The farmer has a mall

Chapter 438 Hu Wei Captured

Chapter 438 Hu Wei Captured
That day Qi Kun was beaten so helplessly that his subordinates all saw it.

If this is the case, there is no prestige at all.

What's more, what happened today was also because he contacted Huwei privately without telling the master of the Qi family.

That's all if it really works.

If it gets out...

Qi Kun's eyes became more stern.

"The captain said, then, the next thing is up to you."

There were many reasons why the Qi family was able to dominate the sea back then.

In addition to being brave and resourceful, the most important thing is ships and weapons.

Needless to say, the Qi family has a branch that specializes in these.

As for weapons, in addition to their unique ringing barrels, that is, gunpowder barrels, there are also burning cans that are hard to extinguish when ignited.

Gu Nanyan only listened to Gu Shen mention it, and didn't know what the fuel tank was.

But you can tell from the name, it's probably similar to a Molotov cocktail.

Sure enough, sealed clay pots were moved to the bow one by one, and several catapults appeared at the same time.

The man in the red scarf gave an order, and his men started to light the fire.

Gu Nanyan squinted her eyes, and whispered a few words to Ashlan beside her.

Ashlan quickly ran to the ship building with a few crew members.

"Girl, why don't you hide in the ship building?" Gu Shen worried.

He has never seen the power of this fuel tank, nor does he know what it is made of.

In his opinion, the fire is extinguished.

They are at sea, can they be short of water?
Therefore, Gu Shen is not afraid at all, the only thing to worry about is Gu Nanyan's safety.

The girl has delicate skin and tender flesh, and she is also a girl doll, what if she is burned by sparks?
Gu Nanyan was not as optimistic as he was.

She shook her head slowly, looked down at a row of Kamikaze players posing as boatmen with guns in their knees, and frowned slightly.

The fuel tank contained combustibles, and she couldn't let the kamikaze shoot it down.

Otherwise, if the combustibles splash, the consequences will be more serious, and the whole ship will not be spared.

Once this kind of wooden ship catches fire, the consequences will be disastrous.

And the opponent's ships are much taller than their own.

Those pirates were standing behind the catapult, and it was unrealistic to shoot the catapult.

However, she is not afraid.

The other party moved quickly, and before Gu Shen persuaded him, more than a dozen fuel tanks had already landed on the deck.

The fuel tank shattered, and a viscous black liquid flowed out.

The fire flared up.

Gu Shen hurriedly asked someone to bring water to put out the fire.

However it didn't work.

Not only was the blue glowing flame not extinguished, but it began to flow in the direction of the water.

Gu Shen was shocked, and only then realized the power of the fuel tank.

Think about it, too, if the fuel tank could be extinguished so easily, it wouldn't be a sharp weapon for the Qi family to dominate the sea.

Gu Shen's face was very ugly, this is at sea, they cannot avoid it, the only way to save their lives is to surrender.

The Gu family never surrendered.

Only fight to the death!

But... his daughter was also on board.

If lost in the end, fight to the death or surrender?

Looking at the daughter who was standing upright, she had the demeanor of a general by herself, and she didn't panic at all when facing the opponent's attack.

Without even thinking about it, Gu Shen chose the latter.

It doesn't matter to him whether he dies or not, but his daughter is still young and has not yet married and had children, so he can't let something happen to her.

Although surrendering insults the Gu family's style, but in Gu Shen's heart, nothing is more important than a daughter!
"Sister Nan, why don't we..." Gu Shen was about to express his thoughts when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the boat building.

Ashlan led a dozen people, carrying a quilt in their hands, and was struggling towards the burning place.

Wherever they walked, they left traces of water.

Before Gu Shen came back to his senses, the dozen or so people spread the soaked quilts on the fire.

The flame was extinguished instantly.

Gu Shen was stunned.

This is gone?

so simple?

Although there are still some sporadic fires burning, they cannot cause serious damage to the thick and wet deck.

Gu Shen was immediately relieved, and looked at Gu Nanyan in relief.

His daughter is smart!


At the same time, Gu Nanyan ordered to shoot with a sullen face.

Huge gunshots pierced the morning sun.

The man in the red scarf who ordered to stop the throwing and wanted to capture him alive felt a tremor under his feet.

Then came the cry for help from below.

The hull was broken and the cabin was flooded.

The red scarf man's complexion changed drastically.

Hurry up and order someone to check.

Although the holes made by the bullets were small, they couldn't stop Gu Nanyan from skimming the bullets like he didn't want money.

At the foot of each kamikaze team, there is a box.

Inside the box were rows of magazines full of bullets.

A quarter of an hour passed, but Gu Nanyan didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

It was not until the opponent's ship was riddled with bullet holes that the bullet holes were so dense that the wooden boards on the ship's body fell down in one piece, then a ceasefire was ordered.

The two boats with the pattern of black tigers began to tilt. The man in the red scarf was shocked and rushed to help.

"It can't be repaired." The crew member below ran over sweating profusely, his face was pale and bloodless.

"Then find something to stop me! Do you need me to teach you about this!" The man in the red scarf was furious.

"Captain, you can't block it!" The crew members were about to cry.

"The hull of the ship is rotten. Unless the whole thing is replaced, it won't be able to stop even if the gods come!"

The man in the red scarf looked livid, and turned his head to look at Qi Kun who was also at a loss.

"Qi Kun!"

Damn dog thing!

Didn't he say that the other party is just an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken!
How can ordinary people beat their boats like this? !
What a liar!
Qi Kun was unaware of his anger.

He is still confused now.

I don't understand why things that are sure to be sure will become what they are today.

And he didn't lie.

Gu Nanyan and his party were indeed dressed in a very ordinary way.

Although the martial arts are a bit higher, they don't even have a saber.

In the eyes of Qi Kun, who holds two sharp weapons, he is not just an ordinary person.

However, he didn't know that Gu Nanyan had already replaced most of the crew with members of the kamikaze team.

Tiger Might pirates and Qi Kun suffered heavy casualties.

On Gu Nanyan's side, except for the person who put out the fire who had a little burn, the rest of the people didn't even have a bit of oily skin.

Ashlan ordered people to salvage the living people and throw them on the deck, including the man in red scarf and Qi Kun.

Qi Kun was still dissatisfied, and stared at Gu Nanyan with tears in his eyes.

Kicked to the ground by the annoyed Gu Shen.

"If you dare to stare at me again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!" Gu Shen said viciously.

Qi Kun shuddered in pain, lying down on the burnt black deck with drooping eyes, and dared not make a sound.

The man in the red scarf is a man of integrity.

Straining his neck, he said: "Winners and losers, I, Hu Wei, admit that I will be defeated. If you want to kill or cut, you will do as you please!"

Although his face was a little depressed, there was no fear.

Gu Nanyan strolled over and squatted in front of him.

"Your name is Hu Wei?"

Just now Gu Shen told him that the leader of Tiger Mighty pirates is also a moral person, he never robs passenger ships.

Just grab those passing merchant ships and don't hurt anyone.

It's just that I don't know why I did it to them.

"Yes, I, Hu Wei, will not change my name or surname when I go, girl, let's do it!" After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes with a dignified look.

Gu Nanyan sneered: "You are a bandit pretending to be a hero. Even if I kill you, I am doing harm to the people. The people will only clap their hands and applaud, celebrating that there is one less disaster in the world."

So what if there is morality?
Pirates are pirates.

Even stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is illegal.

What's more, the property they robbed was all for their own use.

Hu Wei was silent.

Of course he knew that he was hated by others, and he didn't expect to be famous forever.

But Gu Nanyan's words were still like a needle.

stuck in his heart.

Whoever has hair wants to be dysentery.

He was originally from a family of good deeds, but his family was in decline and he was tricked by corrupt officials, so he drifted to the sea.

By chance, the Mighty Tiger Pirates were formed.

He has too many taboos, he is not allowed to rob passenger ships, he can only rob caravans.

But at the beginning, they only had a dozen crew members, and large merchant ships were not afraid of them at all.

Most of the small merchant ships were transported in short distances, and rarely went deep. A group of people almost didn't starve to death, and they couldn't eat enough all day long.

It wasn't until the Qi family came to their door that their situation improved.

(End of this chapter)

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