The farmer has a mall

Chapter 439 Treasure Map

Chapter 439 Treasure Map

The Qi family gave them ships and weapons, and occasionally some silver.

Even though Huwei looted more and more merchant ships and became richer and richer, the Qi family still insisted on giving them money.

And their purpose is to let Huwei escort the Qi family merchant ship along the way.

Hu Wei didn't know what the Qi family was transporting that required such a lot of labor.

But since he has money to earn, he will not push it out foolishly.

What's more, the Qi family has been kind to him.

"So, you have robbed a lot of merchant ships over the years?" Gu Nanyan asked in a flat tone.

Hu Wei nodded without denying it.

The opponent is powerful, he fell into their hands today, and he is ready to die.

It doesn't matter if you plead guilty or not.

Hu Wei silently waited for death.

Unexpectedly, Gu Nanyan stood up slowly, walked lightly to the chair directly in front of him, and sat down.

Then, he heard the clear female voice come again.

"Give you the opportunity to choose, money or life."

The tone was gentle, but with a little... cheerfulness?

On the small island in the distance, the lively atmosphere in the past has become extremely dignified.

Hu Wei was shocked to see the boxes of treasures being carried onto the passenger ship, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

Beside him stood a young man with an excited face, holding a small golden abacus in his hand.

He remembered that he had snatched this golden abacus a few days ago, and it was inlaid with a circle of colorful gems.

The young man fiddled with the golden abacus, grinning behind his ears.

"If you get rich, you will know that Gu Nanyan is not a thief... No, it's not right..."

"Haha, I'm getting rich now!"

Cui Yao couldn't breathe out of joy, and laughed like a pig.

That appearance is exactly the same as every time I have a good harvest.

Hu Wei:! ! !
Fuck, did you meet your peers?
So they are also pirates, deliberately pretending to be thieves on passenger ships?
What did the old man of the Qi family do!

Didn't even find out the details of the other party?

Hu Wei found it impossible.

Master Qi was born as a pirate after all, and he was still the overlord of one party, so he would not make such a mistake.

Hu Wei squinted his eyes and looked at Qi Kun who was lying half dead on the ground.

Could it be a trick of the Qi family?

He knows a lot of secrets of the Qi family, if the other party wants to kill people, it is possible to set a trap for them to jump in.

But these properties also belong to the Qi family!

No, it should be said that most of them belong to the Qi family.

When they first provided help to Huwei, they put forward two conditions.

One of them is to keep property for the Qi family.

And these properties came from the Qi family's looting at sea.

Isn't the Qi family afraid that they will take it for themselves and run away with the money?

Of course afraid!
So as far as Hu Wei knows, his place is only a small part of it, and the Qi family didn't hand over all their belongings to him.

So, Master Qi colluded with this group of people?
Hu Wei looked at Gu Nanyan who was sitting not far away, wrapped in a thick cotton padded coat and curled up in a chair, the old god was there.

Although the contact is not long.

But he had an intuition that this girl was not from the Qi family.

When the Qi family was still at sea, they committed murder and arson.

But this girl is different. Although she is suspected to be his colleague, she has a sense of righteousness in her body.

Even the subordinates around her behaved according to the rules.

Although they are engaged in the business of robbery.

Hu Wei: "..."

He laughed at himself, secretly thinking that he was confused.

Otherwise, how could he see the shadow of the army in his peers.

"Gu Nanyan, Gu Nanyan, come here quickly!"

The young man who fiddled with the golden abacus found something, holding a parchment scroll, and hurriedly waved at the little girl.

Hu Wei lowered his head silently.

The sheepskin scroll is owned by the Qi family, and there are many lines drawn on it.

Looks like it should be a map.

Master Qi once told him to hide it well.

He didn't take it seriously, and put it together with those belongings.

Hu Wei raised his head again, looked at the little girl who was walking slowly, and was rolling his eyes at the young man with a look of disdain.

It's like saying, "I don't know much!"

Hu Wei was amused, and felt more and more interesting about this girl.

But what did the young man call her just now?
Gu Nanyan?
It's a nice name.


Why does it sound familiar?

Hu Wei's body froze, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Nanyan in Tsing Yi.

Face full of disbelief.

Gu Nanyan, the eldest princess of the Jianan Kingdom!
The granddaughter of Zhenbei General Gu Yao!
Wouldn't it be so coincidental!

Hu Wei's face turned pale, and he stood stiffly in place, forgetting to even breathe.

sky!What the hell did he do!
How dare you hijack the princess' ship!

Even the Qi family back then would stay away from official ships.

Not to mention it's a princess.

Hu Wei lay limp on the ground, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Gu Nanyan didn't notice him.

She was frowning at this moment, looking at the parchment.

This parchment scroll looks old, and the writing on it has been blurred. It can only be roughly seen that it is a map.

And it's an incomplete map.

Or a remnant of a map.

She was not surprised.

After all, pirates and looters come from all directions, and there are countless strange things.

Just now, she also saw a urinal made of gold.

"Do you think this thing is a treasure map?" Cui Yao's eyes glistened with excitement as he held a small gold abacus the size of a palm.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"Even if it is, that's part of the treasure map, and you still can't find the treasure by relying on it."

After she finished speaking, she threw the parchment back into the box, looking indifferent.

"That's not what you said." Cui Yao picked it up again, holding it in his arms carefully like a baby.

"If you figure out its origin, maybe you can find other parts."

"How to find it?"

This thing is not a letter, and it has no name or surname. Is it possible to post a list to find the owner?
Then she can have a peaceful life in the future?
Don't lose the owner if you don't find it, it will attract waves of thieves.

Gu Nanyan was not interested, so she turned around and left.

"Ah, ah, don't go." Cui Yao stopped her, "If you want to know where this thing came from, just ask this person?"

He pouted at Hu Wei who was still in a daze.

Hu Wei, whose mind was hit hard, felt the light dim in front of his eyes, and when he looked up, he saw a magnified smiling face.

Hu Wei:! ! !
Cui Yao happily sat cross-legged in front of him, pointing to the parchment in his arms.

"Brother, don't be afraid, I just want to ask you, where did this thing come from."

Hu Wei moved his eyes down and landed on the parchment, with a dazed expression on his face.

Cui Yao thought that he didn't want to say, or didn't remember, so his tone was more gentle and amiable.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember it for a while, you think about it slowly, and I'll talk about it when you think about it."

Cui Yao felt that he was very considerate of him. After all, he was a pirate, and he didn't know how many ships he had plundered. If he couldn't remember, he couldn't blame him.

After he finished speaking, he sat on the ground obediently and did not press any more questions.

It's just that his eyes are still staring straight at Hu Wei.

Hu Wei:? ? ?
"My lord... is there anything else?"

Hu Wei was flustered by his look, and asked uneasily.

"When you think about it, how about it, what do you remember?"

Hu Wei: "..."


You said let me think about it slowly.

It's not even a quarter of an hour!
Why ask again?
Hu Wei has complicated eyes.

Cui Yao couldn't understand his complexity.

He pondered for a moment and said: "It doesn't matter if you really can't remember it, you should remember the approximate time."

Merchant ships coming and going must be registered before they can go to sea.

As long as you know the approximate time, relying on the power of the Pingnan Palace, it is not difficult to find the merchant ships that went to sea during that time and were looted by pirates.

In this case, the scope of the search will be much smaller.

If it doesn't work, he can still ask his aunt in the palace for help.

The emperor dotes on his aunt so much, he will definitely help him!

If the emperor refuses to help...

Cui Yao gritted his teeth.

Then don't blame him for being immoral, let Gu Nanyan enter the palace in person, and have a long talk with Uncle Huang!

Li Mi, who was getting dressed and was about to go to court, said, "Ah Choo!"

(End of this chapter)

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