Chapter 437
Not far away, two large ships sailed slowly.

Flags were also hoisted on board.

A black tiger is painted on the sail flag.

The tiger's upper body was lying on the ground, baring its teeth, as if it would pounce on it at any moment.

Below the sail flag, dozens of fierce men gathered at the bow of the ship.

"Boss, is what that kid surnamed Qi said true? Did these people really bring so many treasures?"

A scar-faced man with braids on his head and a blue cloth scarf asked.

The person he was asking was probably in his 40s, also braided, but the headscarf was red, which was different from others.

"I don't know." The man in the red scarf frowned and muttered.

"Regardless of whether what he said is true or not, since the master of the Qi family ordered this matter, we have to come if we don't."

After that, he looked at the ship following behind.

The night was pitch black, and the people on the boat could not be seen clearly.

"What kind of old man is Qi? Boss, why do you listen to his orders?" The man in the blue scarf seemed dissatisfied, and hummed twice angrily.

"You do not understand."

Although the Qi family had long voted for the imperial court, they were not as simple as they appeared on the surface, and their strength at sea was still not small.

At least not what they can compete with today.

The man in blue scarf saw that the boss had a bad complexion, so he shut his mouth wisely.

"Why hasn't Yuniang made a move yet? Are you sure Qi Kun is talking about today?" The man in the red scarf frowned, looking at the bright spot ahead.

For some reason, he always had a bad feeling tonight.

The man in the blue scarf was about to answer, but before he opened his mouth, he heard bursts of cracking sounds from a distance, and couldn't help but smile.

"It's done!"


Ashlan fired a few shots into the sea, and then returned to Gu Nanyan after hearing the faint sound of horns in the distance.

"Master, they are here."

"Go get ready."


Ashlan exited the room.

Gu Shen also heard the sound of the horn.

Three shorts, one long and two shorts are the signature offensive signals unique to pirates.

He looked very serious: "Why are there pirates here?"

Dongfu County has a radius of [-] nautical miles, and it used to be the territory of the Qi family.

Since they defected to the court, there have been no pirates in this area.

The pirate forces in other sea areas are smaller, and they will not expand their territory here at will.

After all, the scope is too large to manage.

Of course, neither he nor Gu Yao thought that the Qi family would give up this piece of fat, but with the letter of surrender in front, it stands to reason that they shouldn't be so blatant.

The sound of the horn was getting closer and closer, Gu Nanyan looked out of the window, and slowly got up when the other party's ship was approaching.

She patted the hem of her clothes, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised.

"Well, maybe I think I'm too poor, so I chased him here to give me money."

Gu Shen: "..."

My daughter is afraid that she may have misunderstood the word "poor"?
Although complaining from the bottom of his heart, Gu Shen hurriedly chased him out.


Qi Kun stood at the bow of the boat, with a vicious smile on the corner of his mouth, and fierceness in his eyes.

"Stinky girl, I didn't expect that, anyone who dares to touch me will eat the guts of a bear!"

From a distance of more than ten meters, Gu Nanyan looked into the distance.

The yelling person was the brawny man who had clashed with her at the pier a few days ago.

"What you said is wrong. I not only dared to touch your people, but also dared to touch you. Why, I thought I was too light-handed, so I took the initiative to follow me to seek a beating." Gu Nanyan sneered.

"You!" Qi Kun was so angry that his bruised face contorted for a moment.

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, I was just attacked by you unpreparedly!"

"Heh." Gu Nanyan sneered.

"Then are you prepared today?"


"Very good." Gu Nanyan grinned.

"Let's talk, how do you want to fight, and draw a path." Her tone was flat, and she couldn't hear the slightest hint of fear.

Qi Kun couldn't help frowning in surprise, always feeling that this dead girl has a plan in her chest.

Did they already find out?
But even if she finds out, just because of the boatmen on her boat who don't have any martial arts, she still wants to turn defeat into victory!
One must know that the people he brought today are the Tiger Mighty Pirates.

Although it is not as good as the Qi family back then, it is still well-known around.

This woman is not afraid?
Qi Kun carefully looked at the other party's people. Due to the relatively long distance and the fact that Gu Nanyan's boat was not lit, he could only roughly see some figures.

Just like what he had heard, there were only some ordinary crew members.

The only difference is that some slender pipes were installed along the side of the boat, and the color and material cannot be seen, but he doesn't care.

It's just that Gu Nanyan is young and doesn't know how powerful pirates are.

"Little girl, because you are still young, my brother advises you to obediently put down the boat ladder and let my people board the boat. As long as you surrender honestly, I will show mercy and spare your lives."

Qi Kun obviously didn't pay attention to the other party, and was already signaling to his subordinates behind him to prepare to go into the water.

Most of the people on their boat are thugs of the Qi family.

In view of Qi's family background.

These people know water.

This is also the first prerequisite for entering Qi's family.

"Bah! Son of a bitch, who are you, brother, I don't remember such a son of a bitch like you!"

Before Gu Nanyan could speak, Gu Shen quit.

He was already grumpy, and his soft-spoken words these days were only because of Gu Nanyan's presence.

He was afraid that the loud voice would frighten his delicate daughter.

But when the other party provoked Gu Nanyan again and again, he immediately revealed his true colors.

"Ge, you're the name of the girl? You bastard, if you don't hit you, you don't know if I'm both civil and military?"

Gu Shen was huffing and puffing angrily.

"If you still want to board the boat, I will kick you all into the sea!"

He reached out and pointed at Qi Kun, regardless of whether he could see it or not.

"Look at your virtue, you look so exciting, the toad will feel inferior when he sees you!"

"What? Want us to surrender?"

"What kind of breed are you? You are so fierce! I am so afraid of you, do you want to go to heaven? Send you there!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Awakened, Cui Yao who had just stepped onto the deck: "..."

Her father might have awakened some incredible skill.

Gu Nanyan took a step back silently, leaving the battlefield to Gu Shen.

Qi Kun on the opposite side was dumbfounded by the scolding, plus he was not good at speech, so he couldn't even fart for a while.

A face that was suppressed was blue and red.

Like bursting blood vessels.

"You, you old bastard..." He gritted his teeth.

"Who are you talking about being old, who are you talking about being old!" Gu Shen raised his eyebrows and pinched his waist.

"Look at the folds on your face, and you're ashamed to say me, my daughter beat you up because she put on makeup for you, what's the matter, do you think you're young with a swollen pig's head? Why don't you kowtow to thank you!"

Bickering with Cui Yao every day in the past few days, his output ability has risen in a straight line, and he is not afraid at all!

Qi Kun spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Gu Nanyan covered his face.

Her father was completely misled.

Fortunately, he was not in the Zhenbei Army, if he was seen by someone...

Gu Nanyan was deeply worried about the reputation of the old Gu family.

The leader of Huwei, that is, the man in the red scarf frowned slightly.

It was just now that there was a cracking sound, and it has been two or three quarters of an hour, but the other party is still calm, and there is no panic at all.

The boat also appears to be intact.

Could it be that Yu Niang failed?

The red scarf man felt something was wrong.

"Qi Kun! Don't engage in verbal disputes." He said loudly.

The distance between the two ships was not far, and his words clearly reached Qi Kun's ears.

Qi Kun recovered from his anger and took a deep breath to calm down.

It's just that his face is still gloomy.

Almost fell for this old thing!
He thought that Gu Shen's move was to delay time and wait for support.

Qi Kun cautiously glanced around. At this time, it was already daylight, and there were no other ships around, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't know the identities of these people, judging from their clothes, they were definitely not ordinary people.

His master said that if there is no important matter, you should not contact people like Hu Wei.

The Qi family must keep a low profile and not fall into the trap of others.

But how could Qi Kun swallow this breath!
(End of this chapter)

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