary dining room.

Gu Shen sat next to Gu Nanyan, and drank a cup of hot tea.

The weather is so cold that it feels like ice is frozen in my stomach.

Gu Shen drank another cup of tea.

"I bought it." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

"Why buy her, don't those two girls serve you well?" Gu Shen was talking about the two sisters Yunchu.

"That's good." Gu Nanyan nodded.

"However, I'm afraid this journey will take a few more days, and there must be a maid who does laundry and cleans."

Gu Shen thought so too, Yunchu Yunxi is not an ordinary maid, she is mainly responsible for the safety of her daughter.

It's better to find someone else to do these rough jobs.

He didn't care, picked up the teacup again, and glanced at Yuniang lightly: "It looks like a decent one, how much money did you buy?"

"200 taels."


Gu Shen almost choked to death, his eyes widened in shock.

"200 taels is so expensive!"

Enough to buy a dozen!
Is my daughter being deceived?

Gu Shen hesitated to speak.

"It's expensive, but she has great strength, and she can carry things that weigh dozens of kilograms for an hour, which is not something that ordinary maids can match." Gu Nanyan glanced at Yu Niang with a half-smile.

Yuniang's expression froze, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at her.

Gu Shen was also surprised, he didn't expect her to be quite energetic.

"Father just asks her to do any work in the future. I think Yu Niang will be very happy."


Gu Shen regained his composure, but still felt a little distressed for Yinzi.

But everyone bought it back, Gu Shen, who always puts daughters first, didn't say anything, just frowned and looked at Yuniang.

Yu Niang felt his scorching gaze, and seeing him staring at her for a while without looking away, her eyes flickered.

"Miss said that if you have something to do, just tell the master, and Yuniang can do anything."

After all, while Gu Nanyan was drinking tea with his head down, he quickly cast a wink at Gu Shen.

Gu Shen:? ? ?
Gu Shen rubbed his chin and squinted at her, as if examining her.

Looking at that look in Yu Niang's eyes, she felt that he had other plans for her.

So she straightened her chest, retracted her chin slightly, and gave Gu Shenfei another look with a charming expression.

Gu Nanyan who just looked up: "..."


Seduce my father in front of me?

This is to be my stepmother!

Gu Nanyan looked at Gu Shen quietly, seeing Gu Shen's concentration on her, his little face instantly darkened.

"Really let her do whatever she wants?" Gu Shen's eyes lit up, he rubbed his hands and asked Gu Nanyan.

That look, how do you look at it...


Gu Nanyan: "..."

Tell me what you want to do first!

Forget this is an older single dog.

Yu Niang is not bad at all...

Don't get me wrong!

Gu Nanyan has no objection to Gu Shen finding another partner, but it depends on who that person is.

With a serious face, she thought about throwing cheap dad into the sea to sober up.

Seeing Gu Shen slap his hands so loudly, Gu Nanyan was startled.

"That's great, let's go wash the toilet bowl!"

After using it for several days, it stinks to death!
Yuniang who is still flying eyes: "..."

Gu Nanyan who had already raised his hand: "..."

I am wrong.

Forget that this is a tough guy that even Ge Shi can't break!
(End of this chapter)

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