The farmer has a mall

Chapter 436 Gunpowder

Chapter 436 Gunpowder
Early the next morning, Gu Nanyan got up energetically.

Go outside the door, stand in front of the railing, and look into the distance.

The weather is fine, the clouds are white and the sea is blue.

Gu Nanyan stretched in a good mood, squinted her eyes and took a deep breath.

The air is also very... vomit...

Gu Nanyan pinched her nose violently and almost didn't spit it out.

What does sesame egg taste like!

She looked up the deck.

Seeing Yuniang squatting on the bow of the boat, holding a bristle brush with a wooden handle in her hand, dozens of toilet buckets were placed in front of her, and she was dumbly repeating the movements in her hands.

The person who was still delicate and tender yesterday was like a withered flower, with a lifeless face.

There was a toilet bucket in front of her, and Gu Shen stood in front of the toilet bucket.

"I said Yuniang, you didn't clean it up yesterday, you don't look like a lady from a wealthy family, why are you so careless about your work?"

"My daughter spent 200 taels to buy you back, you can't be lazy... Hey, I haven't brushed it outside yet."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Father, what are you doing?"

Seeing his daughter coming downstairs, Gu Shen hurriedly turned his head and waved at her, with two cloth strips stuffed in his nose.

"Why do you get up so early today, don't come here..."

Gu Shen went up to his daughter and pulled her back.

While walking, he said: "Isn't this because the weather is good, so I asked Yu Niang to clean a few more toilets...Yu Niang, please do a good job, and I will check it later."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

IMHO, what is the causal relationship between good weather and toilet bucket cleaning?
She looked back and saw that the oars of this boat were installed in the lower cabin, and each time a dozen people were required to paddle together, plus the shift change, there were only thirty or so people.

Plus other crew members, there are more than 50 people.

Gu Nanyan was silent.

Things like toilets are shared, and it is rare for more than a dozen people to use one.

Right now, these dozens of... where did they all come from!

And you have to check after they finish brushing.

Are you the devil?
"What are you thinking, did you hear what I said?" A hand waved in front of her eyes, and Gu Nanyan regained consciousness.

Cui Yao frowned, as if I knew it.

Gu Nanyan calmly picked up a bun and took a bite.


I bought this steamed stuffed bun yesterday when the ship was docked. It didn't taste very good after being left overnight, but it's not bad.

Floating on the sea, I can't ask for that much.

"I said that when I woke up last night, I saw Yu Niang sneaking up to the second floor and standing at the stairs for a while."

"Nothing else?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"No, but I always feel that she has bad intentions."

"Then let her go."

Gu Shen listened in a cloud of fog.

"What are you talking about? Isn't Yuniang's room downstairs? What is she doing upstairs?"

After speaking, as if thinking of something, he slapped the table down.

"I see!"

Cui Yao: "What do you know?"

Could it be that he discovered Yuniang's purpose?

After all, this person is General Hussars, who has been with Old General Gu for many years, so he must have some skills.

He looked at Gu Shen curiously and waited for the answer, but Gu Shen looked very angry.

"I just said that this girl must be lazy, look!" He said and looked at Gu Nanyan.

"Strolling around, no wonder the toilets can't be cleaned all night!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Cui Yao: "..."


The boat that still needs to be paddled by hand is not fast.

Gu Nanyan sat on the bow of the boat basking in the sun and the sea breeze, and floated comfortably.

Until the sun slanted westward, I was still reluctant to get up.

"Miss." Yu Niang saluted her wearily.

"The master said that he will have dinner with Mr. Lan tonight, so he won't come over to eat with you."

Mr. Lan is the boatman leader Gu Shen mentioned.

"Understood." Gu Nanyan was not surprised.

These days Gu Shen goes to the cabin every day, and it is not uncommon for him to stay there for dinner.

She looked at Yu Niang.

Xu Shi didn't sleep well last night, and Yu Niang's eyes were black and blue.

"Are you used to staying here?" Gu Nanyan asked knowingly.

The corners of Yu Niang's eyes twitched, and she quickly lowered her head to hide the emotion in her eyes.

"Miss Hui, there is nothing that Yuniang is not used to."

"That's good." Gu Nanyan nodded, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Go back to your room to rest after eating, you have worked hard these two days."

Yu Niang raised her head in astonishment when she heard the words, but saw the little girl in front of her slowly getting up and walking towards the ship building.

Yu Niang hurriedly followed: "But I... Is there anything I can't do well as a servant?"

Does this mean you don't want to use her anymore?
Otherwise, after tossing her for two days, why did he suddenly "grace" her to rest?
"No, you did a good job." Gu Nan didn't reply.

"It's just that I don't have the habit of abusing servants. Seeing that you seem very tired, I will let you have a night off."

I don't know if Gu Shen discovered something, but he directed Yuniang to work from morning till night.

Clean the deck after brushing the toilet bucket, and clean the ship building after brushing the deck.

In short, he didn't give her any free time.

This will not work.

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, and went back to the room directly after eating.

It was windy tonight, Cui Yao was bored in the house, so he also took a rest early.

Gu Shen didn't see Yuniang when he came up, and when he heard that his daughter told her to rest, he didn't make a sound, washed up casually, and then turned off the lights.

In the dead of night, the moonlight was hidden behind the clouds, the wind blew the sea and rippled, and the half-hanging sails rattled.

Yu Niang was carrying a bundle in her hand.Carefully came to the bottom of the cabin.

Here is the salute of Gu Nanyan and his party, but no one is there.

She gently moved it away to salute, exposing the wall, took out the things in the bag, and put it down against the wall of the ship.

The thing was made of a wooden barrel as tall as an adult's hand, with a finger-thick cotton thread attached to the top.

After releasing several of them one after another, Yuniang took out the fire pocket, with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Bitch, how dare you torture my old lady, and it will fall into my hands in a while, let's see how I deal with you!"

With a sneer, she blew on the torch and bent down to light the cotton thread.




Yu Niang was drenched all over, and knelt in Gu Nan's smoke room in a daze, and she still hasn't reacted until now.

Gu Nanyan shook the things in his hands and brought them to his nose.

"Gunpowder?" She raised her eyebrows, looking at the barrel with interest.

Gunpowder has a long history, and it was first invented by an alchemist, so she was not surprised.

Although the workmanship is a bit rough, and the proportion of gunpowder is also messed up, but so many stacked together, it is no problem to blow a hole in the boat.


"It's a shame to take out this kind of crap, throw it into the sea." Gu Nanyan threw the wooden barrel to the man beside him in disgust.

The man didn't look too old, and a palm-sized scar covered his face on his right cheek.

There is still a felt hat on top of the head, and the head is lowered, covering most of the left side of the face.

"It's the master."

The man took it, and raised his head to reveal his true face. It turned out to be Ashlan whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Mr. Lan, you..." Gu Shen was very surprised.

He had been with this "Mr. Lan" for many days, and he was very interested in the other party's knowledge of ships.

Although he doesn't talk much and covers his face all day long, he only thinks that his appearance is lacking.

I intentionally made this outfit to hide the scars.

But I didn't expect that this person was actually the underling of my daughter's supernatural dragon!

Gu Shen was a little confused, he didn't understand how a Xihu man knew more about ships than him.

Aslan's understanding of ships was naturally taught by Gu Nanyan.

Since she was going to go by water, how could she be unprepared at all.

You know this is ancient times!

Thieves are rampant on land, how can the sea be spared.

Ashlan glanced at Gu Shen with apologetic eyes.

Of course, Gu Shen wouldn't blame him, and was glad that Gu Nanyan had a "knowledgeable" subordinate by his side.

But if you know that those knowledge are taught by your daughter, I'm afraid you will jump up on the spot with excitement.

Of course, Gu Shen also understands that now is not the time to be happy.

"What do we do next?" he asked, frowning.

According to what the girl said, the people behind Yuniang had already been watching them, and there were ships following them in the distance.

Those who don't know the front of the village and don't have a shop behind them, if the other party has a lot of people, they are afraid that they will suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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